The Great Depression
By: David F. Burg
Some events have had such profound and enduring impact on subsequent history that they emerge from the past as pivotal events, forming a definable break between what came before and what followed. The Great Depression of the 1930s stands out as such an event. Lasting for a decade, the depression and the enormous social, economic, and political changes it wrought altered the course of the entire remaining 20th century in ways that no one could have anticipated even as the 1920s were ending. During the 1920s, American politicians and the general populace as well may have been especially myopic about foreseeing the likelihood of the coming depression let alone its enduring effects. P reoccupied with that decade’s economic surge, t hey appear in re t rospect to have enthusiastically embraced the faith that the historic cycle of economic boom and bust had finally been ove rcome and that the new prosperity would last forever. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Rabu, 29 Juni 2011
The Post Cyberpunk Anthology
The Post Cyberpunk Anthology
By: James Patrick Kelly and John Kessel
The Hugo Award winning editor David Hartwell tells the story of how Bruce Sterling approached him in 1983 with a proposal for an anthology of short stories which would eventually become the classic Mirrorshades. The book was to be a kind of literary manifesto for the newly emerging cyberpunk movement. David said he was indeed interested and asked how many writers Bruce expected would be in Mirrorshades. Bruce said he had five or six in mind. David replied that five or six was not enough for a movement and that Bruce would need at least a dozen. So Bruce set out to recruit writers for the movement and his anthology, even if they were not card carrying cyberpunks. Among those he found was one of the editors of this book, who was at the time most closely associated with the humanist camp, said to be in opposition to cyberpunk. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: James Patrick Kelly and John Kessel
The Hugo Award winning editor David Hartwell tells the story of how Bruce Sterling approached him in 1983 with a proposal for an anthology of short stories which would eventually become the classic Mirrorshades. The book was to be a kind of literary manifesto for the newly emerging cyberpunk movement. David said he was indeed interested and asked how many writers Bruce expected would be in Mirrorshades. Bruce said he had five or six in mind. David replied that five or six was not enough for a movement and that Bruce would need at least a dozen. So Bruce set out to recruit writers for the movement and his anthology, even if they were not card carrying cyberpunks. Among those he found was one of the editors of this book, who was at the time most closely associated with the humanist camp, said to be in opposition to cyberpunk. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Typography Design and Practice
Typography Design and Practice
By: John Lewis
This book has been developed from my typography: basic particles which was first published in 1963. The first part of the book deals with the influences that have shaped design of the printed page since the nineteenth century. This stands basically as it was before but the various influences have been dealth with in greater depth. As for the rest of the book, which is about the practicalities of the typographers’ craft, so much has changed in the techniques of printing and typesetting over the dozen years, that this has needed not only enlargement, but completely re-writing. The main changes are the substitution offset for the letterpress printing and filmsetting for hot metal setting. In many ways, from the designer’s point of view, these changes are for the worse! The apparent flexibility of offset printing, particularly for books where type and half tone illustrations are integrated, and the use of film setting has resulted in a strait jacket imposed by the high cost of correction. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: John Lewis
This book has been developed from my typography: basic particles which was first published in 1963. The first part of the book deals with the influences that have shaped design of the printed page since the nineteenth century. This stands basically as it was before but the various influences have been dealth with in greater depth. As for the rest of the book, which is about the practicalities of the typographers’ craft, so much has changed in the techniques of printing and typesetting over the dozen years, that this has needed not only enlargement, but completely re-writing. The main changes are the substitution offset for the letterpress printing and filmsetting for hot metal setting. In many ways, from the designer’s point of view, these changes are for the worse! The apparent flexibility of offset printing, particularly for books where type and half tone illustrations are integrated, and the use of film setting has resulted in a strait jacket imposed by the high cost of correction. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
The Sound of Stevie Wonder
The Sound of Stevie Wonder
By: James E. Perone
STEVIE WONDER AS A MUSICIAN AND ACTIVIST Born May 13, 1950, in Saginaw, Michigan, Stevland Hardaway Judkins (later Stevland Morris) 1 became known to the world as Little Stevie Wonder when his debut single, “Fingertips, Part 2,” went to No. 1 on the Billboard pop charts in 1963. 2 Wonder had become blind as an infant as a result of an accident in his incubator; however, as a child he became profi cient as a singer, and on drums, keyboards, and harmonica. He came to the attention of Motown Records, which signed Wonder to its Tamla label in 1961. Because of his unique musical talents, Stevie Wonder he eventually outgrew the “Little” moniker became one of the fi rst and only Motown artists who could exercise complete artistic control over the writing, arranging, performance, and production of his studio work. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: James E. Perone
STEVIE WONDER AS A MUSICIAN AND ACTIVIST Born May 13, 1950, in Saginaw, Michigan, Stevland Hardaway Judkins (later Stevland Morris) 1 became known to the world as Little Stevie Wonder when his debut single, “Fingertips, Part 2,” went to No. 1 on the Billboard pop charts in 1963. 2 Wonder had become blind as an infant as a result of an accident in his incubator; however, as a child he became profi cient as a singer, and on drums, keyboards, and harmonica. He came to the attention of Motown Records, which signed Wonder to its Tamla label in 1961. Because of his unique musical talents, Stevie Wonder he eventually outgrew the “Little” moniker became one of the fi rst and only Motown artists who could exercise complete artistic control over the writing, arranging, performance, and production of his studio work. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
To Hell on The Fast Horse
To Hell on The Fast Horse
By: Mark Lee Gardner
YOU CAN FEEL THE ghosts as you speed down the long, lonely roads of easternNew Mexico. The land is little changed, except for endless strands of wire fence and an occasional traffic sign. Out in the distance, they are there: Billy the Kid and the Regulators, Charlie Bowdre, Tom Folliard, and Pat Garrett. The days may be gone when blood flowed freely along the Pecosand Rio Bonito, but the music of the fandango, and Billy’s dancing, and the lovers’ kisses all difficult to conjure are all still there. They are in the wind, the moonlight, in the cacophony of coyotes, and in the silence before the first rays of sunlight spill over the horizon. And there are the stories, because New Mexicois full of stories. It is through these stories that the ghosts come to haunt us. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Mark Lee Gardner
YOU CAN FEEL THE ghosts as you speed down the long, lonely roads of easternNew Mexico. The land is little changed, except for endless strands of wire fence and an occasional traffic sign. Out in the distance, they are there: Billy the Kid and the Regulators, Charlie Bowdre, Tom Folliard, and Pat Garrett. The days may be gone when blood flowed freely along the Pecosand Rio Bonito, but the music of the fandango, and Billy’s dancing, and the lovers’ kisses all difficult to conjure are all still there. They are in the wind, the moonlight, in the cacophony of coyotes, and in the silence before the first rays of sunlight spill over the horizon. And there are the stories, because New Mexicois full of stories. It is through these stories that the ghosts come to haunt us. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
The Long Tail
The Long Tail
By: Chris Anderson
The tracking of top seller lists is a national obsession. Our culture is a massive popularity contest. We are consumed by hits making them, choosing them, talking about them, and following their rise and fall. Every weekend is a box office horse race, and every Thursday night is a Darwinian struggle to find the fittest TV show and let it live to see another week. A few hit songs play in heavy rotation on the radio dials, while entertainment executives in all these industries sweat as they search for the next big thing. This is the world the blockbuster built. The massive media and entertainment industries grew up over the past half century on the back of box office rockets, gold records, and double digit TV ratings. No surprise that hits have become the lens through which we observe our own culture. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Chris Anderson
The tracking of top seller lists is a national obsession. Our culture is a massive popularity contest. We are consumed by hits making them, choosing them, talking about them, and following their rise and fall. Every weekend is a box office horse race, and every Thursday night is a Darwinian struggle to find the fittest TV show and let it live to see another week. A few hit songs play in heavy rotation on the radio dials, while entertainment executives in all these industries sweat as they search for the next big thing. This is the world the blockbuster built. The massive media and entertainment industries grew up over the past half century on the back of box office rockets, gold records, and double digit TV ratings. No surprise that hits have become the lens through which we observe our own culture. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
The Foundations of Positive and Normative Economics
The Foundations of Positive and Normative Economics
By: Andrew Caplin and Andrew Schotter
Durable contributions to economic thought that focus purely on methodology are few and far between. Absent substantive progress, methodological reflections are widely seen as fruitless, while the methodological importance of successful research is seen as self evident. Yet as the chapters written for this book attest, there are increasing signs of methodological fermentwithin the profession.We see this as long overdue, and for that reason we are editing a series of handbooks in a deliberate effort at raising methodological awareness. We believe that the next few decades will produce important advances in social scientific methodology. Improvements in our professional knowledge base and in the technology that is available to us have radically expanded potential avenues of research. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Andrew Caplin and Andrew Schotter
