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Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

Sherlock Holmes – Misteri Kematian Bintang Sirkus

Sherlock Holmes – Misteri Kematian Bintang Sirkus 

Penulis: Tracy Mack and Michael Citrin 

Inilah kasus kriminal paling pelik yang pernah ditangani Sherlock Holmes. Bintang Sirkus Grand Barboza, Walenda Bersaudara, terjatuh dan tewas seketika saat pertunjukan di hadapan para penonton. Tali akrobat mereka putus secara misterius, memicu kecelakaan paling mengerikan sepanjang sejarah bisnis pertunjukan. Pada saat bersamaan, di Istana Buckingham Inggris, terjadi pencurian The Stuart Chronicle, buku berumur dua ratus tahun yang bertahtakan batu-batu mulia lambing kekuasaan kerajaan. Adakah hubungan antara kedua kasus tersebut? [download]

Format : Ebook.Exe

Dragon Keeper – Sang Penjaga Naga

Dragon Keeper – Sang Penjaga Naga

Penulis: Carole Wilkinson

Pada zaman Cina Kuno, semasa kekuasaan Dinasti Han, Ping – seorang gadis Budak – menyelematkan seekor Naga dan melarikan diri dari tuannya yang jahat. Si gadis dan Naga menempuh perjalanan panjang melintasi Cina dengan membawa batu misterius yang harus dilindungi dari kejaran pemburu Naga yang kejam. Dalam perjuanagan untuk menunaikan tugas berat ini, si gadis budak mendapatkan banyak pelajaran berharga-belajar untuk percaya diri, memahami makna sejati keberanian….dan menghargai nilai persahabatan.  [download]

Format : Ebook.Exe

The Lord of The Rings : The Fellowship of The Ring – Pembawa Cincin

The Lord of The Rings : The Fellowship of The Ring – Pembawa Cincin 

Penulis: J.R.R. Tolkien

Sebagian besar buku ini adalah mengenai para hobbit, dan dari lembar-lembar isinya, pembaca bisa menemukan banyak hal tentang karakter serta sedikit sejarah mereka. Informasi lebih lanjut bisa ditemukan dalam cuplikan dari Buku Merah Westmarch yang sudah diterbitkan dengan judul Hobbit. Kisah itu diambil dari bab-bab awal Bukit Merah karangan Bilbo sendiri-hobbit pertama yang menjadi terkenal di dunia luas-yang olehnya dinamakan Pergi dan Kembali, sebab di dalam bab-bab itu ia menceritakan perjalanannya ke Timur, serta kepulangannya: petualangan tersebut kelak melibatkan seluruh hobbit dalam peristiwa-peristiwa besar pada Zaman tersebut, yang dipaparkan di sini.. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

The Lord of The Rings : The Two Towers – Dua Menara

The Lord of The Rings : The Two Towers – Dua Menara

Penulis: J.R.R. Tolkien

Aragorn bergegas mendaki bukit. Sesekali ia membungkuk ke tanah. Hobbit bisa berjalan ringan, jejak kaki mereka tak mudah dibaca, meski oleh Penjaga Hutan sekalipun, tapi tidak jauh dari puncak, sebuah mata air melintasi jalan, dan ditanah yang basah Aragorn melihat apa yang dicarinya. “Aku sudah benar membaca tanda-tandanya,” kata Aragorn pada dirinya sendiri. “Frodo lari ke puncak bukit. Apa yang dilihatnya di sana? Tapi dia kembali lewat jalan yang sama, dan menuruni bukit lagi.” Aragorn ragu. Ia ingin pergi ke takhta tinggi itu, berharap melihat sesuatu yang bisa menuntunnya dalam kebingungannya; tapi waktu sudah mendesak. Mendadak ia melompat maju dan berlari ke puncak, melintasi ubin-ubin besar dan menaiki tangga. Lalu, sambil duduk di takhta, ia memandang sekelilingnya. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

The Lord of The Rings : The Return of The King – Kembalinya Sang Raja

The Lord of The Rings : The Return of The King – Kembalinya Sang Raja 

Penulis: J.R.R. Tolkien 

Pippin mengintip keluar dari balik jubah Gandalf. Hatinya bertanya-tanya, ini mimpi atau bukan. Ia serasa masih berada dalam mimpi yang meluncur cepat, yang telah menyelubunginya begitu lama sejak perjalanan berkuda ini dimulai. Dunia sekitar yang diselimuti kegelapan bagai mendesir lewat, angin menderu keras di telinganya. la tak bisa melihat apa pun kecuali bintang-bintang yang bergulir. Di sebelah kanannya bayangan-bayangan besar menutupi langit, dan pegunungan Selatan berderap melewatinya. Sambil terkantuk-kantuk dicobanya merangkai kembali berbagai peristiwa dalam perjalanan mereka, tapi ingatannya masih berkabut. Mula-mula mereka berkuda dengan kecepatan sangat tinggi, tanpa berhenti, lalu saat fajar ia melihat secercah sinar keemasan redup. Mereka telah tiba di kota sunyi dan rumah besar kosong di atas bukit. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Maximum Ride – The Angel Experiment

