Marketing Without Advertising
By: Michael Phillips and Salli Rasberry
Take a look around your community and make a list of truly superior small businessesones you trust so thoroughly you would recommend them to your friends, your boss and even your in-laws. Whether your mind turns to restaurants, plumbers, plant nurseries or veterinarians, chances are good your list is fairly short. Now think about all the ads for local businesses that fill your newspaper, clutter your doorstep, spew out of your radio, cover the back of your grocery receipts or reach you in dozens of other ways. How many of these businesses are on your list? More than likely, not many. In fact, I’ll bet the most heavily advertised local businesses are among the businesses you never plan to patronizeor patronize againno matter how many 50%-off specials you are offered. [download]
Format : Ebook.Chm
Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011
Syariah Marketing
Syariah Marketing
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya dan M. Syakir Sula
Peta pemasaran di Indonesia tampaknya menunjukkan tanda-tanda pergerakan dari pasar rasional ke pasar emosional, bahkan ke pasar spiritual. Jika pada pasar rasional konsumer membeli barang atau jasa dengan pertimbangan rasional (misalnya, fungsi dan harga), pada pasar emosional dengan pertimbangan emosi (misalnya, cita rasa personal, prestise, citra-diri), maka pada pasar spiritual konsumer mulai mempertimbangkan nilai (baik-buruk, halal-haram). Inilah barangkali yang menjelaskan mengapa pasar syariah di Indonesia menunjukkan tanda-tanda ke arah perkembangan yang pesat, dengan profitabilitas tertinggi di dunia! [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya dan M. Syakir Sula
Peta pemasaran di Indonesia tampaknya menunjukkan tanda-tanda pergerakan dari pasar rasional ke pasar emosional, bahkan ke pasar spiritual. Jika pada pasar rasional konsumer membeli barang atau jasa dengan pertimbangan rasional (misalnya, fungsi dan harga), pada pasar emosional dengan pertimbangan emosi (misalnya, cita rasa personal, prestise, citra-diri), maka pada pasar spiritual konsumer mulai mempertimbangkan nilai (baik-buruk, halal-haram). Inilah barangkali yang menjelaskan mengapa pasar syariah di Indonesia menunjukkan tanda-tanda ke arah perkembangan yang pesat, dengan profitabilitas tertinggi di dunia! [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Perbankan Syariah
Perbankan Syariah
Penulis: Marvin K. Lewis dan Latifa M. Algaoud
Perbankan Syariah semakin memikat. Ia telah menjadi bagian penting dari perbankan global. Buku ini hadir pada saat yang tepat dan ditulis dengan cermat Marvin dan Latifa mengupas pelarangan bunga (riba) nenurut doktrin ekonomi Islam dan berbagai implikasi larangan ini terhadap karakter intermediasi keuangan dan struktur-struktur tata kelola dalam sistem keuangan Islam. Analisis itu dilatari teori-teori modern tentang intermidiasi keuangan yang menyangkut biaya transaksi, problem informasi, dan rancangan kontrak-kontrak dengan insentif yang sesuai. Buku yang patut dibaca. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Marvin K. Lewis dan Latifa M. Algaoud
Perbankan Syariah semakin memikat. Ia telah menjadi bagian penting dari perbankan global. Buku ini hadir pada saat yang tepat dan ditulis dengan cermat Marvin dan Latifa mengupas pelarangan bunga (riba) nenurut doktrin ekonomi Islam dan berbagai implikasi larangan ini terhadap karakter intermediasi keuangan dan struktur-struktur tata kelola dalam sistem keuangan Islam. Analisis itu dilatari teori-teori modern tentang intermidiasi keuangan yang menyangkut biaya transaksi, problem informasi, dan rancangan kontrak-kontrak dengan insentif yang sesuai. Buku yang patut dibaca. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Hermawan Kartajaya on Brand
Hermawan Kartajaya on Brand
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya
Sejak dulu Hermawan Kartajaya, Marketing Icon of Indonesia, selalu mengatakan bahwa marketing itu intinya mencakup sembilan segment yaitu:
1. Brand2. Differentiation3. Positioning
4. Segmentation5. Targeting
6. Marketing Mix7. Selling
8. Service
9. Process
Ia menyebutnya sebagai ” nine core element of marketing “. Ia berpendapat bahwa suatu produk, merek ataupun perusahaan akan memiliki keunggulan bersaing yang bagus kalau ia mampu membangun kesembilan elemen pemasaran tersebut dengan baik. Hermawan mengatakan bahwa brand bukan sekadar nama. Bukan pula logo atau simbol. Brand adalah value indicator dari apa yang Anda tawarkan. Ia adalah payung yang melingkupi produk atau pelayanan, perusahaan, pribadi, atau bahkan negara. Ia adalah ekuitas perusahaan yang menambahkan value pada produk dan pelayanan yang ditawarkan. Sebagai sebuah aset, brand menciptakan value bagi para konsumen melalui kualitas. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya
Sejak dulu Hermawan Kartajaya, Marketing Icon of Indonesia, selalu mengatakan bahwa marketing itu intinya mencakup sembilan segment yaitu:
1. Brand2. Differentiation3. Positioning
4. Segmentation5. Targeting
6. Marketing Mix7. Selling
8. Service
9. Process
Ia menyebutnya sebagai ” nine core element of marketing “. Ia berpendapat bahwa suatu produk, merek ataupun perusahaan akan memiliki keunggulan bersaing yang bagus kalau ia mampu membangun kesembilan elemen pemasaran tersebut dengan baik. Hermawan mengatakan bahwa brand bukan sekadar nama. Bukan pula logo atau simbol. Brand adalah value indicator dari apa yang Anda tawarkan. Ia adalah payung yang melingkupi produk atau pelayanan, perusahaan, pribadi, atau bahkan negara. Ia adalah ekuitas perusahaan yang menambahkan value pada produk dan pelayanan yang ditawarkan. Sebagai sebuah aset, brand menciptakan value bagi para konsumen melalui kualitas. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Hermawan Kartajaya on Differentiation
Hermawan Kartajaya on Differentiation
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya
Menurut Hermawan, untuk membangun strategi yang kokoh pertama-tama anda harus mampu melihat pasarnya kreatif dan membagi-bagi pasar tersebut ke dalam segmen-segmen berdasarkan kondisi psikografis-behavior tertentu. Dari sini kemudian anda akan dapat memilih satu atau beberapa segmen tersebut yang akan dijadikan target market. Secara tradisional Diferensiasi dikenal sebagai tindakan merancang seperangkat perbedaan yang berarti dalam penawaran perusahaan. Lebih lanjut,definisi diferensiasi sebagai menyatukan konten, konteks, dan infrastruktur penawaran kita kepada para konsumen. Produk yang berbeda adalah taktik utama bagi perusahaan untuk mendukung positioning-nya. jika positioning tidak didukung oleh diferensiasi, perusahaan akan hanya mengumbar janji dan tak bisa memuaskan konsumen, yang pada gilirannya akan merusak brand dan reputasi perusahaan. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya
Menurut Hermawan, untuk membangun strategi yang kokoh pertama-tama anda harus mampu melihat pasarnya kreatif dan membagi-bagi pasar tersebut ke dalam segmen-segmen berdasarkan kondisi psikografis-behavior tertentu. Dari sini kemudian anda akan dapat memilih satu atau beberapa segmen tersebut yang akan dijadikan target market. Secara tradisional Diferensiasi dikenal sebagai tindakan merancang seperangkat perbedaan yang berarti dalam penawaran perusahaan. Lebih lanjut,definisi diferensiasi sebagai menyatukan konten, konteks, dan infrastruktur penawaran kita kepada para konsumen. Produk yang berbeda adalah taktik utama bagi perusahaan untuk mendukung positioning-nya. jika positioning tidak didukung oleh diferensiasi, perusahaan akan hanya mengumbar janji dan tak bisa memuaskan konsumen, yang pada gilirannya akan merusak brand dan reputasi perusahaan. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Hermawan Kartajaya on Positioning
Hermawan Kartajaya on Positioning
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya
By traditional definition, positioning is the strategy to occupy the consumers mind with our company’s offerings. I defines positioning as strategy to lead the company’s customers credibly. It is about how to establish trustworthiness, confidence, and competence for customers. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Hermawan Kartajaya on Segmentation
Hermawan Kartajaya on Segmentation
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya
Pasar adalah zona yang misterius, untuk mengetahui pasar secara jelas, Anda perlu melakukan segmentasi. Secara sederhana, segmentasi adalah proses memanfaatkan peluang dengan membagi-bagi pasar menjadi beberapa segmen. Pasar dipetakan berdasarkan karakteristik yang Anda tentukan, sehingga perusahaan Anda bisa melihat lebih jelas pasar mana yang akan dimasuki. Segmentasi adalah sebuah seni mengidentifikasi dan memanfaatkan peluang-peluang yang ada di pasar dengan melihat pasar secara kreatif. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya
Pasar adalah zona yang misterius, untuk mengetahui pasar secara jelas, Anda perlu melakukan segmentasi. Secara sederhana, segmentasi adalah proses memanfaatkan peluang dengan membagi-bagi pasar menjadi beberapa segmen. Pasar dipetakan berdasarkan karakteristik yang Anda tentukan, sehingga perusahaan Anda bisa melihat lebih jelas pasar mana yang akan dimasuki. Segmentasi adalah sebuah seni mengidentifikasi dan memanfaatkan peluang-peluang yang ada di pasar dengan melihat pasar secara kreatif. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Hermawan Kartajaya on Targeting
Hermawan Kartajaya on Targeting
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya
