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Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Tonight and Always

Tonight and Always

By: Nora Roberts

It was dusk, that strange, almost mystical interlude when light and dark are perfectly balanced. Within moments the soft blue would be transformed by the fiery colors of sunset. Shadows were lengthening; birds were quieting. Kasey stood at the foot of the steps leading to the Taylormansion. She glanced up at the massive white pillars and old rose brick with huge expanses of plate glass. Three stories. Here and there lights shone dimly through drawn drapes. There was a monied dignity about the place. Old money, inherent dignity. Intimidating,she thought, letting her eyes roam up and down again. But it did have a certain style. Under the cover of dusk the house looked serene. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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