The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Philosophy
By: Jay Stevenson, Ph.D.
Since you picked up this book, you must be at least a little curious about philosophy. As life gets more complicated, it gets more confusing. Every day, more thorny problems politics, the environment, religion, education, technology, family, the community clamber for attention. Learning some philosophy can help you deal with life’s difficulties by taking you away from them for a while, and by leading you back into them with new ideas about what it’s all about. Philosophy doesn’t have to be hard to understand. It does help if you have some basic questions and ideas in mind as you look into a new philosophy. How do the new ideas compare with the ones you already think about? What problems do the new ideas have that the old ones don’t? What problems does the new thinking manage to avoid? [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
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