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Kamis, 07 April 2011

John F. Kennedy–An Unfinished Life

John F. Kennedy–An Unfinished Life

By: Robert Dallek 

Why another Kennedy book? I was asked repeatedly during the five years I worked on this biography. The availability of new  materials written contemporary documents, telephone and Oval Office tapes, and entire oral histories or parts thereof seemed ample reason to revisit Kennedy’s personal and public lives. I also took guidance from science writer Jacob Bronowski: “Ask an impertinent question and you are on your way to a pertinent answer.” As I worked my way through the records, I was startled by how many fresh things could be said based on the combination of old and new files about the man, his family, and his political career. To cite just a few examples, new documents reveal more clearly the cause of the accident that killed Joseph Kennedy Jr. in World War II, how Bobby Kennedy became attorney general in 1960, and what JFK thought of U.S. military chiefs, their plans for an invasion of Cuba, the American press corps in Saigon, and the wisdom of an expanded war in Vietnam. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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