Targeting, secara sederhana, adalah proses menentukan pasar yang tepat bagi produk Anda. Tidak hanya itu, targeting merupakan strategi mengalokasikan sumber daya perusahaan secara efektif, yang harus dilakukan untuk mempermudah proses penyesuaiannya ke dalam segmen-segmen pasar yang telah Anda pilih. Sebuah bacaan wajib bagi para pelaku bisnis mana pun. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya
Targeting, secara sederhana, adalah proses menentukan pasar yang tepat bagi produk Anda. Tidak hanya itu, targeting merupakan strategi mengalokasikan sumber daya perusahaan secara efektif, yang harus dilakukan untuk mempermudah proses penyesuaiannya ke dalam segmen-segmen pasar yang telah Anda pilih. Sebuah bacaan wajib bagi para pelaku bisnis mana pun. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Hermawan Kartajaya on Marketing Mix
Hermawan Kartajaya on Marketing Mix
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya
Marketing mix adalah sebuah taktik dalam mengintegrasikan unsur penawaran, logistik, dan cara mempromosikan produk atau jasa Anda. Tidak hanya perlu melakukan penawaran yang menarik, Anda juga harus memikirkan taktik yang tepat dalam mendistribusikan dan mempromosikannya. Kenapa suatu produk bisa sukses di pasar sementara yang lainnya tidak, meskipun sebelumnya telah menguasai pasar atau melakukan promosi besar-besaran? [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya
Marketing mix adalah sebuah taktik dalam mengintegrasikan unsur penawaran, logistik, dan cara mempromosikan produk atau jasa Anda. Tidak hanya perlu melakukan penawaran yang menarik, Anda juga harus memikirkan taktik yang tepat dalam mendistribusikan dan mempromosikannya. Kenapa suatu produk bisa sukses di pasar sementara yang lainnya tidak, meskipun sebelumnya telah menguasai pasar atau melakukan promosi besar-besaran? [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Hermawan Kartajaya on Selling
Hermawan Kartajaya on Selling
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya
Selling adalah bagaimana menciptakan hubungan jangka panjang dengan pelanggan melalui produk atau jasa perusahaan anda. Dalam hal ini, selling berarti sebuah taktik yang dapat mengintegrasi antara perusahaan, pelanggan dan relasi antara keduanya.Relasi ini tidak terbentuk begitu saja, tetapi dapat dibangun dengan beberapa langkah sistematis.Tahap pertama, tingkatkan awareness pelanggan terhadap merek Anda. Kedua, jadikan merek Anda sebagai identitas bagi pelanggan.Ketiga, usahakan pelanggan Anda memiliki relationship jangka panjang dengan merek Anda. Jika itu semua terjadi, pelanggan dengan sendirinya akan menjadi juru bicara dan pembela produk Anda. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya
Selling adalah bagaimana menciptakan hubungan jangka panjang dengan pelanggan melalui produk atau jasa perusahaan anda. Dalam hal ini, selling berarti sebuah taktik yang dapat mengintegrasi antara perusahaan, pelanggan dan relasi antara keduanya.Relasi ini tidak terbentuk begitu saja, tetapi dapat dibangun dengan beberapa langkah sistematis.Tahap pertama, tingkatkan awareness pelanggan terhadap merek Anda. Kedua, jadikan merek Anda sebagai identitas bagi pelanggan.Ketiga, usahakan pelanggan Anda memiliki relationship jangka panjang dengan merek Anda. Jika itu semua terjadi, pelanggan dengan sendirinya akan menjadi juru bicara dan pembela produk Anda. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Hermawan Kartajaya on Service
Hermawan Kartajaya on Service
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya
Perusahaan boleh saja mengalokasikan miliaran rupiah untuk promosi lewat iklan. Tapi, promosi paling efektif justru melalui word-of-mouth alias gethok tular. Sebab, pelanggan yang terpuaskan akan menjadi juru bicara produk Anda secara lebih efektif dan meyakinkan ketimbang iklan jenis apa pun. Dengan servis, Anda menawarkan nilai kepada pelanggan, dengan servis, Anda menjamin nilai tambah secara berkesinambungan. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya
Perusahaan boleh saja mengalokasikan miliaran rupiah untuk promosi lewat iklan. Tapi, promosi paling efektif justru melalui word-of-mouth alias gethok tular. Sebab, pelanggan yang terpuaskan akan menjadi juru bicara produk Anda secara lebih efektif dan meyakinkan ketimbang iklan jenis apa pun. Dengan servis, Anda menawarkan nilai kepada pelanggan, dengan servis, Anda menjamin nilai tambah secara berkesinambungan. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Hermawan Kartajaya on Process
Hermawan Kartajaya on Process
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya
Proses, di dunia bisnis, merupakan salah satu elemen pemasaran terpenting. Kualitas (quality), biaya (cost), dan pengiriman produk (delivery) sangat ditentukan oleh proses, dari produksi hingga distribusi, secara efisien dan efektif. Di balik semua itu, kata kunci untuk memenangi persaingan adalah inovasi, yang didukung oleh informasi, pengetahuan, dan pengalaman. Membangun diferensiasi produk atau memberikan kesan yang mendalam kepada pelanggan, tidak bisa tidak, tentu membutuhkan ide-ide yang inovatif. Sebuah bacaan wajib bagi para manajer, marketer, dan pelaku bisnis mana pun. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Hermawan Kartajaya
Proses, di dunia bisnis, merupakan salah satu elemen pemasaran terpenting. Kualitas (quality), biaya (cost), dan pengiriman produk (delivery) sangat ditentukan oleh proses, dari produksi hingga distribusi, secara efisien dan efektif. Di balik semua itu, kata kunci untuk memenangi persaingan adalah inovasi, yang didukung oleh informasi, pengetahuan, dan pengalaman. Membangun diferensiasi produk atau memberikan kesan yang mendalam kepada pelanggan, tidak bisa tidak, tentu membutuhkan ide-ide yang inovatif. Sebuah bacaan wajib bagi para manajer, marketer, dan pelaku bisnis mana pun. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
The Medici Effect–Rahasia Sukses Berinovasi Secara Revolusioner
The Medici Effect–Rahasia Sukses Berinovasi Secara Revolusioner
Penulis: Frans Johansson
Puas berinovasi bersama Blue Ocean Strategy?. Tahan dulu. The Medici Effect siap mengubah letupan ide inovatif anda menjadi ledakan keuntungan. Seorang tim riset lintas disiplin ilmu menemukan cara membaca pikiran seekor monyet. Seorang kepala juru masak berhasil melejitkan ketenaran restorannya lewat menu campuran landak laut dan peren lolipop, dan masih banyak lagi. Dalam buku yang mempesona ini, Johansson mengungkapkan bagaimana kita dapat menemukan titik-titik temu dalam hidup kita sendiri dan mengubah gagasan-gagasan yang kita dapatkan disana menjadi inovasi-inovasi terobosan. Apakah anda mau?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Frans Johansson
Puas berinovasi bersama Blue Ocean Strategy?. Tahan dulu. The Medici Effect siap mengubah letupan ide inovatif anda menjadi ledakan keuntungan. Seorang tim riset lintas disiplin ilmu menemukan cara membaca pikiran seekor monyet. Seorang kepala juru masak berhasil melejitkan ketenaran restorannya lewat menu campuran landak laut dan peren lolipop, dan masih banyak lagi. Dalam buku yang mempesona ini, Johansson mengungkapkan bagaimana kita dapat menemukan titik-titik temu dalam hidup kita sendiri dan mengubah gagasan-gagasan yang kita dapatkan disana menjadi inovasi-inovasi terobosan. Apakah anda mau?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Villa Toedjoeh Tjemara
Villa Toedjoeh Tjemara
Penulis: Donatus A Nugroho
Hujan masih lebat, air tercurah dari langit yang gelap pekat, seolah nggak bakal berhenti. VW kodok itu berjalan bagai pelari marathon yag nyaris kehabisan napas, tersendat di jalan yang licin dan mendaki. Gilas yang berada di belakang kemudi berkali-kali mengeluh dan memaki kecil. Sudah puluhan kali pula ia berdo’a dalam hati, semoga mobil selamat sampai tujuan. Selamatkah Gilas…?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Donatus A Nugroho
Hujan masih lebat, air tercurah dari langit yang gelap pekat, seolah nggak bakal berhenti. VW kodok itu berjalan bagai pelari marathon yag nyaris kehabisan napas, tersendat di jalan yang licin dan mendaki. Gilas yang berada di belakang kemudi berkali-kali mengeluh dan memaki kecil. Sudah puluhan kali pula ia berdo’a dalam hati, semoga mobil selamat sampai tujuan. Selamatkah Gilas…?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Kinoysan
Galuh benar-benar nggak percaya waktu tau Rey punya gebetan lain. Yang bikin Galuh tambah kelimpungan, orang itu adalah sobatnya sendiri, Winda! Tanpa pikir panjang lagi, Galuh mutusin hubungan sama Rey, dan pergi jauh darinya. Tapi, apa yang mesti dilakukan Galuh waktu tau sikapnya itu keliru banget? Maukah Galuh menerima kembali cowok yang pernah bersemayam dihatinya itu?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Kinoysan
Galuh benar-benar nggak percaya waktu tau Rey punya gebetan lain. Yang bikin Galuh tambah kelimpungan, orang itu adalah sobatnya sendiri, Winda! Tanpa pikir panjang lagi, Galuh mutusin hubungan sama Rey, dan pergi jauh darinya. Tapi, apa yang mesti dilakukan Galuh waktu tau sikapnya itu keliru banget? Maukah Galuh menerima kembali cowok yang pernah bersemayam dihatinya itu?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Vijay Amritraj-An Autobiography
Vijay Amritraj-An Autobiography
By: Vijay Amritraj and Richard Evans
In this fascinating autobiography, Vijay Amritraj, one of India’s top tennis stars, tells the story of his life; how as a child his introduction to tennis was at the insistence of his mother and father, who made great sacrifices and showed tremendous strength of will to give the Amritraj brothers, with the help of Rama Rao, the coach, the essential grounding in tennis which would take them to peaks of achievement. Amritraj tells all; his Davis Cup triumph, his appearance on the centre court of Wimbledon, his career as a tennis player all over the world, his acting in the James Bond movie, Octopussy, and the various enterprises started by him. Included are delightful episodes of his finding a bride, family vignettes of his brothers, and nostalgic mentions of the warm family cocoon which always offered him warmth and strength, and still does. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Vijay Amritraj and Richard Evans
