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Selasa, 08 November 2011

Baby Facts

Baby Facts 

By: Andrew Adesman, MD.

I’m a parent, like you. I ’ m also a pediatrician. My young patients are cared for by mothers, fathers, and other loving caregivers who are deeply invested in the physical and emotional well being of their babies and young children and who like you, and like me try hard to make the best decisions when it comes to the health and safety of their sons and daughters. We are luckier than previous generations of parents because we have such a vast wealth of. specifi c parenting information at our fi ngertips: books and magazines, Web sites and Internet chat rooms, community groups, experts galore, and the hard earned wisdom of those parents, grandparents, and friends who were parents before we took the plunge. But after twenty  four years of practicing pediatrics, and seventeen years of helping my wife raise our three children. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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