Maximum Ride – The Angel Experiment

By: James Patersson

The funny thing about facing imminent death is that it really snaps everything else into perspective. Take right now, for instance. Run! Come on, run! You know you can do it. I gulped deep lungfuls of air. My brain was on hyper-drive; I was racing for my life. My one goal was to escape. Nothing else mattered. My arms being scratched to ribbons by a briar I’d run through? No biggie. My bare feet hitting every sharp rock, rough root, pointed stick? Not a problem. My lungs aching for air? I could deal. As long as I could put as much distance as possible between me and the Erasers. Yeah, Erasers. Mutants: half-men, half-wolves, usually armed, always bloodthirsty. Right now they were after me. See? That snaps everything into perspective. Run. You’re faster than they are. You can outrun anyone. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Maximum Ride – Schools Out Forever

Maximum Ride – Schools Out Forever

By: James Patersson

Sweeping, swooping, soaring, air-current thrill rides — there’s nothing better. For miles around, we were the only things in the infinite, wide-open, clear blue sky. You want an adrenaline rush? Try tucking your wings in, dive-bombing for about a mile straight down, then whoosh! Wings out, grab an air current like a pit bull, and hang on for the ride of your life. God, nothing is better, more fun, more exciting. Okay, we were mutant freaks, we were on the lam, but man, flying — well, there’s a reason people always dream about it. “Oh, my gosh!” the Gasman said excitedly. He pointed. “A UFO!” I silently counted to ten. There was nothing where the Gasman had pointed. As usual. “That was funny the first fifty times, Gazzy,” I said. “It’s getting old.” He cackled, several wingspans away from me. There’s nothing like an eight-year-old’s sense of humor. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Maximum Ride – Saving The World and Other Extreme Sports

Maximum Ride – Saving The World and Other Extreme Sports

By: James Patersson

“We have meticulously crafted the skeleton of our new world,” the Director proclaimed from the large TV screen in the conference room. “Parts of this skeleton are scattered across the globe. Now the time has come to connect those parts, to become one! And, as one, we will commence our Re-Evolution!” The Director stopped speaking when she noticed that the phone was vibrating in the pocket of her white lab coat. Frowning, she pulled it out and looked at a message. The situation in Building 3 had become critical. “It’s time,” she said, glancing at a colleague offscreen. “Seal Building Three and gas everything inside.” Across the conference table, Roland ter Borcht smiled. Jeb Batchelder ignored him as the Director turned her attention back to the camera.“Everything is in place, and we’re commencing the By-Half Plan as of oh seven hundred tomorrow. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Maximum Ride – The Final Warning

Maximum Ride – The Final Warning

By: James Patersson

“THE PREY HAVE BEEN CAPTURED, SIR,” the team leader said in a monotone. Pride was not tolerated in this organization. “Why do you say that?” the Uber-Director asked in a silky tone. “The cabin has been secured.” “No. Not quite,” said the Uber-Director, who was little more than a human head attached by means of an artificial spinal column to a series of Plexiglas boxes. The bioengine that controlled the airflow over his vocal cords allowed him to sigh, and he did. “The chimney. The skylight.” The team leader frowned. “The chimney would be impossible to climb,” he said, accessing his internal encyclopedia. Photographs of the prey scrolled quickly across the team leader’s screen. Suddenly an important detail caught his attention, and he froze. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone

Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone

By: J.K. Rowling  

Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. They were the last people you’d expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn’t hold with such nonsense. Mr. Dursley was the director of a firm called Grunnings, which made drills. He was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large mustache. Mrs. Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbors. The Dursleys had a small son called Dudley and in their opinion there was no finer boy anywhere. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets 

By: J.K. Rowling 

Not for the first time, an argument had broken out over breakfast at number four, Privet Drive. Mr. Vernon Dursley had been woken in the early hours of the morning by a loud, hooting noise from his nephew Harry’s room. “Third time this week!” he roared across the table. “If you can’t control that owl, it’ll have to go!” Harry tried, yet again, to explain. “She’s bored,” he said. “She’s used to flying around outside. If I could just let her out at night -” “Do I look stupid?” snarled Uncle Vernon, a bit of fried egg dangling from his bushy mustache. “I know what’ll happen if that owl’s let out.”. He exchanged dark looks with his wife, Petunia. Harry tried to argue back but his words were drowned by a long, loud belch from the Dursleys’ son, Dudley. [download] 