In this fascinating autobiography, Vijay Amritraj, one of India’s top tennis stars, tells the story of his life; how as a child his introduction to tennis was at the insistence of his mother and father, who made great sacrifices and showed tremendous strength of will to give the Amritraj brothers, with the help of Rama Rao, the coach, the essential grounding in tennis which would take them to peaks of achievement. Amritraj tells all; his Davis Cup triumph, his appearance on the centre court of Wimbledon, his career as a tennis player all over the world, his acting in the James Bond movie, Octopussy, and the various enterprises started by him. Included are delightful episodes of his finding a bride, family vignettes of his brothers, and nostalgic mentions of the warm family cocoon which always offered him warmth and strength, and still does. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Encyclopedia of Terrorism
Encyclopedia of Terrorism
By: Harvey W. Kushner
Terrorism, in various forms, has been practiced throughout history and across a wide variety of political ideologies. There are as many definitions for the word terrorism as there are methods of executing it; the term means different things to different people, and trying to define or classify terrorism to everyone’s satisfaction proves impossible. However, most definitions of terrorism hinge on three factors: the method (violence), the target (civilians or the government), and the purpose (to instill fear and force political or social change) The adoption of terrorist techniques by insurgent groups, especially in the developing world, led to a perception of terrorism as a natural outgrowth of the anticolonial struggle merely another weapon of revolutionary guerrillas in their campaigns for independence. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Harvey W. Kushner
Terrorism, in various forms, has been practiced throughout history and across a wide variety of political ideologies. There are as many definitions for the word terrorism as there are methods of executing it; the term means different things to different people, and trying to define or classify terrorism to everyone’s satisfaction proves impossible. However, most definitions of terrorism hinge on three factors: the method (violence), the target (civilians or the government), and the purpose (to instill fear and force political or social change) The adoption of terrorist techniques by insurgent groups, especially in the developing world, led to a perception of terrorism as a natural outgrowth of the anticolonial struggle merely another weapon of revolutionary guerrillas in their campaigns for independence. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Fundamentals of Pediatric Cardiology
Fundamentals of Pediatric Cardiology
By: David J. Driscoll M.D.
Many pediatricians and family practice physicians are intimidated by heart disease in infants, children, and adolescents. This may result from the perception that learning so many types of congenital heart defects and diseases may appear to be an insurmountable task. In addition becoming an expert in auscultation of the heart does require considerable experience, and it is easy to become frustrated when one is unable to make an anatomic diagnosis on the basis of physical examination. This is unfortunate because it is often difficult even for experts and frequently unnecessary to make an anatomical diagnosis on the basis of physical examination alone. Rather, it is important to determine whether the patient (i) does or does not have congenital heart disease, (ii) has cyanotic or acyanotic heart disease, (iii) has heart failure or pulmonary overcirculation (too much pulmonary blood flow), (iv) has reduced cardiac output, or (v) requires urgent detailed evaluation and treatment. I hope this book will facilitate all primary care physicians who care for infants and children to make these distinctions. [download]
Format : Ebook.Chm
By: David J. Driscoll M.D.
Many pediatricians and family practice physicians are intimidated by heart disease in infants, children, and adolescents. This may result from the perception that learning so many types of congenital heart defects and diseases may appear to be an insurmountable task. In addition becoming an expert in auscultation of the heart does require considerable experience, and it is easy to become frustrated when one is unable to make an anatomic diagnosis on the basis of physical examination. This is unfortunate because it is often difficult even for experts and frequently unnecessary to make an anatomical diagnosis on the basis of physical examination alone. Rather, it is important to determine whether the patient (i) does or does not have congenital heart disease, (ii) has cyanotic or acyanotic heart disease, (iii) has heart failure or pulmonary overcirculation (too much pulmonary blood flow), (iv) has reduced cardiac output, or (v) requires urgent detailed evaluation and treatment. I hope this book will facilitate all primary care physicians who care for infants and children to make these distinctions. [download]
Format : Ebook.Chm
Female Orgasm-Black Book
Female Orgasm-Black Book
By: Lee Jenkins
Let me start by sayong what I’m an ordinary guy, just like you. My penis isn’t the largest in the locker room. The women out there don’t mistake me for Hollywood’s latest hot celebrity. I’m not rich, or famous, I’m not a “platboy”, and I’m not exactly what you’d call a genius, though I wasn’t born yesterday either. But I have been blessed with some pretty insightful, and more importantly, wisdom to share that has the potensial to open doors to uncharted territory in your sex life. Ican’t offer you increased size or a magical potion to incite lust and desire in every woman you meet. But, if you make a solid commitment to read and practice the wisdom you’ll find over the next several chaptere, I can promise that the special woman in your life will be purring like a kitten, eager and available for erotic….. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Lee Jenkins
Let me start by sayong what I’m an ordinary guy, just like you. My penis isn’t the largest in the locker room. The women out there don’t mistake me for Hollywood’s latest hot celebrity. I’m not rich, or famous, I’m not a “platboy”, and I’m not exactly what you’d call a genius, though I wasn’t born yesterday either. But I have been blessed with some pretty insightful, and more importantly, wisdom to share that has the potensial to open doors to uncharted territory in your sex life. Ican’t offer you increased size or a magical potion to incite lust and desire in every woman you meet. But, if you make a solid commitment to read and practice the wisdom you’ll find over the next several chaptere, I can promise that the special woman in your life will be purring like a kitten, eager and available for erotic….. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Comparative E-Government
Comparative E-Government
By: Christopher G. Reddick
Over the past decade, we have seen a revolution in the provision of e-government services to citizens. While information communication technologies (ICT) make it possible to develop and deploy e-government services, there are remarkable differences in the reasons behind varying levels of e-government use in different countries. While developed countries, e.g.,United Statesand many European countries, have advanced ICT infrastructures, e-government services usage by citizens is still limited. Developing countries are still struggling to develop and deploy basic infrastructure for ICT, which limits people’s ability to use e-government services that have already been developed. This contrast presents a unique set of issues, which poses challenges to citizens to efficiently and effectively use e-government services. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Christopher G. Reddick
Over the past decade, we have seen a revolution in the provision of e-government services to citizens. While information communication technologies (ICT) make it possible to develop and deploy e-government services, there are remarkable differences in the reasons behind varying levels of e-government use in different countries. While developed countries, e.g.,United Statesand many European countries, have advanced ICT infrastructures, e-government services usage by citizens is still limited. Developing countries are still struggling to develop and deploy basic infrastructure for ICT, which limits people’s ability to use e-government services that have already been developed. This contrast presents a unique set of issues, which poses challenges to citizens to efficiently and effectively use e-government services. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
You’ve Got To Be Kidding
You’ve Got To Be Kidding
By: John Capps and Donald Capps
Critical thinking is about examining the reasons we give for what we believe. It is also about communicating in a clear, understandable, and reasonable way. Technically speaking, critical thinking is rational thinking. The word “rational” implies the ability to reason logically and usually means that one avoids emotionalism, i.e., appealing to one’s feelings or intuitions as the basis for a particular belief. In practical terms, critical thinking involves being “reasonable,” or having defensible reasons for what we believe and say. The word “reasonable” may imply the use of practical reason in making decisions and choices, and in this sense, critical thinking is relevant to solving problems. In this book, we will be using both terms “rational” and “reasonable” depending on the context. We will also use the word “irrational” to refer to beliefs and actions that are illogical. Sometimes the word “irrational” is used as a synonym for saying or doing something in a strongly emotional manner. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: John Capps and Donald Capps
