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Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

Secrets of Positional Chess

Secrets of Positional Chess

By: Drazen Marovic 

This Book is about chess space and chess pieces, and their strength and weakness; an unpretentious book on a simple subject, so simple that it is widely considered one of those themes which are absorbed just by time and playing experience. When a friend of mine learnt the topic I was writing about, hiss immediate reaction was: “Why are you writing about that? Everybody knows what a weak square or a weak pice is.” My experience in teaching chess, however, is utterly different. I learnt that on lower levels of chess knowledge most players know the difference only theoritically, but few make a lear distinction in practice. Their games swarm with most vulgar errors, because in their chess apprenticheship they paid little attention to the subject. Naturally, as we go higher in the chess hierarchy players are more and more aware of the subject and its importance. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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