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Harry Potter and The Prisoner Azkaban

Harry Potter and The Prisoner Azkaban

By: J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter was a highly unusual boy in many ways. For one thing, he hated the summer holidays more than any other time of year. For another, he really wanted to do his homework but was forced to do it in secret, in the dead of night. And he also happened to be a wizard. It was nearly midnight, and he was lying on his stomach in bed, the blankets drawn right over his head like a tent, a flashlight in one hand and a large leather-bound book (A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot) propped open against the pillow. Harry moved the tip of his eagle-feather quill down the page, frowning as he looked for something that would help him write his essay, “Witch Burning in the Fourteenth Century Was Completely Pointless discuss.” [download] 

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire 

By: J.K. Rowling 

The villagers of Little Hangleron still called it “the Riddle House,” even though it had been many years since the Riddle family had lived there. It stood on a hill overlooking the village, some of its windows boarded, tiles missing from its roof, and ivy spreading unchecked over its face. Once a fine-looking manor, and easily the largest and grandest building for miles around, the Riddle House was now damp, derelict, and unoccupied. The Little Hagletons all agreed that the old house was “creepy.” Half a century ago, something strange and horrible had happened there, something that the older inhabitants of the village still liked to discuss when topics for gossip were scarce. The story had been picked over so many times, and had been embroidered in so many places, that nobody was quite sure what the truth was anymore. [download] 

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Dead Until dark

Dead Until dark

By: Charlaine Harris

I’d been waiting for the vampire for years when he walked into the bar. Ever since vampires came out of the coffin (as they laughingly put it) four years ago, I’d hoped one would come to Bon Temps. We had all the other minorities in our little town—why not the newest, the legally recognized undead? But rural northern Louisiana wasn’t too tempting to vampires, apparently; on the other hand, New Orleans was a real center for them—the whole Anne Rice thing, right? It’s not that long a drive from Bon Temps to New Orleans, and everyone who came into the bar said that if you threw a rock on a street comer you’d hit one. Though you better not. But I was waiting for my own vampire. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Living Dead in Dallas

Living Dead in Dallas 

By: Charlaine Harris 

Andy Bellefleur was as drunk as a skunk. This wasn’t normal for Andy—believe me, I know all the drunks in Bon Temps. Working at Sam Merlotte’s bar for several years has pretty much introduced me to all of them. But Andy Bellefleur, native son and detective on Bon Temps’s small police force, had never been drunk in Merlotte’s before. I was mighty curious as to why tonight was an exception. Andy and I aren’t friends by any stretch of the imagination, so I couldn’t ask him outright. But other means were open to me, and I decided to use them. Though I try to limit employing my disability, or gift, or whatever you want to call it, to find out things that might have an effect on me or mine, sometimes sheer curiosity wins out. I let down my mental guard and read Andy’s mind. I was sorry. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Club Dead

Club Dead 

By: Charlaine Harris 

Bill was hunched over the computer when I let myself in his house. This was an all-too-familiar scenario in the past month or two. He’d torn himself away from his work when I came home, until the past couple of weeks. Now it was the keyboard that attracted him. “Hello, sweetheart,” he said absently, his gaze riveted to the screen. An empty bottle of type O TrueBlood was on the desk beside the keyboard. At least he’d remembered to eat. Bill, not a jeans-and-tee kind of guy, was wearing khakis and a plaid shirt in muted blue and green. His skin was glowing, and his thick dark hair smelled like Herbal Essence. He was enough to give any woman a hormonal surge. I kissed his neck, and he didn’t react. I licked his ear. Nothing. What’s Next [download] 

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Lightning Innovation Strategy

Lightning Innovation Strategy
Metode Ampuh Menciptakan Ide dan Produk Yang Berhasil

Penulis: David Minter and Michael Reid

Metode Ampuh dan Menerobos Untuk Menciptakan Ide dan Produk Yang Berhasil. David Minter dan Michael Reid memahami inovasi. Selama lebih dari 25 tahun, mereka telah berperan dalam pertumbuhan perusahaan-perusahaan seperti Dole, Viacom, Sony, dan Einstein Bagels.
Lightning Innovation Strategy memaparkan semua yang salah dalam cara bisnis modern menciptakan produk, plus rahasia-rahasia kotor dunia riset. “Lightning Innovation Strategy memaparkan mengapa begitu sedikit produk dan jasa baru yang berhasil di pasaran, dan apa yang harus dilakukan terhadap hal itu. Kiat-kiat dalam buku ini tidak ruwet atau rumit—tetapi ampuh.” [download]

