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Rabu, 09 November 2011

The History of The Jewish People in The Age of Jesus Christ

The History of The Jewish People in The Age of Jesus Christ 

By: Emil Schurer

In the Greek and Roman period, as in earlier centuries, the Jewish population ofPalestinefluctuated considerably both in numbers and extent. From the beginning of the Hellenistic epoch to the time of the MaccabaccUi uprising, the Jewish element was gradually receding whereas the Greek element was on the advance. A significant change, liowever, resulted from the Maccabaean revolt and its after-effects: Judaism gained ground intensively and extensively, consolidating itself internally and extending its boundaries in almost every direction. At the beginning of the Maccabaean period, a compact Jewish population existed only in Judaea proper, i.e. in the region south of Samarianamed in i Maccabees VouSa or yi  7ou8a or VouSata. The area occupied b y the Jews can be determined with tolerable accuracy for the years 175—135 B.C. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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