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Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

How to Develop A Super Power Memory

How to Develop A Super Power Memory

By: Harry Lorayne 

an accurate and retentive memory is the basis of all business success. In the last analysis, all our knowledge is based on our memories. Plato said it this way, “All knowledge is but rememberance”; whileCicerosaid of memory, it is “the treasury and guardian of all things.” One strong example should suffice for the time being you could not be reading this book right now, if you didn’t remember the sounds of the twenty-six letters of our alphabet! This may seem a bit far fetched to you, but it is true, nevertheless. Actually, if you were to lose your memory completely, you would have to start learning everything from scratch, just like a new born baby. You wouldn’t  remember how to dress, or shave, or apply your makeup, or how to drive your car, or whether to use a knife or fork, etc. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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