Much has been said already about this unique and disturbing book, but this much is reasonably certain: A thousand times more is yet to be said. Imperium is the first sequel the literary world knows to Spengler’s monumental The Decline of the West. In fact, the author of Imperium does more than even Spengler attempted he defines and creates the pathology of Culture in all of its infinitely urgent importance, including the discipline of Cultural Vitalism. Imperium rejects the Nineteenth Century: the parched fossils of its thought Marx, Freud and the scientific-technical world outlook; its exhausted political nostrums the pluralistic state, liberalism, democracy, communism, internationalism; all of which fail to satisfy the organically vital realities of politics. Imperium presents unique and almost esoteric political, social and historical definitions and explanations which shall become more widely known indeed, commonly understood if our West survives. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
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