Durable contributions to economic thought that focus purely on methodology are few and far between. Absent substantive progress, methodological reflections are widely seen as fruitless, while the methodological importance of successful research is seen as self evident. Yet as the chapters written for this book attest, there are increasing signs of methodological fermentwithin the profession.We see this as long overdue, and for that reason we are editing a series of handbooks in a deliberate effort at raising methodological awareness. We believe that the next few decades will produce important advances in social scientific methodology. Improvements in our professional knowledge base and in the technology that is available to us have radically expanded potential avenues of research. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
The Entrepreneur’s Legal Guide
The Entrepreneur’s Legal Guide
By: DM Boulay and Katherine J. Pohlman
Perhaps you already have great ideas you want to turn into a small business. Maybe you want to run a small business, but are not yet sure what your great ideas are. You will find that our book gives you a major advantage over entrepreneurs who use the cookie cutter approach to starting a business. We present questions you can ask yourself about your unique situation and needs so you can devise your own answers and develop your own plans to meet the needs, of your business and your unique situation. Of course, we do not know your unique situation and we do not have a corner on the question making market. We encourage you to develop additional questions. You know, the kind that spring to mind when you say to yourself: Why didn’t they ask…?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: DM Boulay and Katherine J. Pohlman
Perhaps you already have great ideas you want to turn into a small business. Maybe you want to run a small business, but are not yet sure what your great ideas are. You will find that our book gives you a major advantage over entrepreneurs who use the cookie cutter approach to starting a business. We present questions you can ask yourself about your unique situation and needs so you can devise your own answers and develop your own plans to meet the needs, of your business and your unique situation. Of course, we do not know your unique situation and we do not have a corner on the question making market. We encourage you to develop additional questions. You know, the kind that spring to mind when you say to yourself: Why didn’t they ask…?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Save Your Retirement
Save Your Retirement
By: Frank Armstrong III and Paul B. Brown
In a perfect world, the value of our retirement savings would climb every year from the time we put the money in until we finally decided to use the funds to pay for the retirement of our dreams. We would never suffer a financial crisis caused by divorce or illness. And we would never find ourselves suddenly unemployed or the victims of the plummeting stock market, like the one we experienced in 2008. The value of our retirement accounts would only go in one direction: up. In the perfect world, a mix of investments say 65% stocks, 25% bonds, and 10% cash,1 a combination that represents a diversified, fairly safe portfolio would earn 8% a year, every year, as it has on average since the 1920s. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Frank Armstrong III and Paul B. Brown
In a perfect world, the value of our retirement savings would climb every year from the time we put the money in until we finally decided to use the funds to pay for the retirement of our dreams. We would never suffer a financial crisis caused by divorce or illness. And we would never find ourselves suddenly unemployed or the victims of the plummeting stock market, like the one we experienced in 2008. The value of our retirement accounts would only go in one direction: up. In the perfect world, a mix of investments say 65% stocks, 25% bonds, and 10% cash,1 a combination that represents a diversified, fairly safe portfolio would earn 8% a year, every year, as it has on average since the 1920s. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
The Female Nude in Art
The Female Nude in Art
By: Helen Mc.Donald
There is no such thing as the ideal female body. Even the old masters would have agreed that an ideal is a concept not a thing. Some of the famous nudes in art history were thought to be near perfect configurations of the ideal female form. For instance, Venus de Milo was sculpted for the citizens of Ancient Greece according to the Classical ideal of bodily perfection, and nearly 2,000 years later, Botticelli’s Venus of Urbino was painted as a Renaissance version of this ideal for the Medici princes. Executed in a representational style, both works of art served for centuries as interpretations of the ideal, and were endlessly copied in art. Popular fashion and pornography provided a succession of specific cultural fantasies of the female body, which ran parallel to and intersected with this high-art industry. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Helen Mc.Donald
There is no such thing as the ideal female body. Even the old masters would have agreed that an ideal is a concept not a thing. Some of the famous nudes in art history were thought to be near perfect configurations of the ideal female form. For instance, Venus de Milo was sculpted for the citizens of Ancient Greece according to the Classical ideal of bodily perfection, and nearly 2,000 years later, Botticelli’s Venus of Urbino was painted as a Renaissance version of this ideal for the Medici princes. Executed in a representational style, both works of art served for centuries as interpretations of the ideal, and were endlessly copied in art. Popular fashion and pornography provided a succession of specific cultural fantasies of the female body, which ran parallel to and intersected with this high-art industry. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Princess Diana
Princess Diana
By: Joanne Mattern
It was July 29, 1981. For days, joyful, excited crowds had been gathering along the streets ofLondon. Hundreds of British flags hung from balconies and windows. People held posters of the nation’s future king and the woman he was about to marry. They sang songs and drank toasts to the happy couple. It seemed that the city was in the middle of a giant party. The object of the crowd’s attention woke early that morning. Lady Diana Spencer had a lot to do. Stylists came to arrange her shoulder-length blonde hair and apply makeup to her fair skin. Designers fluttered around Diana, dressing her in a long ivory gown with a 25-foot (7.6 meter) train. Today was the day of Lady Diana’s wedding to the Prince of Wales, and a day of national celebration. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Joanne Mattern
It was July 29, 1981. For days, joyful, excited crowds had been gathering along the streets ofLondon. Hundreds of British flags hung from balconies and windows. People held posters of the nation’s future king and the woman he was about to marry. They sang songs and drank toasts to the happy couple. It seemed that the city was in the middle of a giant party. The object of the crowd’s attention woke early that morning. Lady Diana Spencer had a lot to do. Stylists came to arrange her shoulder-length blonde hair and apply makeup to her fair skin. Designers fluttered around Diana, dressing her in a long ivory gown with a 25-foot (7.6 meter) train. Today was the day of Lady Diana’s wedding to the Prince of Wales, and a day of national celebration. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Plants of The Goods
Plants of The Goods
By: Richard Elvans Schultes
The earliest forms of life on Earth were plants. Remarkably preserved plant fossils have recently been discovered dating back 3.2 billion years. These early plants provided the foundation for the development of all later forms of plants and indeed of animals, including that most recent of creatures, the human being. The green plant cover of the earth has a marvelous relationship with the sun: chlorophyll-bearing plants absorb solar rays and synthesize organic compounds, the building materials for both plant and animal organisms. In vegetable matter, solar energy is stored in the form of chemical energy, source of all life processes. Thus the PlantKingdomprovides not only bodybuilding foods and calories but also vitamins essential for metabolic regulation. Plants also yield active principles employed as medicines. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Richard Elvans Schultes
The earliest forms of life on Earth were plants. Remarkably preserved plant fossils have recently been discovered dating back 3.2 billion years. These early plants provided the foundation for the development of all later forms of plants and indeed of animals, including that most recent of creatures, the human being. The green plant cover of the earth has a marvelous relationship with the sun: chlorophyll-bearing plants absorb solar rays and synthesize organic compounds, the building materials for both plant and animal organisms. In vegetable matter, solar energy is stored in the form of chemical energy, source of all life processes. Thus the PlantKingdomprovides not only bodybuilding foods and calories but also vitamins essential for metabolic regulation. Plants also yield active principles employed as medicines. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Ring Lardner and The Other
Ring Lardner and The Other
By: Douglas Robinson
As my title suggests, this both is and is not a single-author study. It is to the extent that it is about Ring Lardner; it is not to the extent that it is about the Other. The Ring Lardner book, which acts as a kind of methodological persona or mask, is about one Lardner short story, “Who Dealt?” (part I), Lardner’s life and work in broader perspective (part II), and Lardner’s readers in their cultural context (part III). The Other book, which wears or shapes the Lardner mask, is about the ways in which fictional characters, authors, and readers (including you and me) are “spoken” by various Others: authoritarian and rebellious; parental and childish; majoritarian and minoritarian; “esemphonic” and “asymphonic.” The Ring Lardner book is a critical study of a minor American author who was popular in the twenties; the Other book is a theoretical exploration of what Fredric Jameson has called the “political unconscious,” of our ideological entrapment in and various escape routes out of the double bind, the prison bars forged by society within our bodies. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Douglas Robinson
