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Selasa, 20 September 2011

War Poems

War Poems

By: Elbridge Jefferson Cutler

“XT OW let us raise a song of praise, like Miriam’s song of old, A song of praise to God the Lord, for bless ings manifold ! He lifteth up, He casteth down ; He bindeth, setteth free ; He sendeth grace to bear defeat ; He giveth victory ! O, hear ye how fromSomersetthe voice of triumph calls ! Hear how the echoes take it up on Henry’s conquered walls ! And wilder yet the thrilling cry : FortDonelsonis ours ! Like chaff before the roaring North fly fast the Rebel powers ; New Orleanssees her doom afar, and lifts a palsied arm, And haughty Richmond’s drunken streets are sobered with alarm ; Up Carolina’s frantic shore the tide rolls black and dire : The thunder’s voice is in its heart, its crest avenging fire ! On inland slopes and by the sea are wreck and flying foe; [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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