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Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

In Want of A Wife

In Want of A Wife 

By: Cathy

‘You don’t believe in love, do you?’ she asked, and Louis laughed, raking his fingers through his hair. ‘I believe in lust, and I believe in marriage.’ ‘You mean marriage based on … what? How can you base a marriage on lust? Lust doesn’t last.’ ‘But it’s an enjoyable starting point, don’t you agree? Not that I’ve given much thought to marriage one way or the other.’ Lizzy shifted awkwardly. She realised that her legs were brushing against his, and she primly angled her body away from him. When their eyes met, she could see at a glance that he had noted the shift and was amused by it. ‘And what happens when the lust fades away?’ ‘Oh, that’s why it’s so important to be practical when it comes to getting married. A decent business arrangement doesn’t allow for any nasty surprises. There’s no such thing as the perfect marriage, but there is such a thing as the perfect criteria for a wife.’ [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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