As my title suggests, this both is and is not a single-author study. It is to the extent that it is about Ring Lardner; it is not to the extent that it is about the Other. The Ring Lardner book, which acts as a kind of methodological persona or mask, is about one Lardner short story, “Who Dealt?” (part I), Lardner’s life and work in broader perspective (part II), and Lardner’s readers in their cultural context (part III). The Other book, which wears or shapes the Lardner mask, is about the ways in which fictional characters, authors, and readers (including you and me) are “spoken” by various Others: authoritarian and rebellious; parental and childish; majoritarian and minoritarian; “esemphonic” and “asymphonic.” The Ring Lardner book is a critical study of a minor American author who was popular in the twenties; the Other book is a theoretical exploration of what Fredric Jameson has called the “political unconscious,” of our ideological entrapment in and various escape routes out of the double bind, the prison bars forged by society within our bodies. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Principles of Hotel Management
Principles of Hotel Management
By: V. Prakesh Kainthola
Human beings are by nature gregarious. Community or group life has been one of earliest and most enduring features of human existence on this earth. This natural phenomenon of human beings living in groups have generated a variety of groupings such as family, clan, community friendship group, organisations, etc. Organisations business or social, dominate our lives. Our activities and behaviour are shaped by these organisations right from birth to death. Everyday of their lives human beings deal with organisation. There is no escape from them. Hospitals, schools, colleges, clubs, societies, local state and central government, manufacturing and trading concerns are some of the organisations we are associated with throughout our life. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: V. Prakesh Kainthola
Human beings are by nature gregarious. Community or group life has been one of earliest and most enduring features of human existence on this earth. This natural phenomenon of human beings living in groups have generated a variety of groupings such as family, clan, community friendship group, organisations, etc. Organisations business or social, dominate our lives. Our activities and behaviour are shaped by these organisations right from birth to death. Everyday of their lives human beings deal with organisation. There is no escape from them. Hospitals, schools, colleges, clubs, societies, local state and central government, manufacturing and trading concerns are some of the organisations we are associated with throughout our life. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Principles of Strategic Management
Principles of Strategic Management
By: Tony Morden
This textbook offers a comprehensive and reader-oriented treatment of the principles of business planning and strategic management. The book will be suitable for undergraduate, conversion type masters, postgraduate diploma, post experience, MBA, and professional students on full-time, part-time, and distance-learning courses in business, enterprise, and management. It will also be relevant to students on courses for example in tourism or hospitality management, information technology, healthcare, or engineering which contain a significant element of business and management studies, for instance on a major-minor modular basis. It will be suitable for access or mature students studying on a vocational, self developmental, or life long basis. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Tony Morden
This textbook offers a comprehensive and reader-oriented treatment of the principles of business planning and strategic management. The book will be suitable for undergraduate, conversion type masters, postgraduate diploma, post experience, MBA, and professional students on full-time, part-time, and distance-learning courses in business, enterprise, and management. It will also be relevant to students on courses for example in tourism or hospitality management, information technology, healthcare, or engineering which contain a significant element of business and management studies, for instance on a major-minor modular basis. It will be suitable for access or mature students studying on a vocational, self developmental, or life long basis. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Minggu, 26 Juni 2011
Keynes and The Market
Keynes and The Market
By: Justin Walsh
John Maynard Keynes conferred a distinct glamor on the dismal science of economics. He was aCambridgedon, key member of the Bloomsburyset, best selling author, husband of a world famous ballerina, father of modern macroeconomics, valued government adviser, ennobled member of the House of Lords, and midwife to the IMF and the World Bank. His bracing response to the doldrums of the Great Depression “ The patient needs exercise, not rest ” heralded the Keynesian era of managed capitalism and pump – primed Western economies. Renowned almost as much for the variability of his opinions as for the vigor, style, and intelligence with which they were advanced, Keynes delighted in assaulting conventional wisdom and deployed pungent prose as his weapon of choice. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Justin Walsh
John Maynard Keynes conferred a distinct glamor on the dismal science of economics. He was aCambridgedon, key member of the Bloomsburyset, best selling author, husband of a world famous ballerina, father of modern macroeconomics, valued government adviser, ennobled member of the House of Lords, and midwife to the IMF and the World Bank. His bracing response to the doldrums of the Great Depression “ The patient needs exercise, not rest ” heralded the Keynesian era of managed capitalism and pump – primed Western economies. Renowned almost as much for the variability of his opinions as for the vigor, style, and intelligence with which they were advanced, Keynes delighted in assaulting conventional wisdom and deployed pungent prose as his weapon of choice. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
On Art, Labor and Religion
On Art, Labor and Religion
By: Ellen Gates Starr
Chicagowas tumultuous and exciting in 1889: Immigration, industrialization, urbanization, and politics created a vortex of change. This lively chaos called out for reform and celebration, and two women, Ellen Gates Starr and Jane Addams, responded to this challenge by founding the social settlement Hull-House (Addams 1910; see chapters 2, 3, 4, and 20 here). Addams has become world famous as a Nobel Laureate,1 but Starr remains virtually unknown. In this anthology Starr’s writings and biography are introduced for the first time as a contribution to national and international sociological thought and practice. Although Addams is perhaps the most famous woman in American history and a major figure in American sociology (Deegan 1988), Starr was a remarkable figure in her own right. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Ellen Gates Starr
Chicagowas tumultuous and exciting in 1889: Immigration, industrialization, urbanization, and politics created a vortex of change. This lively chaos called out for reform and celebration, and two women, Ellen Gates Starr and Jane Addams, responded to this challenge by founding the social settlement Hull-House (Addams 1910; see chapters 2, 3, 4, and 20 here). Addams has become world famous as a Nobel Laureate,1 but Starr remains virtually unknown. In this anthology Starr’s writings and biography are introduced for the first time as a contribution to national and international sociological thought and practice. Although Addams is perhaps the most famous woman in American history and a major figure in American sociology (Deegan 1988), Starr was a remarkable figure in her own right. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Living in The Woods in a Tree
Living in The Woods in a Tree
By: Sybil Rosen
The dead have a long reach. And they can be patient. They wait till you are ready, and then they seep back into your heart and crack it open. They pour out of the tissue where you’ve hidden them away and insist on being known again. Depty Dawg had come back without warning two months ago, in early September 2002. In eight short weeks I’ve gone from being a menopausal skeptic about love, to a hormone-drenched teenager who believes in ghosts, who waits at night for one to visit her. Where once I prided myself on selfknowledge a contradiction at best now I stumble blind through memory and grief, astonished to find myself jealous of rivals I never knew, for the heart of a man who’s been dead thirteen years. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Sybil Rosen
The dead have a long reach. And they can be patient. They wait till you are ready, and then they seep back into your heart and crack it open. They pour out of the tissue where you’ve hidden them away and insist on being known again. Depty Dawg had come back without warning two months ago, in early September 2002. In eight short weeks I’ve gone from being a menopausal skeptic about love, to a hormone-drenched teenager who believes in ghosts, who waits at night for one to visit her. Where once I prided myself on selfknowledge a contradiction at best now I stumble blind through memory and grief, astonished to find myself jealous of rivals I never knew, for the heart of a man who’s been dead thirteen years. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
My Wonderful World of Slapstick
My Wonderful World of Slapstick
By: Buster Keaton with Charles Samuel
Down through the years my face has been called a sour puss, a dead pan, a frozen face, The Great Stone Face, and, believe it or not, “a tragic mask.” On the other hand that kindly critic, the late James Agee, described my face as ranking “almost withLincoln’s as an early American archetype, it was haunting, handsome, almost beautifuL* I can’t imagine what the great rail splitter’s reaction would have been to this, though I sure was pleased. People may talk it up or talk it down, but my face has been a valuable trade-mark for me during my sixty years in stow business. Sixty years is right, for it was in 1899, when I was not quite four years old, that I officially joined my parents* vaudeville act And if you think sixty years is a long time in your life you should be in show business. Last Wednesday is a long time ago to most actors. The young ones talk of the great vaudeville days at the Palace as though these came at the dawn of theatrical history. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Buster Keaton with Charles Samuel
Down through the years my face has been called a sour puss, a dead pan, a frozen face, The Great Stone Face, and, believe it or not, “a tragic mask.” On the other hand that kindly critic, the late James Agee, described my face as ranking “almost withLincoln’s as an early American archetype, it was haunting, handsome, almost beautifuL* I can’t imagine what the great rail splitter’s reaction would have been to this, though I sure was pleased. People may talk it up or talk it down, but my face has been a valuable trade-mark for me during my sixty years in stow business. Sixty years is right, for it was in 1899, when I was not quite four years old, that I officially joined my parents* vaudeville act And if you think sixty years is a long time in your life you should be in show business. Last Wednesday is a long time ago to most actors. The young ones talk of the great vaudeville days at the Palace as though these came at the dawn of theatrical history. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