Critical thinking is about examining the reasons we give for what we believe. It is also about communicating in a clear, understandable, and reasonable way. Technically speaking, critical thinking is rational thinking. The word “rational” implies the ability to reason logically and usually means that one avoids emotionalism, i.e., appealing to one’s feelings or intuitions as the basis for a particular belief. In practical terms, critical thinking involves being “reasonable,” or having defensible reasons for what we believe and say. The word “reasonable” may imply the use of practical reason in making decisions and choices, and in this sense, critical thinking is relevant to solving problems. In this book, we will be using both terms “rational” and “reasonable” depending on the context. We will also use the word “irrational” to refer to beliefs and actions that are illogical. Sometimes the word “irrational” is used as a synonym for saying or doing something in a strongly emotional manner. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Elizabeth Bishop-The Restraints of Language
Elizabeth Bishop-The Restraints of Language
By: C.S. Doreski
When Elizabeth Bishop exchanges looks for visions in “Poem” (“About the size of an old-style dollar bill . . .”), she renews a Life long commitment to a language of seemingly transparent simplicity, one that privileges the articulation of the experience of the senses instead of the interior world of the psyche or the romantic impulse toward epiphany and the world of the spirit. The tropes of Bishop’s domestic, pastoral, or exotic landscapes serve knowledge only insofar as they cloak, while exteriorizing, the unspoken and inarticulate interior, refusing either to resolve or deconstruct the binary opposition. For some critics, this binding of experience in a restraining rhetoric, one that depersonalizes as it simplifies, has become a characteristically American manner. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: C.S. Doreski
When Elizabeth Bishop exchanges looks for visions in “Poem” (“About the size of an old-style dollar bill . . .”), she renews a Life long commitment to a language of seemingly transparent simplicity, one that privileges the articulation of the experience of the senses instead of the interior world of the psyche or the romantic impulse toward epiphany and the world of the spirit. The tropes of Bishop’s domestic, pastoral, or exotic landscapes serve knowledge only insofar as they cloak, while exteriorizing, the unspoken and inarticulate interior, refusing either to resolve or deconstruct the binary opposition. For some critics, this binding of experience in a restraining rhetoric, one that depersonalizes as it simplifies, has become a characteristically American manner. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
El Maquiavelo De Leon
El Maquiavelo De Leon
By: Jose Garcia Abad
No es ésta una biografía de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, ni un juicio sobre la política del segundo presidente socialista de la historia de España. Mi propósito ha sido, simple y llanamente, averiguar y explicar lo que prometen título y antetítulo: cómo es en realidad el hombre que nos gobierna, a quien me he permitido presentar como «el Maquiavelo de León». Si digo «cómo es en realidad» no es por redundancia, sino porque parto de la hipótesis, compartida cada vez con más gente, de que este hombre aparentemente sencillo no es lo que parece, o lo que nos pareció cuando alcanzó el poder. Espero llegar a vislumbrar qué es lo que esconde su enigmática sonrisa, más allá de la primera impresión que transmite de ingenuidad y bonhomía. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Jose Garcia Abad
No es ésta una biografía de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, ni un juicio sobre la política del segundo presidente socialista de la historia de España. Mi propósito ha sido, simple y llanamente, averiguar y explicar lo que prometen título y antetítulo: cómo es en realidad el hombre que nos gobierna, a quien me he permitido presentar como «el Maquiavelo de León». Si digo «cómo es en realidad» no es por redundancia, sino porque parto de la hipótesis, compartida cada vez con más gente, de que este hombre aparentemente sencillo no es lo que parece, o lo que nos pareció cuando alcanzó el poder. Espero llegar a vislumbrar qué es lo que esconde su enigmática sonrisa, más allá de la primera impresión que transmite de ingenuidad y bonhomía. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin Volume 1
The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin Volume 1
Edited By: Francis Darwin
The earliest records of the family show theDarwinsto have been substantial yeomen residing on the northern borders ofLincolnshire, close toYorkshire. The name is now very unusual inEngland, but I believe that it is not unknown in the neighbourhood of Sheffield and inLancashire. Down to the year 1600 we find the name spelt in a variety of ways Derwent, Darwen, Darwynne, etc. It is possible, therefore, that the family migrated at some unknown date from Yorkshire,Cumberland, or Derbyshire, where Derwent occurs as the name of a river. The first ancestor of whom we know was one William Darwin, who lived, about the year 1500, at Marton, near Gainsborough. His great grandson, Richard Darwyn, inherited land at Marton and elsewhere, and in his will, dated 1584. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Edited By: Francis Darwin
The earliest records of the family show theDarwinsto have been substantial yeomen residing on the northern borders ofLincolnshire, close toYorkshire. The name is now very unusual inEngland, but I believe that it is not unknown in the neighbourhood of Sheffield and inLancashire. Down to the year 1600 we find the name spelt in a variety of ways Derwent, Darwen, Darwynne, etc. It is possible, therefore, that the family migrated at some unknown date from Yorkshire,Cumberland, or Derbyshire, where Derwent occurs as the name of a river. The first ancestor of whom we know was one William Darwin, who lived, about the year 1500, at Marton, near Gainsborough. His great grandson, Richard Darwyn, inherited land at Marton and elsewhere, and in his will, dated 1584. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin Volume 2
The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin Volume 2
Edited By: Francis Darwin
My dearDarwin, I have just finished your volume and right glad I am that I did my best with Hooker to persuade you to publish it without waiting for a time which probably could never have arrived, though you lived till the age of a hundred, when you had prepared all your facts on which you ground so many grand generalizations. It is a splendid case of close reasoning, and long substantial argument throughout so many pages; the condensation immense, too great perhaps for the uninitiated, but an effective and important preliminary statement, which will admit, even before your detailed proofs appear, of some occasional useful exemplification, such as your pigeons and cirripedes, of which you make such excellent use. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Edited By: Francis Darwin
My dearDarwin, I have just finished your volume and right glad I am that I did my best with Hooker to persuade you to publish it without waiting for a time which probably could never have arrived, though you lived till the age of a hundred, when you had prepared all your facts on which you ground so many grand generalizations. It is a splendid case of close reasoning, and long substantial argument throughout so many pages; the condensation immense, too great perhaps for the uninitiated, but an effective and important preliminary statement, which will admit, even before your detailed proofs appear, of some occasional useful exemplification, such as your pigeons and cirripedes, of which you make such excellent use. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
The Perpect King-The Life of Edward III
The Perpect King-The Life of Edward III
By: Ian Mortimer
On 19 October 1330, at dusk, two dozen men gathered in the centre of Nottingham. They were mostly in their twenties, and all on horseback, ready to ride out of the town. But unlike merchants or pilgrims assembling to set out together, these men were silent and unsmiling. Beneath their riding cloaks they were all heavily armed. The reason for their gathering lay within the fortress which overlooked the town. Somewhere within those walls, high on the massive outcrop, was Roger Mortimer, the earl of March, who kept the young king, Edward III, within his power and ruled in his place. Several of the riders had already been summoned that day to see the brooding dictator. He had questioned each of them in turn; all but one had refused to speak. The only man who had dared to answer back was their leader, SirWilliam Montagu. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Ian Mortimer
