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Senin, 25 April 2011

Principles of Corporate Finance

Principles of Corporate Finance 

By: Richard A. Brealey and Stewart C. Myers 

THIS BOOK IS about financial decisions made by corporations. We should start by saying what these decisions are and why they are important. Corporations face two broad financial questions: What investments should the firm make? And How should it pay for those investments? The first question involves spending money; the second involves raising it. The secret of success in financial management is to increase value. That is a simple statement, but not very helpful. It is like advising an investor in the stock market to “Buy low, sell high.” The problem is how to do it. There may be a few activities in which one can read a textbook and then do it, but financial management is not one of them. That is why finance is worth studying. Who wants to work in a field where there is no room for judgment, experience, creativity, and a pinch of luck? Although this book cannot supply any of these items, it does present the concepts and information on which good financial decisions are based, and it shows you how to use the tools of the trade of finance. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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