No Finish Line
No Finish Line
By: Marla Runyan with Sally Jenkins
I run, seeing nothing but the open track just in front of me. Other feet keep a steady cadence alongside me. I don’t know how many runners might be ahead of me, or behind. The pack is a creature of many colors, breathing and jostling around me. The pace quickens, and we bear down. Only then does the creature break apart, and string out. I feel the gentle curve that initiates the last 200 meter drive for home, and the final sprint down the straightaway. Now I am running against individuals, but who? Who was that who just passed me? Who am I gaining ground on ahead? Who cares, I say to myself. Knowing their names doesn’t make it easier to beat them. I can’t see the finish line. I cross it. I lean over, gasping. I feel someone, a rival, take my hand. We jog around the track together, trying to get our wind back, and wait for the or Marla Runyan. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Marla Runyan with Sally Jenkins
I run, seeing nothing but the open track just in front of me. Other feet keep a steady cadence alongside me. I don’t know how many runners might be ahead of me, or behind. The pack is a creature of many colors, breathing and jostling around me. The pace quickens, and we bear down. Only then does the creature break apart, and string out. I feel the gentle curve that initiates the last 200 meter drive for home, and the final sprint down the straightaway. Now I am running against individuals, but who? Who was that who just passed me? Who am I gaining ground on ahead? Who cares, I say to myself. Knowing their names doesn’t make it easier to beat them. I can’t see the finish line. I cross it. I lean over, gasping. I feel someone, a rival, take my hand. We jog around the track together, trying to get our wind back, and wait for the or Marla Runyan. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011
J.K. Rowling
J.K. Rowling
By: Bradley Steffens
SHORTLY AFTER SIGNING her first publishing contract in 1996, J.K. Rowling met with her literary agent and executives from her publishing company for lunch. During the meeting, Rowling’s business associates cautioned the first-time author not to get her hopes up about making a lot of money from her book. “When I got into this, my agent said to me, ‘I don’t want you going away from this meeting thinking you’re going to make a fortune,’” Rowling recalled. “Then I said to him, ‘I know I’m not going to make any money out of it. I know I’m not going to be famous.’ All I ever wanted was for somebody to publish Harry so I could go to bookshops and see it.”. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Bradley Steffens
SHORTLY AFTER SIGNING her first publishing contract in 1996, J.K. Rowling met with her literary agent and executives from her publishing company for lunch. During the meeting, Rowling’s business associates cautioned the first-time author not to get her hopes up about making a lot of money from her book. “When I got into this, my agent said to me, ‘I don’t want you going away from this meeting thinking you’re going to make a fortune,’” Rowling recalled. “Then I said to him, ‘I know I’m not going to make any money out of it. I know I’m not going to be famous.’ All I ever wanted was for somebody to publish Harry so I could go to bookshops and see it.”. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
If I Stay
If I Stay
By: Gayle Forman
Everyone thinks it was because of the snow. And in a way, I suppose that’s true. I wake up this morning to a thin blanket of white covering our front lawn. It isn’t even an inch, but in this part of Oregona slight dusting brings everything to a standstill as the one snowplow in the county gets busy clearing the roads. It is wet water that drops from the sky and drops and drops and drops not the frozen kind. It is enough snow to cancel school. My little brother, Teddy, lets out a war whoop when Mom’s AM radio announces the closures. “Snow day!” he bellows. “Dad, let’s go make a snowman.” My dad smiles and taps on his pipe. He started smoking one recently as part of this whole 1950s, Father Knows Best retro kick he is on. He also wears bow ties. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Gayle Forman
Everyone thinks it was because of the snow. And in a way, I suppose that’s true. I wake up this morning to a thin blanket of white covering our front lawn. It isn’t even an inch, but in this part of Oregona slight dusting brings everything to a standstill as the one snowplow in the county gets busy clearing the roads. It is wet water that drops from the sky and drops and drops and drops not the frozen kind. It is enough snow to cancel school. My little brother, Teddy, lets out a war whoop when Mom’s AM radio announces the closures. “Snow day!” he bellows. “Dad, let’s go make a snowman.” My dad smiles and taps on his pipe. He started smoking one recently as part of this whole 1950s, Father Knows Best retro kick he is on. He also wears bow ties. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
How to Develop A Super Power Memory
How to Develop A Super Power Memory
By: Harry Lorayne
an accurate and retentive memory is the basis of all business success. In the last analysis, all our knowledge is based on our memories. Plato said it this way, “All knowledge is but rememberance”; whileCicerosaid of memory, it is “the treasury and guardian of all things.” One strong example should suffice for the time being you could not be reading this book right now, if you didn’t remember the sounds of the twenty-six letters of our alphabet! This may seem a bit far fetched to you, but it is true, nevertheless. Actually, if you were to lose your memory completely, you would have to start learning everything from scratch, just like a new born baby. You wouldn’t remember how to dress, or shave, or apply your makeup, or how to drive your car, or whether to use a knife or fork, etc. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Harry Lorayne
an accurate and retentive memory is the basis of all business success. In the last analysis, all our knowledge is based on our memories. Plato said it this way, “All knowledge is but rememberance”; whileCicerosaid of memory, it is “the treasury and guardian of all things.” One strong example should suffice for the time being you could not be reading this book right now, if you didn’t remember the sounds of the twenty-six letters of our alphabet! This may seem a bit far fetched to you, but it is true, nevertheless. Actually, if you were to lose your memory completely, you would have to start learning everything from scratch, just like a new born baby. You wouldn’t remember how to dress, or shave, or apply your makeup, or how to drive your car, or whether to use a knife or fork, etc. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
How to Make Money with Social Media
How to Make Money with Social Media
By: Jamie Turner and Reshma Shah, Ph.D.
It’s hard to believe, but more marketing changes have occurred in the past 5 years than in the previous 100 years. For perspective on this, let’s look back to the starting point for modern marketing. On Christmas Eve 1906, Reginald Fessenden made the world’s first radio broadcast. Fessenden sent out a short radio program from Brant Rock, Massachusetts, that included his rendition of “O Holy Night” and ended with a reading from the Bible. And with little more than that, radio was born. Suddenly, companies such as Sears, Coca-Cola, and Ford had the capability to send their advertising messages to millions of people at once. More than 20 years later, the first television station launched in Schenectady, New York. That station, owned by General Electric, was able to broadcast images as far away as Los Angeles. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Jamie Turner and Reshma Shah, Ph.D.
It’s hard to believe, but more marketing changes have occurred in the past 5 years than in the previous 100 years. For perspective on this, let’s look back to the starting point for modern marketing. On Christmas Eve 1906, Reginald Fessenden made the world’s first radio broadcast. Fessenden sent out a short radio program from Brant Rock, Massachusetts, that included his rendition of “O Holy Night” and ended with a reading from the Bible. And with little more than that, radio was born. Suddenly, companies such as Sears, Coca-Cola, and Ford had the capability to send their advertising messages to millions of people at once. More than 20 years later, the first television station launched in Schenectady, New York. That station, owned by General Electric, was able to broadcast images as far away as Los Angeles. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Harry B. Smith
Harry B. Smith
By: John Franceschina
Over the past few years, I have spent most of my time researching, writing, and otherwise putting together the vast quantity of text involved in the second edition of my now three-volumed Encyclopedia of the Musical Theatre. And, as the Lord Chancellor in Iolanthe exhaustedly sings, “thank goodness they’re both of them over!” Part of this extremely extended extending exercise involved my compiling bibliographies of biographical works for the hundreds (or was it thousands?) of people whose careers in the musical theatre warranted an entry in the Encyclopedia. As I duly compiled, however, I became surprisedly aware of just how many outstanding figures of the historical stage have never, ever been made the subject of even a monograph-sized “life and works.” Time and time again, I found that the articles that I have researched. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: John Franceschina
Over the past few years, I have spent most of my time researching, writing, and otherwise putting together the vast quantity of text involved in the second edition of my now three-volumed Encyclopedia of the Musical Theatre. And, as the Lord Chancellor in Iolanthe exhaustedly sings, “thank goodness they’re both of them over!” Part of this extremely extended extending exercise involved my compiling bibliographies of biographical works for the hundreds (or was it thousands?) of people whose careers in the musical theatre warranted an entry in the Encyclopedia. As I duly compiled, however, I became surprisedly aware of just how many outstanding figures of the historical stage have never, ever been made the subject of even a monograph-sized “life and works.” Time and time again, I found that the articles that I have researched. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
From Concept to Wall Street
From Concept to Wall Street
By: Dr. Oren Furst
This book, From Concept to Wall Street, was written to fulfill that need for all those entrepreneurs, employees in startup companies, investors, consultants, and anyone involved or interested in the industry of investing in startup companies in general, and in high tech startup companies in particular. The book methodically lays out the stages of the startup process, without oversimplifying the issues involved. The book is divided into five Parts which address all the major issues related to startup companies and venture capitalists. The Parts are organized in chronological order, starting from the initial idea or concept, through the establishment of the company and the raising of capital, to the eventual IPO or sale of the company. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Dr. Oren Furst