Format : Ebook.Exe

Mutiara Hitam

Mutiara Hitam 

Penulis: Asmaraman S. Kho Ping Hoo 

Jalan kecil itu menuju ke kota Tai-goan. Jalan yang buruk dan becek, apalagi karena waktu itu musim hujan telah mulai. Udara selalu diliputi awan mendung, kadang-kadang turun hujan rintik-rintik, sambung menyambung menciptakan hawa dingin. Seperti biasa, segala keadaan di dunia ini selalu men­datangkan untung dan rugi, dipandang dari sudut kepentingan masing-masing. Para petani menyambut hari-hari hujan dengan penuh kegembiraan dan harapan, karena banyak air berarti berkah bagi mereka. Akan tetapi di lain fihak, para pedagang dan pelancong mengomel dan mengeluh karena pekerjaan atau per­jalanan mereka terganggu oleh jatuhnya hujan rintik-rintik yang tak kunjung henti. Hujan rintik-rintik membuat jalan kecil itu sunyi. [download]

Format : Ebook.MS Reader (download)

Istana Pulau Es

Istana Pulau Es

Penulis: Asmaraman S. Kho Ping Hoo

Kebiasaan lama (tradisi) yang dilanggar akan menimbulkan kutuk dan malapetaka bagi si pelanggar, demikian pendapat kuno. Padahal hakekatnya, semua itu tergantung daripada kepercayaan. Bagi yang percaya mungkin saja pelanggaran akan dihubungkan dengan sebab terjadinya suatu halangan. Sebaliknya bagi yang tidak percaya, juga tidak apa-apa dan andaikata terjadi suatu halangan, hal ini dianggap terpisah dan tidak ada hubungannya dengan pelanggaran tradisi. Betapapun juga, apa yang terjadi di Khitan, yang menimpa Kerajaan Khitan oleh semua rakyatnya dianggap sebagai kutuk para dewata oleh karena dosa besar yang telah dilakukan oleh Sang Ratu mereka!

Format : Ebook.MS Reader  (download)  

Kisah Pendekar Bongkok

Kisah Pendekar Bongkok

Penulis: Asmaraman S. Kho Ping Hoo 

SIE Kauwsu (Guru Silat Sie) membaca surat itu dengan kedua tangan agak gemetar dan mukanya berubah pucat. Karena senja hari telah tiba dan cuaca tidak begitu terang lagi, dia lalu menyalakan sebuah lampu meja, kemudian dibacanya sekali lagi surat itu. Sehelai kertas yang bertuliskan beberapa buruf dengan tinta merah. “Sie Kian, akhirnya aku dapat menemukan engkau! Sebelum malam ini habis, seluruh keluargamu dan segala mahluk yang hidup di dekat rumahmu, akan kubunuh semua!” Demikianlah bunyi surat itu. Tanpa nama penulisnya. Akan tetapi, Sie kauwsu atau Sie Kian tahu benar siapa penulisnya. Tadi dia menemukan surat itu pada daun pintu belakang rumahnya, tertancap pada daun pintu dengan sebatang piauw (senjata rahasia) beronce merah. Dia mengenal benar piauw itu. Lima tahun yang lalu, dia pernah terluka pada pundaknya oleh piauw seperti itu. Dia tahu benar siapa pemilik piawsu, siapa penulis surat. [download]

Format : Ebook.MS Reader (download)

Dead to The World

Dead to The World 

By: Charlaine Harris 

The New Year’s Eve party at Merlotte’s Bar and Grill was finally, finally over. Though the bar owner, Sam Merlotte, had asked all his staff to work that night, Holly, Arlene, and I were the only ones. Who’d responded. Charlsie Tooten had said she was too old to put up with the mess we had to endure on New Year’s Eve, Danielle had long-standing plans to attend a fancy party with her steady boyfriend, and a new woman couldn’t start for two days. I guess Arlene and Holly and I needed the money more than we needed a good time. And I hadn’t had any invitations to do anything else. At least when I’m working at Merlotte’s, I’m a part of the scenery. That’s a kind of acceptance. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Dead As A Doornail

