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Sabtu, 30 April 2011

The Seducer’s Diary

The Seducer’s Diary

By: Soren Kierkegaard

Soren Kierkegaard’s method, dictated by his volatile and provocative temperament resembles that of a fiction writer: he engages in multiple impersonations, assuming various poses and voices with an impartial vivacity. The method is, in one of his favorite words, mnieutic-ftom the Greek term for midwifery like that of his beloved model Socrates, who in his questioning style sought to elicit his auditors’ ideas rather than impose his own. Either/or, Kierkegaard’s fhst major work, was a bulky, two-volume collection of papers ostensibly found by the editor, “Victor Errmita” (“Victor Hermit”), in the secret comparbnent of a writing desk to which he had been mysteriously attracted in the shop of a secondhand dealer. Some time after its acquisitiory he tells us, he took a hatchet to a stuck drawer and discovered a trove of papers, evidently composed by two distinct authors. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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