This book, From Concept to Wall Street, was written to fulfill that need for all those entrepreneurs, employees in startup companies, investors, consultants, and anyone involved or interested in the industry of investing in startup companies in general, and in high tech startup companies in particular. The book methodically lays out the stages of the startup process, without oversimplifying the issues involved. The book is divided into five Parts which address all the major issues related to startup companies and venture capitalists. The Parts are organized in chronological order, starting from the initial idea or concept, through the establishment of the company and the raising of capital, to the eventual IPO or sale of the company. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Equity Management
Equity Management
By: Bruce I. Jacobs and Kenneth M. Levy
Prior to founding Jacobs Levy Equity Management in 1986, we had spent 5 years managing U.S. equity portfoliosa t the asset management armo f Prudential Insurance Companoyf America. Experience and intuition had led us to believe that new and emerging technologies couldb e used to detect profitable investment opportunities and to exploit them for the benefit of institutional clients. driven by complex combinationos of company fundamentals, macroeconomic conditions, and psychological factors. That is, security prices respond to fundamentals, sausc rhe turn on equity, and to the economic backdrop, including inflation and interest. rates; but they also respond to behavioral elements such as investors’ tendteon cies overreact to news and even. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Bruce I. Jacobs and Kenneth M. Levy
Prior to founding Jacobs Levy Equity Management in 1986, we had spent 5 years managing U.S. equity portfoliosa t the asset management armo f Prudential Insurance Companoyf America. Experience and intuition had led us to believe that new and emerging technologies couldb e used to detect profitable investment opportunities and to exploit them for the benefit of institutional clients. driven by complex combinationos of company fundamentals, macroeconomic conditions, and psychological factors. That is, security prices respond to fundamentals, sausc rhe turn on equity, and to the economic backdrop, including inflation and interest. rates; but they also respond to behavioral elements such as investors’ tendteon cies overreact to news and even. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Encyclopedia of Major Marketing Campaigns
Encyclopedia of Major Marketing Campaigns
By: Thomas Riggs
Thomson Gale published the first volume of the Encyclopedia of Major Marketing Campaigns in 1999. It included nearly 500 essays, each on an important advertising campaign of the twentieth century. The present volume serves as an update to the first, offering an additional 474 essays on campaigns that appeared between the late 1990s and 2005. There were three main criteria for selecting a campaign: its conceptual value or innovation (sometimes represented by the winning of awards); the importance of the company or brand for which it was run; and its effectiveness in selling the advertised product or service. The campaigns covered in this book were for products or services in various categories, such as alcoholic and other beverages, automobiles, food items, footwear, insurance, public service, pharmaceuticals, and telecommunications. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Thomas Riggs
Thomson Gale published the first volume of the Encyclopedia of Major Marketing Campaigns in 1999. It included nearly 500 essays, each on an important advertising campaign of the twentieth century. The present volume serves as an update to the first, offering an additional 474 essays on campaigns that appeared between the late 1990s and 2005. There were three main criteria for selecting a campaign: its conceptual value or innovation (sometimes represented by the winning of awards); the importance of the company or brand for which it was run; and its effectiveness in selling the advertised product or service. The campaigns covered in this book were for products or services in various categories, such as alcoholic and other beverages, automobiles, food items, footwear, insurance, public service, pharmaceuticals, and telecommunications. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Foundational Studies
Foundational Studies
By: Andrzej Mostowski
Andrzej Stanisław Mostowski was born on November 1, 1913, in Lvov. His father, Stanisław Mostowski, was a medical doctor who worked as an assistant at the Physical Chemistry Department of the Universityof Lvov; he was conscripted in 1914 as a military doctor and soon after died of typhoid fever. The family had to be provided for by the mother, Zofia née Kramsztyk (1881–1963), who worked for many years in a bank. Andrzej (called Staszek by his mother and close friends, after his father) had one sister Krystyna who after the WWII settled abroad, first in France, and then in Montreal. In the summer of 1914 Mostowski’s mother went with her children to Zakopane to spend holidays there; in the face of the outbreak of war and the death of the father they remained there until about 1920, when they moved to Warsaw. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Andrzej Mostowski
Andrzej Stanisław Mostowski was born on November 1, 1913, in Lvov. His father, Stanisław Mostowski, was a medical doctor who worked as an assistant at the Physical Chemistry Department of the Universityof Lvov; he was conscripted in 1914 as a military doctor and soon after died of typhoid fever. The family had to be provided for by the mother, Zofia née Kramsztyk (1881–1963), who worked for many years in a bank. Andrzej (called Staszek by his mother and close friends, after his father) had one sister Krystyna who after the WWII settled abroad, first in France, and then in Montreal. In the summer of 1914 Mostowski’s mother went with her children to Zakopane to spend holidays there; in the face of the outbreak of war and the death of the father they remained there until about 1920, when they moved to Warsaw. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Der Grosse Ploetz
Der Grosse Ploetz
By: Prof. Dr. Erwin Rutte, Würzburg
Als Einleitung zu einer Geschichte der Menschheit soll ein Überblick über die Zeiträume der Erdgeschichte gegeben werden, deren Zeuge der Mensch nur in ihrem letzten Abschnitt im Rahmen der menschlichen Vorgeschichte bzw. Geschichte ist. Im Weltraum werden zahllose Planetensysteme vermutet. Der Planet Erde mkreist wie die anderen Planeten Merkur, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptun und Pluto im Verein mit Tausenden kleinerer Planetoide auf angenähert ellipsenförmiger Bahn im Sonnensystem den Zentralkörper Sonne. Die Planeten werden von insgesamt 32 Monden begleitet, dazwischen bewegen sich Kometen und Sternschnuppen Gruppen. Die Sonne beschickt die Körper mit Licht und Oberflächenwärme. Astronomie und Astrophysik befassen sich mit der ältesten Vergangenheit der Erde. Die Erdwissenschaften, voran die Geologie, setzen zu dem Zeitabschnitt ein, an dem die Existenz einer festen Erdkruste angenommen werden kann.. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Prof. Dr. Erwin Rutte, Würzburg
Als Einleitung zu einer Geschichte der Menschheit soll ein Überblick über die Zeiträume der Erdgeschichte gegeben werden, deren Zeuge der Mensch nur in ihrem letzten Abschnitt im Rahmen der menschlichen Vorgeschichte bzw. Geschichte ist. Im Weltraum werden zahllose Planetensysteme vermutet. Der Planet Erde mkreist wie die anderen Planeten Merkur, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptun und Pluto im Verein mit Tausenden kleinerer Planetoide auf angenähert ellipsenförmiger Bahn im Sonnensystem den Zentralkörper Sonne. Die Planeten werden von insgesamt 32 Monden begleitet, dazwischen bewegen sich Kometen und Sternschnuppen Gruppen. Die Sonne beschickt die Körper mit Licht und Oberflächenwärme. Astronomie und Astrophysik befassen sich mit der ältesten Vergangenheit der Erde. Die Erdwissenschaften, voran die Geologie, setzen zu dem Zeitabschnitt ein, an dem die Existenz einer festen Erdkruste angenommen werden kann.. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Global Action Networks
Global Action Networks
By: Steve Waddell
The old ways of doing things are not up to the global challenges that we are facing. The Copenhagen 2009 and the Kyotoclimate change process have clearly demonstrated the limitations of national governments in global problem-solving. And another finance crisis is inevitable, given that nothing significant has changed with the way the global finance system is organized. These failures are but two giant votes in favor of a new strategy that is rapidly emerging in response to global challenges like corruption, poverty, water, sustainability of forests and fisheries, health, security, and almost anything on the “global agenda.” I call this new strategy Global Action Networks (GANs). This is a book about these networks, particularly for people who are working in them and who are interested in developing them. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Steve Waddell
The old ways of doing things are not up to the global challenges that we are facing. The Copenhagen 2009 and the Kyotoclimate change process have clearly demonstrated the limitations of national governments in global problem-solving. And another finance crisis is inevitable, given that nothing significant has changed with the way the global finance system is organized. These failures are but two giant votes in favor of a new strategy that is rapidly emerging in response to global challenges like corruption, poverty, water, sustainability of forests and fisheries, health, security, and almost anything on the “global agenda.” I call this new strategy Global Action Networks (GANs). This is a book about these networks, particularly for people who are working in them and who are interested in developing them. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Critical Success Factors Simplified
Critical Success Factors Simplified
By: Marvin T. Howell
Since 1961, organizations have relied on critical-to-success factors (CSFs) to define the things that must go right whether a system, program, project, process, or job if their organizations are to achieve their purpose, mission, or objective. CSFs can be used at all levels of an organization from management on down to the trenches. They can stem from internal improvement initiatives, such as a need to improve workplace efficiency, or originate from external forces changes in technology, legislation, or a stealth attack from the competition. You can use CSFs for strategic planning, to implement a system or program, or to manage a project, process, job, or even an individual pursuit.CSFs’ potential is virtually limitless, but, as is true of any tool, they’re only as effective as their implementation. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Marvin T. Howell
