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Minggu, 25 September 2011

Life Coaching for Dummies

Life Coaching for Dummies 

By: Jeni Purdie

Afew years ago I left my well-paid and prestigious job with a global corporation to venture into the scary world of self-employment as a life coach. Many of my colleagues who I’d come to know and love over the years wished me well and asked exactly what I’d be doing. ‘Well,’ said I, ‘I suppose what I’m really interested in is inspiring people to find the right balance, enjoyment, and meaning in their lives.’ ‘Oh,’ they replied, and a faraway look came into their eyes, ‘I could really do with some of that.’ Then their gaze focused back on their overflowing desk and the ringing phone. ‘But I don’t see how I can possibly give up my job.’ And they smiled, reached for the phone, and did what they knew they did best. I found their response very interesting because it summed up the precise feelings I’d wrestled with for three long years before finally taking my personal plunge. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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