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Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Revolution of The Heart

Revolution of The Heart 

By: Haiyan Lee

Before I comment on Liu’s preface, let me turn to an article by the anthropologist Sulamith Potter on the cultural construction of emotion in ruralChina. In this article, Potter contrasts the privileged status of emotion in western societies to the Chinese devaluation of emotion as a social force. Speaking reflectively, Potter reminds us that one of “our” most basic assumptions about emotion is that it is the legitimizing basis of all social relationships and social actions. We believe that social relationships are formed and sustained on the basis of emotion, and that any relationship that is not founded on emotional authenticity is impoverished and doomed to dissolution. We therefore invest great amounts of time, money, and eƒort to initiate, maintain, and fortify emotional ties, and we place a high premium on the expression and enactment of personal feelings. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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