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Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Her Mother’s Keeper

Her Mother’s Keeper 

By: Nora Roberts

The taxi zipped through the airport traffic. Gwen let out a long sigh as the Louisianaheat throbbed around her. She shifted as the thin material of her ivory lawn blouse dampened against her back. The relief was brief. Squinting out of the window, she decided the July sun hadn’t changed in the two years she had been away. The cab veered away from downtown New Orleansand cruised south. Gwen reflected that very little else here had changed in the past two years but herself. Spanish moss still draped the roadside trees, giving even the sun-drenched afternoon a dreamlike effect. The warm, thick scent of flowers still wafted through the air. The atmosphere was touched with an easygoing indolence she nearly had forgotten during the two years she’d spent in Manhattan. Yes, she mused, craning her neck to catch a glimpse of a sheltered bayou, I’m the one who’s changed. I’ve grown up. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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