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Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Gabriel’s Angel

Gabriel’s Angel

By: Nora Roberts

Damn snow. Gabe downshifted to second gear, slowed the Jeep to fifteen milis an hour, swore and strined his eyes. Through the frantic swing of the wipers on the windshield all that could be seen was a wall of white. No winter wonderland. Snow pelted down in flakes that looked as big and as mean as a man’s fist. There would be no waiting out this storm, he thought as he took the next curve at a crawl. He considered himself lucky that after six months he knew the narrow, winding road from town so well. He could drive alost by feel, but a newcomer wouldn’t stand a chance. Even with that advantage, his shoulders and the back of his neck were tight with tension. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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