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Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Make Me Remember

Make Me Remember

By: Emma Petersen 

“What brings you to see us today” I looked down at the medical chart in my hand before I continued, “Mrs. Peltier?” I smiled, not only to reassure her but also because I was relieved she was my last patient after a very long and very stressful day. “My granddaughter.” Despite my attempts to set her at ease, the elderly woman gave me a suspicious look. “And I’ve had trouble with…” She hesitated. I patted the older woman’s hand and nodded. She was probably embarrassed to admit she had a problem with constipation. I saw no reason to embarrass her further when the information was written in the chart. “It’s something that afflicts us all once in a while. Besides that, are you experiencing any other difficulties?” I looked up from the prescription pad in my hand into the stunned face of the patient’s granddaughter. “Is there a problem?”. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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