On 19 October 1330, at dusk, two dozen men gathered in the centre of Nottingham. They were mostly in their twenties, and all on horseback, ready to ride out of the town. But unlike merchants or pilgrims assembling to set out together, these men were silent and unsmiling. Beneath their riding cloaks they were all heavily armed. The reason for their gathering lay within the fortress which overlooked the town. Somewhere within those walls, high on the massive outcrop, was Roger Mortimer, the earl of March, who kept the young king, Edward III, within his power and ruled in his place. Several of the riders had already been summoned that day to see the brooding dictator. He had questioned each of them in turn; all but one had refused to speak. The only man who had dared to answer back was their leader, SirWilliam Montagu. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
The Singing Loch
The Singing Loch
By: Michael Graeme
As the hurtled its weary way through the darkness, I took a long, hard look at the reflection of a man, in the window, opposite. He was was nearing thirty, pale with a lanky sort of build and a thick mop of dark hair that looked a fortnight overdue for a good cut. He wore a Mark and Spencer’s suit which he didn’t fill out very well and on his lap was a battered, black briefcase. He wore spectacles, with round wire frames like the ones you used to get on the National Helath, forty years ago, only they were fashionable. The tatty briefcase lent him an air of bruised sophistication. What was inside? Business papers? An earth shattering thesis? Or perhaps more likely it was a sham and his case was empty but for a copy of New Scientist and a Tupperware carton containing his hastily prepared lunch. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Michael Graeme
As the hurtled its weary way through the darkness, I took a long, hard look at the reflection of a man, in the window, opposite. He was was nearing thirty, pale with a lanky sort of build and a thick mop of dark hair that looked a fortnight overdue for a good cut. He wore a Mark and Spencer’s suit which he didn’t fill out very well and on his lap was a battered, black briefcase. He wore spectacles, with round wire frames like the ones you used to get on the National Helath, forty years ago, only they were fashionable. The tatty briefcase lent him an air of bruised sophistication. What was inside? Business papers? An earth shattering thesis? Or perhaps more likely it was a sham and his case was empty but for a copy of New Scientist and a Tupperware carton containing his hastily prepared lunch. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Nada, Die Lilie
Nada, Die Lilie
By: Henry Rider Hagard
Vor einigen Jahren -es war während des Winters vor dem Zulu Krieg reiste ein Weißer Mann durch Natal. Sein Name ist ohne Belang, da er in dieser Geschichte keine Rolle spielt. Er hatte zwei beladene Wagen bei sich, die er nach Pretoria bringen mußte. Es war kalt, und es gab nur wenig oder gar kein Gras für die Ochsen, was die Reise sehr erschwerte; aber er hatte sie auf sich genommen, weil die hohen Preise, die zu dieser Jahreszeit bezahlt wurden, ihn für jeden möglichen Verlust an Zugtieren reich entschädigen würden. Also zog er weiter und weiter, und alles ging gut, bis er die kleine Stadt Stanger hinter sich gelassen hatte, einstmals der Sitz Duguzas, der Kraal Chakas, des ersten Zulu-Königs und Onkels von Cetywayo. In der Nacht, nachdem er Stanger verlassen hatte, wurde die Luft eisig, schwere, graue Wolken verdunkelten den Himmel und verdeckten die Sterne. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Henry Rider Hagard
Vor einigen Jahren -es war während des Winters vor dem Zulu Krieg reiste ein Weißer Mann durch Natal. Sein Name ist ohne Belang, da er in dieser Geschichte keine Rolle spielt. Er hatte zwei beladene Wagen bei sich, die er nach Pretoria bringen mußte. Es war kalt, und es gab nur wenig oder gar kein Gras für die Ochsen, was die Reise sehr erschwerte; aber er hatte sie auf sich genommen, weil die hohen Preise, die zu dieser Jahreszeit bezahlt wurden, ihn für jeden möglichen Verlust an Zugtieren reich entschädigen würden. Also zog er weiter und weiter, und alles ging gut, bis er die kleine Stadt Stanger hinter sich gelassen hatte, einstmals der Sitz Duguzas, der Kraal Chakas, des ersten Zulu-Königs und Onkels von Cetywayo. In der Nacht, nachdem er Stanger verlassen hatte, wurde die Luft eisig, schwere, graue Wolken verdunkelten den Himmel und verdeckten die Sterne. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Exotic Nuclear Excitations
Exotic Nuclear Excitations
By: S.C. Pancholi
This monograph on high spin physics is geared towards the beginners in research or the young researchers, in the exciting field of high spin nuclear structure physics. New and interesting phenomena have and are being discovered in this field which is providing a microscopic insight into the behaviour of nuclei under the extreme conditions of high excitation energy, highest spins and abnormal neutron to proton ratios. The quest for achieving the highest spin states has resulted in remarkable success in this direction. An attempt has been made in this monograph to provide the reader an up-to-date knowledge of some of the recent exotic phenomena at high spins in a collective and consolidated manner. The topics covered are the rotational alignment and bandcrossings, magnetic rotation, triaxial strong deformation and wobbling motion and chirality in nuclei. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: S.C. Pancholi
This monograph on high spin physics is geared towards the beginners in research or the young researchers, in the exciting field of high spin nuclear structure physics. New and interesting phenomena have and are being discovered in this field which is providing a microscopic insight into the behaviour of nuclei under the extreme conditions of high excitation energy, highest spins and abnormal neutron to proton ratios. The quest for achieving the highest spin states has resulted in remarkable success in this direction. An attempt has been made in this monograph to provide the reader an up-to-date knowledge of some of the recent exotic phenomena at high spins in a collective and consolidated manner. The topics covered are the rotational alignment and bandcrossings, magnetic rotation, triaxial strong deformation and wobbling motion and chirality in nuclei. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Dementia A Global Approach
Dementia A Global Approach
Edited By: Ennapadam S. Krishnamoorthy, Marthin J. Prince dan Jeffrey L. Cummings
Population aging in the twenty-first century is the preeminent demographic phenomenon inAsia. In countries likeJapanandSingapore, low fertility rate and better health care are factors explaining the graying of the population. Demographic aging is however becoming a pan-Asian phenomenon with fertility rates falling and health care improving across the globe including the most populous nations,ChinaandIndia. The perception of old age differs in different societies and cultures. Nonetheless, it is influenced to a large extent by retirement legislation. When people retired at 55 years, those who were 56 years of age were considered old. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Edited By: Ennapadam S. Krishnamoorthy, Marthin J. Prince dan Jeffrey L. Cummings
Population aging in the twenty-first century is the preeminent demographic phenomenon inAsia. In countries likeJapanandSingapore, low fertility rate and better health care are factors explaining the graying of the population. Demographic aging is however becoming a pan-Asian phenomenon with fertility rates falling and health care improving across the globe including the most populous nations,ChinaandIndia. The perception of old age differs in different societies and cultures. Nonetheless, it is influenced to a large extent by retirement legislation. When people retired at 55 years, those who were 56 years of age were considered old. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Winners and Losers
Winners and Losers
By: Chris Hamnett
The growth of home ownership since the end of the Second World War marks one of the most fundamental social changes to have taken place inBritain. From being a nation of renters at the end of war,Britainhas been converted into a nation of home owners. In 1945 approximately 25% of households inBritainowned their own homes. Today the proportion is just over two-thirds. In the process, the proportion of households renting from private landlords has fallen from 65% to about 8%. As a result, the home ownership market in Britain plays a far more important role today than hitherto: both in housing the population and as a potential source of capital gains and losses. In addition, the home ownership market plays a significant role in the overall health of the economy. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Chris Hamnett
The growth of home ownership since the end of the Second World War marks one of the most fundamental social changes to have taken place inBritain. From being a nation of renters at the end of war,Britainhas been converted into a nation of home owners. In 1945 approximately 25% of households inBritainowned their own homes. Today the proportion is just over two-thirds. In the process, the proportion of households renting from private landlords has fallen from 65% to about 8%. As a result, the home ownership market in Britain plays a far more important role today than hitherto: both in housing the population and as a potential source of capital gains and losses. In addition, the home ownership market plays a significant role in the overall health of the economy. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Emily The Strange-The Lost Days
Emily The Strange-The Lost Days
By: Rob Reger and Jessica Gruner
