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Minggu, 18 September 2011

The Triple M of Organizations

The Triple M of Organizations

By: Edeltraud Hanappi

The topic of the book myth building in the world of business, specifically management seems to be particularly apposite at a time of economic crisis, when some long-accepted assumptions are being de-masked as mere myths. As several authors have already pointed out (e. g. Chalomiris 2008), the recent global econom ic calamity stemmed to a large extent from the fact that investment bankers increasingly lost contact to the real economy by playing virtual games in financial trading, a development often called securitization (see Minsky 1986). Pure speculation in the stock exchanges “worked” as long as all involved parties believed that profits were to be made, and no one questioned the underlying constitution and strength of the real market; however, as soon as the “bubble” imploded, the banks faced severe liquidity problems. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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