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Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

A Coloring Book of Ancient Ireland

A Coloring Book of Ancient Ireland 

By: Bellerophon Books

The Gospel Books made in the scriptoria were shrines for the word of god. They glorified the word and the word gave them power. The power of the Lord inhabited the books, and the books shared that power with their owners. Clorics, monks and saints of Irelandare always represented holding books, a badge of their office and holiness, and their protection against the bruto animal force of the devil. No matter what kind of crayons or paints or pencil you use to fill in this great latter U on the next page, with its dressing of birds, beast, and  knots, your colors came ready made and easy to use. The artist who drew the original U had to make his paint himself, grinding colored powders and mixing them with water, and adding a bit of raw egg white to make the paint stick to the page Part of the skill of being an artist a thousand years ago was knowing the recipes and technique for making good paint. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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