I’m in a town called Blackrock, according to the newspaper. I’m not sure whether a town this small even needs a newspaper. Too bad I can’t remember any other towns to compare it to. Here’s what I’ve seen: two secret, mybe fifteen buildings, and then dust plains all arround. Almost everything natural and human made is some shade of beige. There’s bus depot. A couple of stores. One tiny patch of grass that’s passing for a park. It seems quite and peaceful here but for some reason I prefer to assume it’s crawling with menace and secret abominations. Not sure if that says more about Blackrock or about me. Anyway, New thing I know: 1. Nothing here looks familiar; 2. Nobody in Blackrock seems to know me; 3. Many people in Blackrock think I’m worth staring at; 4. Strange…. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Rob Reger and Jessica Gruner
I’m in a town called Blackrock, according to the newspaper. I’m not sure whether a town this small even needs a newspaper. Too bad I can’t remember any other towns to compare it to. Here’s what I’ve seen: two secret, mybe fifteen buildings, and then dust plains all arround. Almost everything natural and human made is some shade of beige. There’s bus depot. A couple of stores. One tiny patch of grass that’s passing for a park. It seems quite and peaceful here but for some reason I prefer to assume it’s crawling with menace and secret abominations. Not sure if that says more about Blackrock or about me. Anyway, New thing I know: 1. Nothing here looks familiar; 2. Nobody in Blackrock seems to know me; 3. Many people in Blackrock think I’m worth staring at; 4. Strange…. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Bram Stoker
Jonathan Harker’s Journal 3 May. Bistritz. Left Munichat 8:35 P.M., on 1st May, arriving atVienna early next morning; should have arrived at 6:46, but train was an hour late. Buda-Pesth seems a wonderful place, from the glimpse which I got of it from the train and the little I could walk through the streets. I feared to go very far from the station, as we had arrived late and would start as near the correct time as possible. The impression I had was that we were leaving the West and entering the East; the most western of splendid bridges over the Danube, which is here of noble width and depth, took us among the traditions of Turkish rule. We left in pretty good time, and came after nightfall to Klausenburgh. Here I stopped for the night at the Hotel Royale. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Bram Stoker
Jonathan Harker’s Journal 3 May. Bistritz. Left Munichat 8:35 P.M., on 1st May, arriving atVienna early next morning; should have arrived at 6:46, but train was an hour late. Buda-Pesth seems a wonderful place, from the glimpse which I got of it from the train and the little I could walk through the streets. I feared to go very far from the station, as we had arrived late and would start as near the correct time as possible. The impression I had was that we were leaving the West and entering the East; the most western of splendid bridges over the Danube, which is here of noble width and depth, took us among the traditions of Turkish rule. We left in pretty good time, and came after nightfall to Klausenburgh. Here I stopped for the night at the Hotel Royale. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Weiber Mond von Barbados
Weiber Mond von Barbados
By: Evelyn Anthony
Endlich war seine Sekretärin, wenn auch widerwillig, nach Hause gegangen; sie war überaus gewissenhaft, liebte ihre Arbeit und war stets bereit, auch nach Dienstschluss im Büro zu bleiben. Obwohl er oft genug erklärte, wie unentbehrlich sie ihm sei, an diesem Abend hatte ihr Eifer, zu bleiben und ihm zu helfen, ihn reichlich nervös gemacht. Es hatte ihn allerhand Überredung gekostet, bis sie sich endlich geschlagen gab und mit einem letzten vorwurfsvollen Blick auf seinen unaufgeräumten Schreibtisch von dannen zog. Ein paar Minuten lang blieb er reglos sitzen. Als er sicher war, daß sie das Gebäude verlassen hatte, stand er auf, ging zur Tür und drehte den Schlüssel herum. Es war schon dunkel draußen, die Fensterscheiben von Schneeflocken bestäubt. Er betrachtete den Schnee aufmerksam, ehe er den Vorhang zuzog. Nun war die Welt ausgesperrt. Dann knipste er die Schreibtischlampe an. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Evelyn Anthony
Endlich war seine Sekretärin, wenn auch widerwillig, nach Hause gegangen; sie war überaus gewissenhaft, liebte ihre Arbeit und war stets bereit, auch nach Dienstschluss im Büro zu bleiben. Obwohl er oft genug erklärte, wie unentbehrlich sie ihm sei, an diesem Abend hatte ihr Eifer, zu bleiben und ihm zu helfen, ihn reichlich nervös gemacht. Es hatte ihn allerhand Überredung gekostet, bis sie sich endlich geschlagen gab und mit einem letzten vorwurfsvollen Blick auf seinen unaufgeräumten Schreibtisch von dannen zog. Ein paar Minuten lang blieb er reglos sitzen. Als er sicher war, daß sie das Gebäude verlassen hatte, stand er auf, ging zur Tür und drehte den Schlüssel herum. Es war schon dunkel draußen, die Fensterscheiben von Schneeflocken bestäubt. Er betrachtete den Schnee aufmerksam, ehe er den Vorhang zuzog. Nun war die Welt ausgesperrt. Dann knipste er die Schreibtischlampe an. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Wandering in The Gardens of The Mind
Wandering in The Gardens of The Mind
By: John Prebble and Bruce Weber
The life of Peter Dennis Mitchell (1920–1992), like that of most people, is characterized by complexities, contradictions, and paradoxes. Biographers, to the extent that they succeed, can capture only partially the richness of the phenomenon of another human being and his or her action in the world. Our knowledge is limited, no matter how much detailed information is available. Thus this biography inevitably represents an interpretation of Mitchell’s life from several of the numerous perspectives possible. This problem is compounded by the fact that the subject was a scientist, and much of Mitchell’s creativity and passion were engaged in activities that required both a technical and a specialist knowledge. Hence, there is a need to balance the personal and the scientific, as well as to endeavor to make the science as accessible as possible to a broader audience. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: John Prebble and Bruce Weber
The life of Peter Dennis Mitchell (1920–1992), like that of most people, is characterized by complexities, contradictions, and paradoxes. Biographers, to the extent that they succeed, can capture only partially the richness of the phenomenon of another human being and his or her action in the world. Our knowledge is limited, no matter how much detailed information is available. Thus this biography inevitably represents an interpretation of Mitchell’s life from several of the numerous perspectives possible. This problem is compounded by the fact that the subject was a scientist, and much of Mitchell’s creativity and passion were engaged in activities that required both a technical and a specialist knowledge. Hence, there is a need to balance the personal and the scientific, as well as to endeavor to make the science as accessible as possible to a broader audience. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Selasa, 17 Mei 2011
The Princess Sultana’s Daughters
The Princess Sultana’s Daughters
Penulis: Jean P. Sasson
Buku ini merupakan kisah nyata. Buku sebelumnya yang berjudul ”Princess: Kisah Tragis Putri Kerajaan Arab Saudi” menggambarkan kehidupan masa kecil Putri Sultana sejak masa kanak-kanak sampai perang teluk pada tahun1991. Buku ini merupakan kelanjutan kisah Putri Sultana, anak-anak perempuannya-Maha dan Amni-dan perempuan-perempuan Arab lain yang mereka kenal secara personal. Para pembaca dianjurkan untuk membaca buku pertama tentang Sultana. Namun, Princess Sultana’s Daughters merupakan cerita yang berdiri sendiri dan dapat dinikmati tanpa membaca buku sebelumnya. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Jean P. Sasson
Buku ini merupakan kisah nyata. Buku sebelumnya yang berjudul ”Princess: Kisah Tragis Putri Kerajaan Arab Saudi” menggambarkan kehidupan masa kecil Putri Sultana sejak masa kanak-kanak sampai perang teluk pada tahun1991. Buku ini merupakan kelanjutan kisah Putri Sultana, anak-anak perempuannya-Maha dan Amni-dan perempuan-perempuan Arab lain yang mereka kenal secara personal. Para pembaca dianjurkan untuk membaca buku pertama tentang Sultana. Namun, Princess Sultana’s Daughters merupakan cerita yang berdiri sendiri dan dapat dinikmati tanpa membaca buku sebelumnya. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
The Four Fingered Pianist
The Four Fingered Pianist
Penulis: Kurnia Efendi
Namaku Hee Ah Lee. Aku hanya memiliki empat jari, masing-masing dua pada setiap tangan. Tetapi, aku jago main piano, lho. Bahkan aku pernah tampil bersama Richard Clayderman di Gedung Putih, Amerika. Kakiku hanya sebatas lutut. Tetapi, aku bisa berjalan sendiri ke mana pun aku ingin. Ayahku sudah meninggal saat aku berusia 11 tahun. Tetapi, aku memiliki seorang ibu luar biasa yang sangat menyayangiku. Aku sadar, aku memiliki kekurangan, tetapi aku juga ingin punya kelebihan. Aku memang lemah di satu sisi, tetapi kuat di sisi lain. Mau tahu aku yang lebih dalam. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Kurnia Efendi
Namaku Hee Ah Lee. Aku hanya memiliki empat jari, masing-masing dua pada setiap tangan. Tetapi, aku jago main piano, lho. Bahkan aku pernah tampil bersama Richard Clayderman di Gedung Putih, Amerika. Kakiku hanya sebatas lutut. Tetapi, aku bisa berjalan sendiri ke mana pun aku ingin. Ayahku sudah meninggal saat aku berusia 11 tahun. Tetapi, aku memiliki seorang ibu luar biasa yang sangat menyayangiku. Aku sadar, aku memiliki kekurangan, tetapi aku juga ingin punya kelebihan. Aku memang lemah di satu sisi, tetapi kuat di sisi lain. Mau tahu aku yang lebih dalam. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Joey Si Frustasi Yang Beruntung
