Queency "Welcome"

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

First Impressions

First Impressions

By: Nora Roberts

The morning sun shot shaft of light over the mountains. It picked up the hints of red and gold among the deep green leaves and had them glowing. From somewhere in the woods came a rustling as a rabbit darted back to its burrow, while overhead a bird chirped with an insistent cheerfulness. Clinging to the line of fences along the road were clumps of honeysuckle. The light scent from the few lingering blossoms wafted in the air. In a distant field a farmer and his son harvested the last of the summer hay. The rumble of the bailer was steady dan distinct. Over the mile trek to town only one car passed. Its driver lifted his hand in a salute.
Shane waved back. It was good to be home [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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