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Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

The Facts on File Algebra

The Facts on File Algebra

By: Deborah Todd

The mathematics that we teach and learn today includes concepts and ideas that once were pondered only by the most brilliant men and women of ancient, and not so ancient, times. Numbers such as 1,000, for example, or two, or zero, were at one time considered very abstract ideas. There was a time when a quantity more than two or three was simply called “many.” Yet we have grown up learning all about quantities and how to manipulate them. We teach even young children the concept of fractions as we ask them to share, or divide, their candy between them. Today, in many ways, what used to be stimulating thought for only the privileged few is now considered child’s play. Yet scholars, philosophers, scientists, and writers of the past have spent lifetimes devising ways to explain these concepts to benefit merchants, kings, and countries. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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