Joey Si Frustasi Yang Beruntung
Penulis: Mark Bowden
Joey Coyle tersungkur di tempat tidar, ia sakau sepanjang malam, sakit yang dibuat atas ulahnya sendiri, kesemua permasalahannya berawal dari methapetamin cairan kimia terlarang. Hari ini, ia akan mendapat jatah tidur sebentar saja karena ia telah kehabisan persediaannya. Tidak ada persediaan apapun yang tersisa, itu menunjukan bahwa dirinya bokek, tidak memiliki uang. Lalu akankah datang nasib baik yang memberikan keberuntungan kepadanya?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Mark Bowden
Joey Coyle tersungkur di tempat tidar, ia sakau sepanjang malam, sakit yang dibuat atas ulahnya sendiri, kesemua permasalahannya berawal dari methapetamin cairan kimia terlarang. Hari ini, ia akan mendapat jatah tidur sebentar saja karena ia telah kehabisan persediaannya. Tidak ada persediaan apapun yang tersisa, itu menunjukan bahwa dirinya bokek, tidak memiliki uang. Lalu akankah datang nasib baik yang memberikan keberuntungan kepadanya?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Better–Sebuah Catatan Tentang Kinerja Seorang Dokter
Better–Sebuah Catatan Tentang Kinerja Seorang Dokter
Penulis: Atul Gawande
Bagaimana mencapai keberhasilan dalam suatu profesi yang rumit dan penuh resiko?. Bagaimana menjadi hebat dalam suatu bidang yang didalamnya kesalahan kadang tak terhindarkan dan terduga?. Sembari menghadapi kelelahan, keterbatasan sarana, dan ketidaksempurnaan kemampuan dalam segala hal yang kita lakukan, kita semua bekerja dengan sebaik-baiknya. Namun, bagi penulis dalam dunia kedokteranlah dorongan untuk bisa berbuat sebaik mungkin mencapai puncaknya, karena setiap keputusan menyangkut hidup-mati manusia. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Atul Gawande
Bagaimana mencapai keberhasilan dalam suatu profesi yang rumit dan penuh resiko?. Bagaimana menjadi hebat dalam suatu bidang yang didalamnya kesalahan kadang tak terhindarkan dan terduga?. Sembari menghadapi kelelahan, keterbatasan sarana, dan ketidaksempurnaan kemampuan dalam segala hal yang kita lakukan, kita semua bekerja dengan sebaik-baiknya. Namun, bagi penulis dalam dunia kedokteranlah dorongan untuk bisa berbuat sebaik mungkin mencapai puncaknya, karena setiap keputusan menyangkut hidup-mati manusia. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Valentino Rossi-Otobiografi
Valentino Rossi-Otobiografi
Penulis: Valentino Rossi
Tikungan yang memanjang beraspal tersebut terlihat seperti olesan mentega pada permukaan bukit hijau yang tak terlalu curam itu. Tikungan yang tampak bergantungan dan selaras dengan setiap permukaan bukit itu mirif hurup “S”, ke kiri, lalu ke kanan, dan berakhir tepat di puncaknya. Sebelum kamu bisa mencapainya, kamu harus bergerak naik dulu, setelah itu menuruninya. Saat kamu tiba pada bagian sudutnya, kamu pasti takkan bisa melihat apa-apa. Kamu hanya bisa membayangkannya. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Valentino Rossi
Tikungan yang memanjang beraspal tersebut terlihat seperti olesan mentega pada permukaan bukit hijau yang tak terlalu curam itu. Tikungan yang tampak bergantungan dan selaras dengan setiap permukaan bukit itu mirif hurup “S”, ke kiri, lalu ke kanan, dan berakhir tepat di puncaknya. Sebelum kamu bisa mencapainya, kamu harus bergerak naik dulu, setelah itu menuruninya. Saat kamu tiba pada bagian sudutnya, kamu pasti takkan bisa melihat apa-apa. Kamu hanya bisa membayangkannya. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
168 Jam Dalam Sandera
168 Jam Dalam Sandera
Penulis: Meutya Hafid
168 Jam lamanya Meutya Hafid dan Budiyanto berada dalam sandera. Di dalam sebuah gua kecil di tengah gurun Ramadi. Tidur beralaskan batuan dan dibuai oleh suara bom dan tembakan. Disana mereka belajar tentang kepasrahan total kepada Yang Maha Kuasa, karena telah begitu dekatnya dengan kata “mati”. Disana mereka diingatkan, bahwa jika Tuhan menghendaki, segalanya bisa terjadi. Dan disana pula mereka berdua disadarkan, betapa nyawa sangatlah berharga, dibandingkan berita paling eksklusif sekalipun. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Meutya Hafid
168 Jam lamanya Meutya Hafid dan Budiyanto berada dalam sandera. Di dalam sebuah gua kecil di tengah gurun Ramadi. Tidur beralaskan batuan dan dibuai oleh suara bom dan tembakan. Disana mereka belajar tentang kepasrahan total kepada Yang Maha Kuasa, karena telah begitu dekatnya dengan kata “mati”. Disana mereka diingatkan, bahwa jika Tuhan menghendaki, segalanya bisa terjadi. Dan disana pula mereka berdua disadarkan, betapa nyawa sangatlah berharga, dibandingkan berita paling eksklusif sekalipun. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Luka Cinta Andrea
Luka Cinta Andrea
Penulis: Suzanne O’Malley
Ternyata benar, pada 21 Juni 2001 itu Andrea menuntaskan ‘keinginannya’ membunuh lima anaknya dengan membenamkan mereka ke dalam bathtub. Kontan kasus ini menjadi perbincangan panas publik Amerika Serikat dan dunia. Ketegaran hati Rusty Yates sebagai seorang suami runtuh seketika. Kesabaran dan perhatian yang dia berikan kepada istrinya yang menderita depresi berat benar-benar diuji. Andrea membunuh ank-anak mereka karena merasa telah gagal menjadi ibu, dan ingin mengantarkan mereka pergi ke surga. Sesungguhnya apa yang terjadi saat itu? adakah peran kelompok pemuja setan dalam hal ini. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Suzanne O’Malley
Ternyata benar, pada 21 Juni 2001 itu Andrea menuntaskan ‘keinginannya’ membunuh lima anaknya dengan membenamkan mereka ke dalam bathtub. Kontan kasus ini menjadi perbincangan panas publik Amerika Serikat dan dunia. Ketegaran hati Rusty Yates sebagai seorang suami runtuh seketika. Kesabaran dan perhatian yang dia berikan kepada istrinya yang menderita depresi berat benar-benar diuji. Andrea membunuh ank-anak mereka karena merasa telah gagal menjadi ibu, dan ingin mengantarkan mereka pergi ke surga. Sesungguhnya apa yang terjadi saat itu? adakah peran kelompok pemuja setan dalam hal ini. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
I Love Cooking
I Love Cooking
Penulis: Sekar Maya Padmaniasti Nakula
Apakah kalian lahir dari keluarga yang pandai memasak? Aku adalah anak yang terlahir dari keluarga yang semua keturunannya pandai memasak. Dari kakekku, nenekku, mamaku, papaku, kakakku, bahkan adikku yang masih kelas satu SD. Tetapi tidak bagiku! Aku adalah anak yang tidak pandai bahkan tidak bisa memasak. Nilai memasakku saja jelek…Lalu, apakah aku akan selamanya begitu? Baca aja deh buku ini. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Sekar Maya Padmaniasti Nakula
Apakah kalian lahir dari keluarga yang pandai memasak? Aku adalah anak yang terlahir dari keluarga yang semua keturunannya pandai memasak. Dari kakekku, nenekku, mamaku, papaku, kakakku, bahkan adikku yang masih kelas satu SD. Tetapi tidak bagiku! Aku adalah anak yang tidak pandai bahkan tidak bisa memasak. Nilai memasakku saja jelek…Lalu, apakah aku akan selamanya begitu? Baca aja deh buku ini. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Komplikasi–Drama Diujung Pisau Bedah
Komplikasi–Drama Diujung Pisau Bedah
Penulis: Atul Gawande
Komplikasi mempersembahkan pandangan yang nyata dari ujung pisau bedah, menyelidiki bagaimana kesalahan-kesalahan maut terjadi dan mengapa ahli bedah yang andal bisa bertindak bodoh. Cerita-cerita yang dituturkan Gawande mengingatkan bahwqa para dokter “hanya manusia”. Beberapa gagasannya mungkin membuat para penyedia layanan kesehatan gelisah atau bahkan marah, tapi gayanya yang meyakinkan, pengakuannya yang jujur, dan argumennya yang bijaksana akan menaklukan kebanyakan pembaca. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Atul Gawande
Komplikasi mempersembahkan pandangan yang nyata dari ujung pisau bedah, menyelidiki bagaimana kesalahan-kesalahan maut terjadi dan mengapa ahli bedah yang andal bisa bertindak bodoh. Cerita-cerita yang dituturkan Gawande mengingatkan bahwqa para dokter “hanya manusia”. Beberapa gagasannya mungkin membuat para penyedia layanan kesehatan gelisah atau bahkan marah, tapi gayanya yang meyakinkan, pengakuannya yang jujur, dan argumennya yang bijaksana akan menaklukan kebanyakan pembaca. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Pengakuan Bandit Ekonomi
Pengakuan Bandit Ekonomi
Penulis: Jon Perkins
Jon Perkins adalah penulis asal Amerika Serikat yang mengungkapkan kejahatan korporatokrasi yaitu jaringan yang bertujuan memetik laba melalui cara-cara Korupsi, Kolusi, dan Nepotisme (KKN) dari negara-negara dunia ketiga termasuk Indonesia. Cara kerja mereka mirip mafia karena menggunakan semua cara, termasuk pembunuhan, untuk mencapai tujuan. Ia mengungkapkan bandit-bandit ekonomilah yang melenyapkan Presiden Panama Omar Torrijos dan Presiden Equador Jaime Roldos. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Jon Perkins
Jon Perkins adalah penulis asal Amerika Serikat yang mengungkapkan kejahatan korporatokrasi yaitu jaringan yang bertujuan memetik laba melalui cara-cara Korupsi, Kolusi, dan Nepotisme (KKN) dari negara-negara dunia ketiga termasuk Indonesia. Cara kerja mereka mirip mafia karena menggunakan semua cara, termasuk pembunuhan, untuk mencapai tujuan. Ia mengungkapkan bandit-bandit ekonomilah yang melenyapkan Presiden Panama Omar Torrijos dan Presiden Equador Jaime Roldos. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Senin, 16 Mei 2011
How to Make Money Online with eBay, Yahoo and Google
How to Make Money Online with eBay, Yahoo and Google
By: Peter Kent and Jill K. Finlayson