Dead As A Doornail 

By: Charlaine Harris

I knew my brother would turn into a panther before he did. As I drove to the remote crossroads community of Hotshot, my brother watched the sunset in silence. Jason was dressed in old clothes, and he had a plastis Wal-Mart bag containing a few things he might need-toothbrush, clean underwear. He hunched inside his bulky camo jacket, looking straight ahead. His face was tense with the need to control his fear and his excitement  “You got your cell phone in your pocket?” I asked, knowing I’d already asked him as soon as the words left my mouth. But Jason just instead of snapping at me. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Definitely Dead

Definitely Dead 

By: Charlaine Harris

I was draped over the arm of one of the mosst beautiful men I’d ever seen, and he was staring into my eyes. “Think…Brad Pitt,” I whispered. The dark brown eyes still regarded me with remote interest. Okay, I was on the wrong track. I pictured Claude’s last lover, a bouncer at a strip joint. “Think about Charles Bronson,” I suggested. “Or, um, Edward James olmos.” I was rewarded by the beginnings of a hot glow in those long-lashed eyes. In a jiffy, you would’ve thought Claude was going to hike up my long rustling skirt and yank down my low-cut push-up bodice and ravish me until I begged for mercy. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf

First Impressions

First Impressions

By: Nora Roberts

The morning sun shot shaft of light over the mountains. It picked up the hints of red and gold among the deep green leaves and had them glowing. From somewhere in the woods came a rustling as a rabbit darted back to its burrow, while overhead a bird chirped with an insistent cheerfulness. Clinging to the line of fences along the road were clumps of honeysuckle. The light scent from the few lingering blossoms wafted in the air. In a distant field a farmer and his son harvested the last of the summer hay. The rumble of the bailer was steady dan distinct. Over the mile trek to town only one car passed. Its driver lifted his hand in a salute.
Shane waved back. It was good to be home [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Gabriel’s Angel

Gabriel’s Angel

By: Nora Roberts

Damn snow. Gabe downshifted to second gear, slowed the Jeep to fifteen milis an hour, swore and strined his eyes. Through the frantic swing of the wipers on the windshield all that could be seen was a wall of white. No winter wonderland. Snow pelted down in flakes that looked as big and as mean as a man’s fist. There would be no waiting out this storm, he thought as he took the next curve at a crawl. He considered himself lucky that after six months he knew the narrow, winding road from town so well. He could drive alost by feel, but a newcomer wouldn’t stand a chance. Even with that advantage, his shoulders and the back of his neck were tight with tension. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Night Moves

Night Moves 

By: Nora Roberts

“What the hell are you doing in a place like this?” Maggie, on her hands and knees, didn’t look up. “C.J., you’re playing the same old song.” C.J. pulled down the hem of his cashmere sweater. He was a man who made worry an art, and he worried about Maggie. Someone had to. Frustrated, he looked down at the sable-brown hair twisted untidily into a knot on top of her head. Her neck was slender, pale, her shoulders curved slightly forward as she rested her weight on her forearms. She had a delicate build, with the kind of fragility C.J. had always associated with nineteenth-century English aristocratic ladies. Though perhaps they, too, had possessed endless stores of strength and endurance under frail bones and porcelain skin. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

Lilly – Pencarian Cinta Gadis Ethiopia Berdarah Eropa

Lilly – Pencarian Cinta Gadis Ethiopia Berdarah Eropa

Penulis: Camilla Gibb

Gadis kecil putih itu bernama Lilly. Kedua orang tuanya tewas secara misterius, hingga dia dijadikan anak angkat oleh seorang Sufi Maroko. Dua budaya yang amat berbeda, membuat dia harus berjuang mengenal hidup. Cukup lama Lilly merasa hampa dan terhantui, sampai dia menemukan sosok kakak dalam diri Hussein. Hussein lah yang menemani dirinya hijrah ke Harar Ethiopia. Sebuah kota kecil bertembok tempat bermukimnya para wali. Disanalah Lilly belajar Islam dan menjadi guru mengaji Al-Quran. Novel yang sangat canggih, ambisius, dan memberikan pengaruh begitu mendalam [download]

Format : Ebook.Exe

Istanbul – Kenangan Sebuah Kota

Istanbul – Kenangan Sebuah Kota

Penulis: Orhan Pamuk 

Dalam buku ini, Pamuk memberi makna lain terhadap kenangan dan kesedihan seseorang individu sebagai jejak sejarah yang menghubungkan masa lalu dengan masa depan sebuah kota, bahkan sebuah peradaban. Namun, buku ini bukan hanya cerita tentang sebuah kota nun jauh disana, melainkan sebuah buku indah yang mengisahkan banyak hal. Membaca buku ini kita seakan diajak membaca sebuah kumpulan cerita yang mengasyikan sekaligus menyiratkan perenungan yang dalam tentang hubungan unik antara manusia, ruang, dan waktu. [download]