Since 1961, organizations have relied on critical-to-success factors (CSFs) to define the things that must go right whether a system, program, project, process, or job if their organizations are to achieve their purpose, mission, or objective. CSFs can be used at all levels of an organization from management on down to the trenches. They can stem from internal improvement initiatives, such as a need to improve workplace efficiency, or originate from external forces changes in technology, legislation, or a stealth attack from the competition. You can use CSFs for strategic planning, to implement a system or program, or to manage a project, process, job, or even an individual pursuit.CSFs’ potential is virtually limitless, but, as is true of any tool, they’re only as effective as their implementation. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Companion Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy
Companion Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy
Edited By: Brian Carr and Indira Mahalingam
This collection of some fifty essays on Asian philosophy is designed as a reference volume for students, scholars and others who require more than just a simple sketch of ‘oriental’ ideas. It has been complied with the intention of doing justice to the arguments, ideas and presuppositions of philosophers working largely outside the confines of western philosophical traditions. The volume engages in a unique project, that of bringing together scholars from institutions world-wide in an exploration of the great diversity of the philosophical traditions of Asia. These traditions are of quite widespread interest in the West, but their general appreciation falls far short of their vitality, their rigour and their immense contemporary relevance to the established practices of western philosophy. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Edited By: Brian Carr and Indira Mahalingam
This collection of some fifty essays on Asian philosophy is designed as a reference volume for students, scholars and others who require more than just a simple sketch of ‘oriental’ ideas. It has been complied with the intention of doing justice to the arguments, ideas and presuppositions of philosophers working largely outside the confines of western philosophical traditions. The volume engages in a unique project, that of bringing together scholars from institutions world-wide in an exploration of the great diversity of the philosophical traditions of Asia. These traditions are of quite widespread interest in the West, but their general appreciation falls far short of their vitality, their rigour and their immense contemporary relevance to the established practices of western philosophy. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Encyclopedia of Conflict Resolution
Encyclopedia of Conflict Resolution
By: Heidi Burgess and Guy M. Burgess
Although people have been resolving conflicts as long as they have existed, conflict resolution as a unique field is relatively new. In one sense, it can be traced back to a group of scholars and practitioners who responded to World War I with efforts to try to prevent a recurrence of worldwide, violent conflict. Leading scholars from international relations and other fields began to apply scientific methods to investigate the causes and processes of conflict and to try to develop ways to avoid conflict escalation and its destructive results. This research was stalled during World War II, but it began again even more intensely after the war. In the early 1950s, scholars such as Herbert Kelman, Kenneth Boulding, and Anatol Rapoport founded the Research Exchange on the Prevention of War. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Heidi Burgess and Guy M. Burgess
Although people have been resolving conflicts as long as they have existed, conflict resolution as a unique field is relatively new. In one sense, it can be traced back to a group of scholars and practitioners who responded to World War I with efforts to try to prevent a recurrence of worldwide, violent conflict. Leading scholars from international relations and other fields began to apply scientific methods to investigate the causes and processes of conflict and to try to develop ways to avoid conflict escalation and its destructive results. This research was stalled during World War II, but it began again even more intensely after the war. In the early 1950s, scholars such as Herbert Kelman, Kenneth Boulding, and Anatol Rapoport founded the Research Exchange on the Prevention of War. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Dance of The Swan
Dance of The Swan
By: Barbara Alman
It seemed to Anna that she was about to enter a fairyland. The sleigh quietly slipped through the snowy, moonlit streets of St. Petersburg, Russia. Mother was giving eight-year-old Anna a special Christmas treat her f irst trip to the Mar yinsky Theatre to see the ballet. Many times, Mother had told Anna the fairy tale of The Sleeping Beauty, and tonight they would see the stor y come to life with dancing and music. Anna trembled as the orchestra played the f irst strains of Tchaikovsky’s music. When the cur tain rose, she gave a cry of delight at what she saw. On stage stood a golden palace. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Barbara Alman
It seemed to Anna that she was about to enter a fairyland. The sleigh quietly slipped through the snowy, moonlit streets of St. Petersburg, Russia. Mother was giving eight-year-old Anna a special Christmas treat her f irst trip to the Mar yinsky Theatre to see the ballet. Many times, Mother had told Anna the fairy tale of The Sleeping Beauty, and tonight they would see the stor y come to life with dancing and music. Anna trembled as the orchestra played the f irst strains of Tchaikovsky’s music. When the cur tain rose, she gave a cry of delight at what she saw. On stage stood a golden palace. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Capability Cases
Capability Cases
By: Irene Polikoff, Robert Coyne, and Ralph Hodgson
Capability. It’s a promising word. It sounds, well, capable, and it alludes to the delivery of something. We all use capabilities every day in the goods and services by which we construct our lives. We like to be capable; we respect and value capabilities in others. As individuals, we carefully evaluate and compare the capabilities in the products and services we purchasein everything from cars and houses to palm pilots, digital cameras, and mobile phone services. We look for and expect capabilities in companies we choose to deal with and in the companies we own or choose to be a part of. As businesses, we also need to purchase or build, deploy and use, offer or consume capabilities all the timeregularly and continuously. It is requisite that we absorb, embrace, employ, and evolve new capabilitieswith ever greater speed and agilitysimply to remain effective and cost competitive. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Irene Polikoff, Robert Coyne, and Ralph Hodgson
Capability. It’s a promising word. It sounds, well, capable, and it alludes to the delivery of something. We all use capabilities every day in the goods and services by which we construct our lives. We like to be capable; we respect and value capabilities in others. As individuals, we carefully evaluate and compare the capabilities in the products and services we purchasein everything from cars and houses to palm pilots, digital cameras, and mobile phone services. We look for and expect capabilities in companies we choose to deal with and in the companies we own or choose to be a part of. As businesses, we also need to purchase or build, deploy and use, offer or consume capabilities all the timeregularly and continuously. It is requisite that we absorb, embrace, employ, and evolve new capabilitieswith ever greater speed and agilitysimply to remain effective and cost competitive. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Change Management
Change Management
By: Thomas Lauer
Change Management ist ebenso ein aktuelles Thema, wie es Bücher zu diesem Thema gibt. Warum also ein weiteres hinzufügen? Sowohl meine langjährige Erfahrung als Unternehmensberater wie auch meine mittlerweile ebenso umfangreiche Lehrpraxis an der Hochschule haben mich immer wieder zu dem Schluss kommen lassen, dass es das Buch zu dieser Thematik, welches kompakt, strukturiert und zugleich umfassend ist, so nicht gibt, wenn auch dem mittlerweile in vielen Auflagen erschienen Buch von Doppler und Lauterburg im deutschsprachigen Raum sicherlich als stetig erweitertes und sehr umfassendes Pionierwerk zurecht große Bedeutung zukommt. Auch Studierende machten mich auf den Umstand mangelnder Standardliteratur verschiedentlich aufmerksam, vor allem, wenn sie Diplomarbeiten zu diesem Thema anfertigen sollten. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Thomas Lauer
Change Management ist ebenso ein aktuelles Thema, wie es Bücher zu diesem Thema gibt. Warum also ein weiteres hinzufügen? Sowohl meine langjährige Erfahrung als Unternehmensberater wie auch meine mittlerweile ebenso umfangreiche Lehrpraxis an der Hochschule haben mich immer wieder zu dem Schluss kommen lassen, dass es das Buch zu dieser Thematik, welches kompakt, strukturiert und zugleich umfassend ist, so nicht gibt, wenn auch dem mittlerweile in vielen Auflagen erschienen Buch von Doppler und Lauterburg im deutschsprachigen Raum sicherlich als stetig erweitertes und sehr umfassendes Pionierwerk zurecht große Bedeutung zukommt. Auch Studierende machten mich auf den Umstand mangelnder Standardliteratur verschiedentlich aufmerksam, vor allem, wenn sie Diplomarbeiten zu diesem Thema anfertigen sollten. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Lydia Maria Child
Lydia Maria Child
By: Lori Kenschaft
Lydia Maria Child was a popular young author in 1833 when she published her Appeal in Favor of That Class of Americans Called Africans, which described the horrors of slavery. Her appeal called for immediate emancipation of all slaves and urged Americans to turn their vague antislavery feelings into an organized abolitionist movement. Within weeks, public outrage had destroyed her career. Many people canceled their subscriptions to a magazine she edited, refused to buy her other books, or snubbed her on the street. Old friends no longer allowed her in their homes. Her literary mentor, the influential Harvard professor George Ticknor, not only refused to see her himself but also refused to associate with anyone who was seen talking with her. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Lori Kenschaft
Lydia Maria Child was a popular young author in 1833 when she published her Appeal in Favor of That Class of Americans Called Africans, which described the horrors of slavery. Her appeal called for immediate emancipation of all slaves and urged Americans to turn their vague antislavery feelings into an organized abolitionist movement. Within weeks, public outrage had destroyed her career. Many people canceled their subscriptions to a magazine she edited, refused to buy her other books, or snubbed her on the street. Old friends no longer allowed her in their homes. Her literary mentor, the influential Harvard professor George Ticknor, not only refused to see her himself but also refused to associate with anyone who was seen talking with her. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Tina Pey
