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Sabtu, 30 April 2011

I’ll Tell You One Thing and That’s all I Know

I’ll Tell You One Thing and That’s all I Know 

By: Jann Arden

As I read through my journals from the past couple of years, in preparation for publishing this book, I could not believe the contrast from one 24 hour period to the next. Some morning I woke with more willpower and positive energy than anyone on the planet. Apparently as I slept, that glee, that pure joyfulness, would sneak out the back door. I would wake not knowing what I was doing and being unsure of how I felt, or what yhe point was. How could that happen overnight? My mother would always tell us kids, growing up, that as quickly as things could turn to crap, that’s how quickly they could turn themselves around and be good again very much like the way I have written these journals. One day great, fantastic! The next…well you’ll get the picture. The true journey of the human heart is indeed very difficult. I hope that as you read through these pages you’ll recognize bits and pieces of yourself within them. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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