Format : Ebook.Exe

Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix

Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix

By: J.K. Rowling

The hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Cars that were usually gleaming stood dusty in their drives and lawns that were once emerald green lay parched and yellowing for the use of hosepipes had been banned due to drought. Deprived of their usual carwashing and lawn-mowing pursuits, the inhabitants of Privet Drive had retreated into the shade of their cool houses, windows thrown wide in the hope of tempting in a nonexistent breeze. The only person left outdoors was a teenage boy who was lying flat on his back in a flowerbed outside number four. He was a skinny, black-haired, bespectacled boy who had the pinched, slightly unhealthy look of someone who has grown a lot in a short space of time. His jeans were torn and dirty, his T-shirt baggy and faded, and the soles of his trainers were peeling away from the uppers. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince 

By: J.K. Rowling

It was nearing midnight and the Prime Minister was sitting alone in his office, reading a long memo that was slipping through his brain without leaving the slightest trace of meaning behind. He was waiting for a call from the President of a far distant country, and between wondering when the wretched man would telephone, and trying to suppress unpleasant memories of what had been a very long, tiring, and difficult week, there was not much space in his head for anything else. The more he attempted to focus on the print on the page before him, the more clearly the Prime Minister could see the gloating face of one of his political opponents. This particular opponent had appeared on the news that very day, not only to enumerate all the terrible things that had happened in the last week (as though anyone needed reminding) but also to explain why each and every one of them was the government’s fault. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows 

By: J.K. Rowling  

The two men appeared out of nowhere, a few yards apart in the narrow, moonlit lane. For a second they stood quite still, wands directed at each other’s chests; then, recognizing each other, they stowed their wands beneath their cloaks and started walking briskly in the same direction. “News?” asked the taller of the two. “The best,” replied Severus Snape. The lane was bordered on the left by wild, low-growing brambles, on the right by a high, neatly manicured hedge. The men’s long cloaks flapped around their ankles as they marched. “Thought I might be late,” said Yaxley, his blunt features sliding in and out of sight as the branches of overhanging trees broke the moonlight. “It was a little trickier than I expected. But I hope he will be satisfied. You sound confident that your reception will be good?”. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf



By: Stephenie Meyer

I’d never given much thought to how I would die — though I’d had reason enough in the last few months — but even if I had, I would not have imagined it like this. I stared without breathing across the long room, into the dark eyes of the hunter, and he looked pleasantly back at me. Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something. I knew that if I’d never gone to Forks, I wouldn’t be facing death now. But, terrified as I was, I couldn’t bring myself to regret the decision. When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end. The hunter smiled in a friendly way as he sauntered forward to kill me. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

New Moon

New Moon 

By: Stephenie Meyer

I FELT LIKE I WAS TRAPPED IN ONE OF THOSE TERRIFYING nightmares, the one where you have to run, run till your lungs burst, but you can’t make your body move fast enough. My legs seemed to move slower and slower as I fought my way through the callous crowd, but the hands on the huge clock tower didn’t slow. With relentless, uncaring force, they turned inexorably toward the end–the end of everything. But this was no dream, and, unlike the nightmare, I wasn’t running for my life; I was racing to save something infinitely more precious. My own life meant little to me today. Alice had said there was a good chance we would both die here. Perhaps the outcome would be different if she weren’t trapped by the brilliant sunlight; only I was free to run across this bright, crowded square. And I couldn’t run fast enough. [download] 

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By: Stephenie Meyer

With ice in my heart, I watched him prepare to defend me. His intense concentration betrayed no hint of doubt, though he was outnumbered. I knew that we could expect no help – at this moment, his family was fighting for their lives just as surely as he was for ours. Would I ever learn the outcome of that other fight? Find out who the winners and the losers were? Would I live long enough for that? The odds of that didn’t look so great. Black eyes, wild with their fierce craving for my death, watched for the moment when my protector’s attention would be diverted. The moment when I would surely die. Somewhere, far, far away in the cold forest, a wolf howled. [download]

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Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn

Penulis : Stephenie Meyer

“Aku sudah cukup sering mengalami peristiwa ketika aku nyaris mati, tapi bukan berarti dengan begitu aku jadi terbiasa. Namun anehnya, lagi-lagi aku harus berhadapan dengan kematian, dan tak bisa mengelak darinya. Meski begitu kali ini sangat berbeda dari yang sudah-sudah. Kau bisa melarikan diri dari orang-orang yang kautakuti, kau bisa melawan orang yang kau benci. Semua reaksiku siap menghadapi pembunuh-pembunuh semacam itu-para monster, para musuh. Tapi bila kau mencintai orang yang akan membunuhmu, kau tak punya pilihan lain, Bagaimana kau bisa melarikan diri?, bila itu orang-orang yang kau cintai. [download]

