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Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Nothing But Trouble

Nothing But Trouble

By: Rachel Gibson

“Last night, your hockey team won the Stanley Cup without you, how do you feel about that?’. Former NHL superstar and all around badass Mark Breasler looked beyond the bank of microphones and wall of cameras to the dozen or so reporters filling the media room inside the Key Arena. He’d played for Seattlethe past eight years, been the captain for te last six years. He’d worked for most of his life to hold the Stanley Cup over his head and feel the cold silver in his hands. He’d llived and breathed hockey since he’d laaced up his first pair of skates. He’d left his blood on the ice aand broken more bones than he could recall. Professional hockey was all he knew. All that he was, but last night his team won without him. He’d watched from his living room as thn t,,e rotten bastards skated around with his cup. How in the hell did everyone think he felt? “of course I wish I could have been there with the boys, but I’m thrilled for them. One hundred percent thrilled. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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