Congratulations on your purchase of this American made genuine book. Each component of this book was selected to provide you with maximum book performance, whatever your reading needs maybe. If you are a woman and you bought this book for practical tips on how to make it in a male dominated workplace, here they are. No pigtails, no tube tops. Cry sparingly. (Some people say “Never let them see you cry.” I say, if you’re so mad you could just cry, then cry. It terrifies everyone.) When choosing sexual partners, remember: Talent is not sexually transmittable. Also, don’t eat diet foods in meetings. Perhaps you’re a parent and you bought this book to learn how to raise an achievement oriented, drug-free, adult virgin. You’ll find that, too. The essential ingredients, I can tell you up front, are a strong father figure, bad skin, and a child-sized colonial-lady outfit. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Tina Pey
Congratulations on your purchase of this American made genuine book. Each component of this book was selected to provide you with maximum book performance, whatever your reading needs maybe. If you are a woman and you bought this book for practical tips on how to make it in a male dominated workplace, here they are. No pigtails, no tube tops. Cry sparingly. (Some people say “Never let them see you cry.” I say, if you’re so mad you could just cry, then cry. It terrifies everyone.) When choosing sexual partners, remember: Talent is not sexually transmittable. Also, don’t eat diet foods in meetings. Perhaps you’re a parent and you bought this book to learn how to raise an achievement oriented, drug-free, adult virgin. You’ll find that, too. The essential ingredients, I can tell you up front, are a strong father figure, bad skin, and a child-sized colonial-lady outfit. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Body Language
Body Language
By: Allan Pease
When I first heard about ‘body language’ at a seminar in 1971, I became so excited about it that I wanted to learn more. The speaker told us about some of the research done by Professor Ray Birdwhistell at the Universityof Louisville, which had shown that more human communication took place by the use of gestures, postures, position and distances than by any other method. At that time I had been a commission salesman for several years and had undergone many long, intensive courses on selling techniques, but none of these courses had ever mentioned anything about the non-verbal aspects or implications of face-to-face encounters. My own investigations showed that little useful information was available on body language and, although libraries and universities had records of the studies done on it, most of this information consisted of closely set manuscripts and theoretical assumptions compiled in an objective manner by people who had little or no practical experience in dealing with other human beings. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Allan Pease
When I first heard about ‘body language’ at a seminar in 1971, I became so excited about it that I wanted to learn more. The speaker told us about some of the research done by Professor Ray Birdwhistell at the Universityof Louisville, which had shown that more human communication took place by the use of gestures, postures, position and distances than by any other method. At that time I had been a commission salesman for several years and had undergone many long, intensive courses on selling techniques, but none of these courses had ever mentioned anything about the non-verbal aspects or implications of face-to-face encounters. My own investigations showed that little useful information was available on body language and, although libraries and universities had records of the studies done on it, most of this information consisted of closely set manuscripts and theoretical assumptions compiled in an objective manner by people who had little or no practical experience in dealing with other human beings. [download]
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Arts with The Brain in Mind
Arts with The Brain in Mind
By: Eric Jensen
Right from the start, it’s imperative to understand that evidence from brain research is only one of many reasons to support the arts as an integral part of the educational process. There are studies that report benefits from a long-term arts curriculum, but many of them are deficient in some respect (Eisner, 1998). A recent Project Zero study (2000) cautioned against making causal links between arts and academic performance. This Harvard group is correct; arts are not to be used as a “quick fix” to shore up other nagging deficits in a district’s educational process. Arts are for the long term; and one should be cautious in claims about how they affect test scores. In fact, a report by the Arts Education Partnership and the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Eric Jensen
Right from the start, it’s imperative to understand that evidence from brain research is only one of many reasons to support the arts as an integral part of the educational process. There are studies that report benefits from a long-term arts curriculum, but many of them are deficient in some respect (Eisner, 1998). A recent Project Zero study (2000) cautioned against making causal links between arts and academic performance. This Harvard group is correct; arts are not to be used as a “quick fix” to shore up other nagging deficits in a district’s educational process. Arts are for the long term; and one should be cautious in claims about how they affect test scores. In fact, a report by the Arts Education Partnership and the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities. [download]
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Art and Complexity
Art and Complexity
Edited By: J. Casti and A. Karlqvist
The concept of “complexity” is a lot like other informal but very useful everyday notions like “truth,” “beauty,” “love,” and “justice,” residing as much in the eye of the beholder as in some objective, platonic realm beyond space and time. But there is an emerging science of complex systems, which is often termed the “science of complexity,” suggesting a formalization of what we mean by “complexity” in objective, mathematical, and computational terms. So it’s of more than passing interest to investigate whether a formal notion of complexity accords with what practitioners of the more humane arts, such as literature, painting, poetry, and music mean by a work of art being complex. With this exploration of the interface between complexity and art as the leitmotif, the Swedish research agency, FRN, sponsored a one-week workshop to bring together complexity scientists interested in art and artists interested in complexity to exchange views of the issue of how complexity and art fit together. [download]
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Edited By: J. Casti and A. Karlqvist
The concept of “complexity” is a lot like other informal but very useful everyday notions like “truth,” “beauty,” “love,” and “justice,” residing as much in the eye of the beholder as in some objective, platonic realm beyond space and time. But there is an emerging science of complex systems, which is often termed the “science of complexity,” suggesting a formalization of what we mean by “complexity” in objective, mathematical, and computational terms. So it’s of more than passing interest to investigate whether a formal notion of complexity accords with what practitioners of the more humane arts, such as literature, painting, poetry, and music mean by a work of art being complex. With this exploration of the interface between complexity and art as the leitmotif, the Swedish research agency, FRN, sponsored a one-week workshop to bring together complexity scientists interested in art and artists interested in complexity to exchange views of the issue of how complexity and art fit together. [download]
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Are Your Customers Being Served
Are Your Customers Being Served
By: Pauline Rowson
Marketing strategies within organizations are often geared towards winning new business from new customers. This is all very well but what about winning more business from your existing customers? Many organizations fail to realize the value of their existing customers, or the fact that they can sell more to them. They treat them in a cavalier manner, often ignoring them once the business is won, and in some cases making it as difficult as possible for customers to purchase products or services. It sometimes amazes me that businesses make any money at all. Of course some don’t and subsequently fail. Many organizations chase the Holy Grail of obtaining new customers, spending time, money and energy on capturing them only to provide them with a service or product that quite frankly is inferior. What a waste. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Pauline Rowson
Marketing strategies within organizations are often geared towards winning new business from new customers. This is all very well but what about winning more business from your existing customers? Many organizations fail to realize the value of their existing customers, or the fact that they can sell more to them. They treat them in a cavalier manner, often ignoring them once the business is won, and in some cases making it as difficult as possible for customers to purchase products or services. It sometimes amazes me that businesses make any money at all. Of course some don’t and subsequently fail. Many organizations chase the Holy Grail of obtaining new customers, spending time, money and energy on capturing them only to provide them with a service or product that quite frankly is inferior. What a waste. [download]
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Big Strategies for Small Business
Big Strategies for Small Business
By: Hans-Joachim Gogl and Clemens Schedler
Das Handwerk der Zukunft (The Trades of the Future) is the title of a book by Christine Ax, our discussion partner in the following interview, and defining this concept was perhaps the most ambitious phase in researching the examples compiled in this volume. The future we had in mind, however, was one in the sense of innovative strategies for trades and crafts, which we sought to find in present practices of exemplary initiatives and enterprises inEurope. We have chosen solutions that have in a striking way proven their effectiveness over many years, but at the same time we are also showcasing outstanding prototypes: we are tracing visions of the future that have just begun to manifest themselves and reporting on small projects whose concepts could prove inspiring to many sectors and regions. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Hans-Joachim Gogl and Clemens Schedler