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By: Nora Roberts  

Dauglas Edward Cullen had to pee. Nerves, excitement and the Coke he’d had as part of his reward lunch at Mc. Donald’s for beeing good while Mama shopped combined to fill his three-year-old bladder to bursting. He danced, in exquisite torture, from the toe of one of his red Keds to the other. His heart was pounding so hard he thought if he didn’t yell really loud or run as fast as he could, he might explode. He loved when stuff exploded on TV. But Mama had told him he had to be good. If little boys weren’t good. Santa would put coal in their stocking instead of toys. [download]

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Blithe Images

Blithe Images 

By: Nora Roberts

The girl twisted aand turned the lights, her shining black hair swirling around her as various expression flitted across her striking face. ”That’s it, Hillary. A little pout now. We’re selling the kips here.”Larry Newman followed her movement, the shutter of his camera clicking rapidly. ”Fantastic.” he exclaimed as he straightened from his crouched position. ”That’s enough for today.” Hillary Baxter stretched her arms to the ceiling and relaxed. ”Good, I’m beat. It’s home and a hot tub for me.” Just think of the millions of dollars in lipstick your face is going to sell, sweetheart.” Switching off lights, Larry’s attention was already wavering. What’s Next. [download]

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Endings and Beginnings

Endings and Beginnings

By: Nora Roberts

“A White House source has confirmed the imminent retirement of secretary of state George Larkin. Secretary Larkin underwent extensive cardiac surgery last week and is currently recovering at Bethesda Naval Hospital. His health is given as the reason for his midterm retirement. Stan Richardson has an on the scene report from Bethesda’s Naval.” Liv watched the monitor switch to the location shot before she turned to her co-anchor. “Brian, this could be the biggest thing to hit since the Malloy scandal last October. There must be five viable replacement for Larkin. The scrambling’s going to start.” Brian Jonas flipped through his notes, running over his timing. [download]

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Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Charlie – si Jenius Dungu

Charlie – si Jenius Dungu 

Penulis: Daniel Keys

Charlie seorang penyapu lantai terlahir dengan IQ 68 dan selalu jadi bahan olok-olok teman-temannya. Hingga suatu saat eksperiman yang dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan manusia mengubahnya menjadi seorang jenius. Tapi kemudian, Algernon, seekor tikus yang sebelumnya sukses melalui eksperimen yang sama, mengalami kemunduran kecerdasan secara drastis dan akhirnya mati. Akankah hal yang sama akan terjadi pada Charlie? [download]

Format : Ebook.Exe

Zaman Edan – Indonesia Di Ambang Kekacauan

Zaman Edan – Indonesia Di Ambang Kekacauan

Penulis: Richard Llyod Parry

Buku penuh fakta mengejutkan ini menuturkan kisah reportase wartawan terkemuka Richard Llyod Parry di Indonesia antara tahun 1996-1999. Dia meliput dari dekat dan mengalami langsung peristiwa pembantaian etnis dan kanibalisme di Kalimantan pada tahun 1997 dan 1999, demonstrasi mahasiswa dan kerusuhan massal di Jakarta pada tahun 1998, serta pembumihangusan Timor Timur oleh milisi dan tentara Indonesia menyusul jajak pendapat yang mengantarkan kemerdekaan negara itu pada tahun 1999. Buku ini ditulis dengan lancar, akrab, dan enak dibaca. Buku ini membuka mata kita akan pelbagai peristiwa kelam di negeri ini yang kerap ditutup-tutupi, sekaligus sebagai cermin untuk kita merenungkan kembali makna kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. [download]

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All Together Dead

All Together Dead 

By: Charlaine Harris

The Shreveport vampire bar would be opening late tonight. I was running behind, and I’d automatically gone to the front door, the public door, only to be helted by neatly lettered sign, red Gothic script on white cardboard: WE’II BE READY TO GREET YOU WITH A BITE TONIGHT, AT EIGHT O’CLOCK. PLEASE EXCUSE OUR DELAYED OPENING. It was signed “The Staff of Fangtasia.” It was the third week in September, so the red neon FANGTASIA sign was already on. The sky was almost pitch-black. I stood with one foot inside my car  for a minute, enjoying the mild evening and the faint, dry smell of vampire that lingered around the club. [download]

