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Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Martin Luther King Jr-The Dream

Martin Luther King Jr-The Dream 

By: Drew D. Hansen 

In 1963, the year that Martin Luther King, Jr., delivered one of the most famous speeches in American history, blacks in America lived under a racial caste system. Twelve million of the nation’s nineteen million black citizens lived in the South, where Jim Crow segregation pervaded nearly every aspect of life. Southern towns maintained separate hotels, beaches, bathrooms, restaurants, and drinking fountains for whites and blacks. Nearly a decade after the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education, school desegregation was at a standstill. Fewer than one-half of 1 percent of black children in the South attended public schools with white children. Many Southern states operated completely segregated school systems, in open defiance of Brown. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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