Have you ever thought about setting up a business online? If not…where have you been for the last five or ten years? It’s the new American dream, encompassing all the usual ideas of independence, freedom, and wealth. And sometimes, you know, Internet-based businesses really do bring all these things to their owners. Not always, though, which is why you need this book. It’s easy to stumble around on the Internet for months or years, and never quite get anywhere. What’s the difference between those who stumble and those who leap into online success? Knowledge. You can’t succeed unless you do the right things, and while some very successful online businesses have been built by people who serendipitously stumbled onto the right formula, why leave such an important factor to chance? This book describes the basic principles, ideas, and tools that you’ll need to succeed online. In addition, it lays out a roadmap; the book focuses on certain tools that many other successful businesses have employed. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Peter Kent and Jill K. Finlayson
Have you ever thought about setting up a business online? If not…where have you been for the last five or ten years? It’s the new American dream, encompassing all the usual ideas of independence, freedom, and wealth. And sometimes, you know, Internet-based businesses really do bring all these things to their owners. Not always, though, which is why you need this book. It’s easy to stumble around on the Internet for months or years, and never quite get anywhere. What’s the difference between those who stumble and those who leap into online success? Knowledge. You can’t succeed unless you do the right things, and while some very successful online businesses have been built by people who serendipitously stumbled onto the right formula, why leave such an important factor to chance? This book describes the basic principles, ideas, and tools that you’ll need to succeed online. In addition, it lays out a roadmap; the book focuses on certain tools that many other successful businesses have employed. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Kazaaam! Splat! Ploof!
Kazaaam! Splat! Ploof!
Edited By: Sabrina P. Ramet and Gordana P. Crnkovic
A TELEVISION COMMERCIAL shown on American television in July 1999 showed the Eiffel Tower sailing into New York harbor on a barge, the Statue of Liberty, an earlier French import, having been fully assimilated. The viewer was thereby invited to muse that Americawould soon obtain a taste of Paris, as it were. But at another level, one saw Parisreduced to its best-known symbol, even to kitsch, and one wondered whether Parisitself could be made as “American” as the Statue of Liberty. Not all of Europe reaches America as kitsch, just as America does not have to be reduced to kitsch in order to make its presence felt in European culture. But in cultural interactions, there are always processes of transformationwhether of adaptation to local milieux, simplification, syncretic mixing, creative modification, or just plain “kitschification.”. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Edited By: Sabrina P. Ramet and Gordana P. Crnkovic
A TELEVISION COMMERCIAL shown on American television in July 1999 showed the Eiffel Tower sailing into New York harbor on a barge, the Statue of Liberty, an earlier French import, having been fully assimilated. The viewer was thereby invited to muse that Americawould soon obtain a taste of Paris, as it were. But at another level, one saw Parisreduced to its best-known symbol, even to kitsch, and one wondered whether Parisitself could be made as “American” as the Statue of Liberty. Not all of Europe reaches America as kitsch, just as America does not have to be reduced to kitsch in order to make its presence felt in European culture. But in cultural interactions, there are always processes of transformationwhether of adaptation to local milieux, simplification, syncretic mixing, creative modification, or just plain “kitschification.”. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
The Kamasutra
The Kamasutra
By: Anonymous
It may be interesting to some persons to learn how it came about that Vatsyayana was first brought to light and translated into the English language. It happened thus. While translating with the pundits the `Anunga Runga, or the stage of love’, reference was frequently found to be made to one Vatsya. The sage Vatsya was of this opinion, or of that opinion. The sage Vatsya said this, and so on. Naturally questions were asked who the sage was, and the pundits replied that Vatsya was the author of the standard work on love in Sanscrit literature, that no Sanscrit library was complete without his work, and that it was most difficult now to obtain in its entire state. The copy of the manuscript obtained inBombaywas defective, and so the pundits wrote to Benares,Calcuttaand Jeypoor for copies of the manuscript from Sanscrit libraries in those places. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Anonymous
It may be interesting to some persons to learn how it came about that Vatsyayana was first brought to light and translated into the English language. It happened thus. While translating with the pundits the `Anunga Runga, or the stage of love’, reference was frequently found to be made to one Vatsya. The sage Vatsya was of this opinion, or of that opinion. The sage Vatsya said this, and so on. Naturally questions were asked who the sage was, and the pundits replied that Vatsya was the author of the standard work on love in Sanscrit literature, that no Sanscrit library was complete without his work, and that it was most difficult now to obtain in its entire state. The copy of the manuscript obtained inBombaywas defective, and so the pundits wrote to Benares,Calcuttaand Jeypoor for copies of the manuscript from Sanscrit libraries in those places. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Labor Economics from A Free Market Perspective
Labor Economics from A Free Market Perspective
By: Walter Block
Labor accounts for some 70-75% of the GDP. Thus, any book addressing labor issues is potentially an important one. This book does just that, and from an economic point of view. However, it is not a textbook on labor economics. If you are looking for an explication of the backward-bending supply curve of labor, or for an explanation of the pattern of labor force participation, or for why labor accounts for some 70-75% of the GDP, you will have to look elsewhere. Instead, Labor Economics from a Free Market Perspective is an ideological book and thus might serve as a secondary reading in a course in labor economics, or as one of several texts for an instructor who values this particular perspective. The phrase ‘‘ideological’’ has a bad press in some quarters, but etymologically it means, merely, that this volume takes a position’ on ideas. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Walter Block
Labor accounts for some 70-75% of the GDP. Thus, any book addressing labor issues is potentially an important one. This book does just that, and from an economic point of view. However, it is not a textbook on labor economics. If you are looking for an explication of the backward-bending supply curve of labor, or for an explanation of the pattern of labor force participation, or for why labor accounts for some 70-75% of the GDP, you will have to look elsewhere. Instead, Labor Economics from a Free Market Perspective is an ideological book and thus might serve as a secondary reading in a course in labor economics, or as one of several texts for an instructor who values this particular perspective. The phrase ‘‘ideological’’ has a bad press in some quarters, but etymologically it means, merely, that this volume takes a position’ on ideas. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
American Evita-Hillary Clinton’s Path to Power
American Evita-Hillary Clinton’s Path to Power
By: Christopher Andersen
Scomplex, most loved-hated-admired-reviled woman perhaps person in America. And, whether she fulfills her life’s ambition or not, she can already lay claim to being the first woman ever considered a serious contender for the presidency. Yet most of what we know about Hillary Rodham Clinton is strictly seen in the context of her marriage to the forty-second President. Indeed, they were the ultimate power couple he the drawling, fatally charismatic Bubba with Falstaffian appetites, she the brilliant lawyer and consummate political strategist who put her own dreams of high office on hold to focus on capturing the Oval Office for her husband. When it came to her husband’s philandering, Hillary had always been willing not just to look the other way, but to go on the offensive as she did when news of Bill’s affair with Gennifer Flowers threatened to derail Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Christopher Andersen
Scomplex, most loved-hated-admired-reviled woman perhaps person in America. And, whether she fulfills her life’s ambition or not, she can already lay claim to being the first woman ever considered a serious contender for the presidency. Yet most of what we know about Hillary Rodham Clinton is strictly seen in the context of her marriage to the forty-second President. Indeed, they were the ultimate power couple he the drawling, fatally charismatic Bubba with Falstaffian appetites, she the brilliant lawyer and consummate political strategist who put her own dreams of high office on hold to focus on capturing the Oval Office for her husband. When it came to her husband’s philandering, Hillary had always been willing not just to look the other way, but to go on the offensive as she did when news of Bill’s affair with Gennifer Flowers threatened to derail Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
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