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From Dead To Worse

From Dead To Worse

By: Charlaine Harris

I was making a neat arrangement of liquor bottles on the folding table behind the portable bar when Halleigh Robinson rushed up, j]her normally sweet face flushed and tear streaked. Since she was supposed to be getting married within an hour and was still wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt, she got my immediate attention. “Sookie!” she said, rounding the bar go grab my arm. “You have to help me”. I’d already helped her by putting on my bartending clothes instead of the pretty dress I’d planned on wearing. “Sure,’ I said, imaging Halleigh wanted me to make her a special drnk-Though if I’d listened in to her thoughts, I’d have known differently already. What’s Next. [download]

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Dead and Gone

Dead and Gone

By: Charlaine Harris

“Caucasian vampires should never wear white,” the television announcer intoned. “We’ve been secretly filming Devon Dawn, who’s been a vampire for only a decade, as she gets dressed for a night on the town. Look at that outfit! It’s all wrong for her!”. “What was she thinking?” said an acidic female voice. “Talk about stuck in the nineties! Look at that blouse, if that’s what you call it. Her skin just cries out for contrasting color, and what is she putting on? Ivory! It makes her skin look like a hefty bag.” I paused in the act of tying my shoe to watch what happened next as the two vampire fashionistas burst in on the hapless victim. What’s Next. [download]

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Bukek Siansu

Bukek Siansu 

Penulis: Asmaraman S. Kho Ping Hoo

Di dalam hutan seribu bunga itu Sin Liong terpesona, merasa seperti hidup di alam lain, di dunia lain. Tempat yang hening dan bersih, tidak ada seorang pun manusia. Kalau dia teringat akan manusia, dia bergidik dan menangis saking takut dan ngerinya. Dia telah menyaksikan kekejaman-kekejaman yang amat hebat. Bukan hanya kekejaman orang-orang yang merenggut nyawa ayah bundanya, yang memaksa ayah bundanya berpisah darinya dan mati meninggalkannya, akan tetapi juga melihat kekejaman puluhan orang tetangga yang menyiksa tiga orang itu sampai mati dan hancur tubuhnya, Dia bergidik dan ketakutan kalau teringat akan hal itu. Di dalam Hutan Seribu Bunga itulah dia merasakan keamanan, kebersihan, keheningan yang menyejukkan perasaan. [download]

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Suling Emas

Suling Emas

Penulis: Asmaraman S. Kho Ping Hoo

Pada jaman lima wangsa ( th.907- 960 ) , kerajaan Nan-Cao merupakan negara kecil di propinsi Yu-Nan sebelah selatan. Mungkin karena kecilnya kerajaan ini tidak dipandang mata oleh kerajaan lain, juga oleh kerajaan Sung yang kemudian di bangun. Akan tetapi, pada pagi hari di pertengahan musim chun ( semi ) itu, banyak sekali tokoh-tokoh terkenal di dunia kang-ouw termasuk ketua-ketua perkumpulan dari pelbagai aliran, orang-orang muda yang patut di sebut pendekar silat, dan orang-orang aneh yang memiliki kesaktian, Datang membanjiri Nan-cao. Apakah gerangan yang menarik para kelana dan pe tualangan itu mendatangi Nan-cao? Ada pula hal yang menarik mereka berdatangan dari tempat-tempat yang amat jauh. Pertama adalah pengangkatan Beng-kauw ( Ketua Agama Beng-kauw ) sebagai Koksu ( Guru Negara ) Kerajaan Nan Cao. [download]

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Cinta Bernoda Darah

Cinta Bernoda Darah 

Penulis: Asmaraman S. Kho Ping Hoo 

Serombongan orang amat cepat gerak-geriknya amat ringan langkah kakinya, bergerak cepat mendaki puncak Thai-san. Kalau saja para penduduk tidak sedang bersuka ria dan sempat menyak­sikan gerak-gerik lima orang yang bagai­kan serombongan kera besar melompat ke sana ke mari, menyelinap di antara batu-batu besar dan pohon-pohon mendaki puncak, tentu akan makin tebal kepercayaan mereka bahwa serombongan dewa atau manusia setengah dewa yang men­daki puncak itu, untuk bertahun baru di sana! Rombongan itu adalah para tosu dari Kun-lun-pai, termasuk tokoh-tokoh ting­kat dua dan tiga di Kun-lun-pai, maka tidaklah mengherankan apabila mereka berlima sepandai itu mendaki puncak Thai-san. Tiba-tiba pemimpin rombongan, Ang Kun Tojin mengangkat tangan memberi isyarat dan seketika lima orang itu berhenti, diam tak bergerak seperti pa­tung-patung dewa penghias gunung. [download]

Format : Ebook.MS Reader (download)

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