Das Handwerk der Zukunft (The Trades of the Future) is the title of a book by Christine Ax, our discussion partner in the following interview, and defining this concept was perhaps the most ambitious phase in researching the examples compiled in this volume. The future we had in mind, however, was one in the sense of innovative strategies for trades and crafts, which we sought to find in present practices of exemplary initiatives and enterprises inEurope. We have chosen solutions that have in a striking way proven their effectiveness over many years, but at the same time we are also showcasing outstanding prototypes: we are tracing visions of the future that have just begun to manifest themselves and reporting on small projects whose concepts could prove inspiring to many sectors and regions. [download]
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Aldo Leopold’s Odyssey
Aldo Leopold’s Odyssey
By: Julianne Lutz Newton
Aldo Leopold landed in Casas Grandes, in the northern Mexican state ofChihuahua, three days before Christmas 1937, just two and half weeks shy of his fifty-first birthday. The flight, his first ever, had taken him over winding streams and arroyos, rocky hills covered with twisted oaks and junipers, and canyons abounding with whitetailed deer and wild turkeys. It brought him into a region once inhabited by great thirteenth- through fifteenth-century Mexican civilizations and several even older ones. Within a short distance of the modern-day Hotel Regis, boasting the local distinction of flushing bathroom fixtures, lay a broad labyrinth of smooth walled rooms of pink clay, ruins of the sophisticated city of the ancient Pacquime people. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Julianne Lutz Newton
Aldo Leopold landed in Casas Grandes, in the northern Mexican state ofChihuahua, three days before Christmas 1937, just two and half weeks shy of his fifty-first birthday. The flight, his first ever, had taken him over winding streams and arroyos, rocky hills covered with twisted oaks and junipers, and canyons abounding with whitetailed deer and wild turkeys. It brought him into a region once inhabited by great thirteenth- through fifteenth-century Mexican civilizations and several even older ones. Within a short distance of the modern-day Hotel Regis, boasting the local distinction of flushing bathroom fixtures, lay a broad labyrinth of smooth walled rooms of pink clay, ruins of the sophisticated city of the ancient Pacquime people. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Minggu, 19 Juni 2011
Body Signs
Body Signs
Penulis: Joan Liebmann Smith, Ph.D. dan Jaequeline Nardi Egan
Buku yang komprehensif dan sangat menarik ini memuat setiap bagian tubuh dari ujung rambut hingga ujung kaki untuk membantu anda menguraikan pesan-pesan misterius hingga sinyal-sinyal bahaya yang dikirimkan tubuh anda kepada anda. Bersumber dari berbagai penelitian terbaru dan diawasi oleh sebuah panel yang berisi pakar-pakar kesehatan, buku ini berisi berbagai informasi penting dan seringkali menghibur mengenai segala sesuatu yang ingin anda ketahui soal tubuh anda tetapi selama ini anda segan menanyakannya?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Joan Liebmann Smith, Ph.D. dan Jaequeline Nardi Egan
Buku yang komprehensif dan sangat menarik ini memuat setiap bagian tubuh dari ujung rambut hingga ujung kaki untuk membantu anda menguraikan pesan-pesan misterius hingga sinyal-sinyal bahaya yang dikirimkan tubuh anda kepada anda. Bersumber dari berbagai penelitian terbaru dan diawasi oleh sebuah panel yang berisi pakar-pakar kesehatan, buku ini berisi berbagai informasi penting dan seringkali menghibur mengenai segala sesuatu yang ingin anda ketahui soal tubuh anda tetapi selama ini anda segan menanyakannya?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
The Mummy
The Mummy
By: Anne Rice
THE CAMERA flashes blinded him for a moment. If only he could get the photographers away. But they had been at his side for months now-ever since the first artifacts had been found in these barren hills, south ofCairo. It was as if they too had known. Something about to happen. After all these years, Lawrence Stratford was on to a major find. And so they were there with the cameras, and the smoking flashes. They almost knocked him off balance as he made his way into the narrow rough-hewn passage towards the letters visible on the half-uncovered marble door. The twilight seemed to darken suddenly. He could see the letters, but he couldn’t make them out. “Samir,” he cried. “I need light.” “Yes, Lawrence.” At once the torch exploded behind him, and in a flood of yellow illumination, the slab of stone was wonderfully visible. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Anne Rice
THE CAMERA flashes blinded him for a moment. If only he could get the photographers away. But they had been at his side for months now-ever since the first artifacts had been found in these barren hills, south ofCairo. It was as if they too had known. Something about to happen. After all these years, Lawrence Stratford was on to a major find. And so they were there with the cameras, and the smoking flashes. They almost knocked him off balance as he made his way into the narrow rough-hewn passage towards the letters visible on the half-uncovered marble door. The twilight seemed to darken suddenly. He could see the letters, but he couldn’t make them out. “Samir,” he cried. “I need light.” “Yes, Lawrence.” At once the torch exploded behind him, and in a flood of yellow illumination, the slab of stone was wonderfully visible. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
The Feast of All Saints
The Feast of All Saints
By: Anne Rice
One morning inNew Orleans, in that part of the Rue Ste. Anne before it crosses Conde and becomes the lower boundary of the Place d’Armes, a young boy who had been running full tilt down the middle of the street stopped suddenly, his chest heaving, and began to deliherately and obviously follow a tall woman. This was the street in which he lived, though he was blocks from home, and the woman lived in it also. So a numher of people on the way to market-or lounging in the doors of their shops to garner a little breeze knew the pair of them and thought as they glanced at the boy, that is Marcel Ste. Marie, Cecile’s son, and what is he doing now? These were the riverfront streets of the 1840s, packed with immigrants, where the worlds met over the back fence, and gallery to gallery; yet despite the throng, and the wilderness of masts above the levee markets, the French Quarter was then as forever a small town. And the woman was famous in it. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Anne Rice
One morning inNew Orleans, in that part of the Rue Ste. Anne before it crosses Conde and becomes the lower boundary of the Place d’Armes, a young boy who had been running full tilt down the middle of the street stopped suddenly, his chest heaving, and began to deliherately and obviously follow a tall woman. This was the street in which he lived, though he was blocks from home, and the woman lived in it also. So a numher of people on the way to market-or lounging in the doors of their shops to garner a little breeze knew the pair of them and thought as they glanced at the boy, that is Marcel Ste. Marie, Cecile’s son, and what is he doing now? These were the riverfront streets of the 1840s, packed with immigrants, where the worlds met over the back fence, and gallery to gallery; yet despite the throng, and the wilderness of masts above the levee markets, the French Quarter was then as forever a small town. And the woman was famous in it. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
The Road to Cana
The Road to Cana
By: Anne Rice
Angels sang at his birth. Magi from the East brought gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They gave these gifts to him, and to his mother, Mary, and the man, Joseph, who claimed to be his father. In the Temple, an old man gathered the babe in his arms. The old man said to the Lord, as he held the babe, “A light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.” My mother told me those stories. That was years and years ago. Is it possible that Christ the Lord is a carpenter in the town of Nazareth, a man past thirty years of age, and one of a family of carpenters, a family of men and women and children that fill ten rooms of an ancient house, and, that in this winter of no rain, of endless dust, of talk of trouble in Judea, Christ the Lord sleeps in a worn woolen robe, in a room with other men, beside a smoking brazier? Is it possible that in that room, asleep, he dreams? [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Anne Rice
Angels sang at his birth. Magi from the East brought gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They gave these gifts to him, and to his mother, Mary, and the man, Joseph, who claimed to be his father. In the Temple, an old man gathered the babe in his arms. The old man said to the Lord, as he held the babe, “A light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.” My mother told me those stories. That was years and years ago. Is it possible that Christ the Lord is a carpenter in the town of Nazareth, a man past thirty years of age, and one of a family of carpenters, a family of men and women and children that fill ten rooms of an ancient house, and, that in this winter of no rain, of endless dust, of talk of trouble in Judea, Christ the Lord sleeps in a worn woolen robe, in a room with other men, beside a smoking brazier? Is it possible that in that room, asleep, he dreams? [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Anne Rice
What I seek to do here perhaps cannot be done in words. Perhaps it can only be done in music. I want to try to do it in words. I want to give to the tale the architecture which only narrative can provide -the beginning, the middle and the end-the charged unfolding events in phrases faithfully reflecting their impact upon the writer. You should not need to know the composers I mention often in these pages: Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky-the wild strummings of the bluegrass fiddlers or the eerie music of Gaelic violins. My words should impart the very essence of the sound to you. If not, then there is something here which cannot be really written. But since it’s the story in me, the story I am compelled to unfold life, my tragedy, my triumph and its price I have no choice but to attempt this record. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Anne Rice
What I seek to do here perhaps cannot be done in words. Perhaps it can only be done in music. I want to try to do it in words. I want to give to the tale the architecture which only narrative can provide -the beginning, the middle and the end-the charged unfolding events in phrases faithfully reflecting their impact upon the writer. You should not need to know the composers I mention often in these pages: Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky-the wild strummings of the bluegrass fiddlers or the eerie music of Gaelic violins. My words should impart the very essence of the sound to you. If not, then there is something here which cannot be really written. But since it’s the story in me, the story I am compelled to unfold life, my tragedy, my triumph and its price I have no choice but to attempt this record. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
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