Pendekar Wanita Penyebar Bunga
Penulis: Boe Beng Tjoe
Suara Tertawanya sekawanan anak nakal telah memecahkan kesunyian suatu dusun pegunungan. Pesta Goan-siauw (Tjapgomeh) baru lewat tiga hari, tapi sang bunga sudah mekar di seluruh lembah. Entah gunung Tjouwlay San yang menahan angin utara barat, entah musim semi memangnya datang terlalu siang, tapi kenyataanya adalah daerah pegunungan itu, seakan-akan sudah ditutup dengan rangkaian bunga yang beraneka warna. Di sana-sini orang dapat melihat beberapa rumah penduduk yang bersembunyi diantara pohon-pohon yang rindang daunnya. Mau tahu kelanjutannya…?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Kamis, 31 Maret 2011
Dua Musuh Turunan
Dua Musuh Turunan
Penulis: Oey Kim Tiang
Di luar kota Ganboenkwan, daerah yang luasnya seratus lie adalah daerah kosong, atau no man’s land. Di dalam kota Ganboenkwan berdiam pasukan perang kerajaan Beng dan di pihak sana diluar kota, ada tentara bangsa Mongolia, ialah rombongan suku bangsa Watzu. Selama tahun-tahun permulaan dari kaisar Eng Tjong dari kerajaan Beng-belum lewat empat pulah tahun dari wafatnya Beng Thay Tjouw Tjoe Goan Tjiang, kaisar pendiri dari Ahala Beng itu-bangsa Mongolia di Barat Utara mulai bangkit bangun pula dan rombongan suku Watzu adalah yang terkuat. Bagaimana kisah selanjutnya…? [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Oey Kim Tiang
Di luar kota Ganboenkwan, daerah yang luasnya seratus lie adalah daerah kosong, atau no man’s land. Di dalam kota Ganboenkwan berdiam pasukan perang kerajaan Beng dan di pihak sana diluar kota, ada tentara bangsa Mongolia, ialah rombongan suku bangsa Watzu. Selama tahun-tahun permulaan dari kaisar Eng Tjong dari kerajaan Beng-belum lewat empat pulah tahun dari wafatnya Beng Thay Tjouw Tjoe Goan Tjiang, kaisar pendiri dari Ahala Beng itu-bangsa Mongolia di Barat Utara mulai bangkit bangun pula dan rombongan suku Watzu adalah yang terkuat. Bagaimana kisah selanjutnya…? [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
The 47 Ronin Story–Kisah 47 Ronin
The 47 Ronin Story–Kisah 47 Ronin
Penulis: John Allyn
Di awal abad ke-18, Jepang dilanda kekacauan. Pada masa itu, istana Shogun yang berada di Edo (sekarang Tokyo), marak dengan pameran kemewahan, korupsi, serta pesta pora di kota tua Kyoto. Sama sekali jauh dari aturan sosial. Kesenian makin berkembang, teather popular mulai lahir. Dengan makin berkuasanya kelas pedagang, masa itu juga merupakan awal dari berakhirnya pengaruh prajurit bayaran, atau samurai. Hilangnya pengaruh ini sangat mereka rasakan, terutama karena para samurai membenci segala bentuk usaha yang bertujuan mencari keuntungan. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Penulis: John Allyn
Di awal abad ke-18, Jepang dilanda kekacauan. Pada masa itu, istana Shogun yang berada di Edo (sekarang Tokyo), marak dengan pameran kemewahan, korupsi, serta pesta pora di kota tua Kyoto. Sama sekali jauh dari aturan sosial. Kesenian makin berkembang, teather popular mulai lahir. Dengan makin berkuasanya kelas pedagang, masa itu juga merupakan awal dari berakhirnya pengaruh prajurit bayaran, atau samurai. Hilangnya pengaruh ini sangat mereka rasakan, terutama karena para samurai membenci segala bentuk usaha yang bertujuan mencari keuntungan. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Penulis: Eiji Yoshikawa
Takezo terbaring di antara mayat-mayat itu. Ribuan jumlahnya. “Dunia sudah gila,” pikirnya samar. “Manusia seperti daun kering, yang hanyut ditiup angin musim gugur.” Ia sendiri seperti satu di antara tubuh-tubuh tak bernyawa yang berserakan di sekitarnya. Ia mencoba mengangkat kepala, tapi hanya dapat mengangkatnya beberapa inci dari tanah. Ia tak ingat, apakah pernah merasa begitu lemah. “Sudah berapa lama aku di sini?” ia bertanya-tanya. Lalat-lalat mendengung di sekitar kepalanya. Ia ingin mengusirnya, tapi mengerahkan tangan untuk mengangkat tangan pun ia tak sanggup. Tangan itu kaku, hampir-hampir rapuh, seperti halnya bagian tubuh yang lain. “Tentunya sudah beberapa lama tadi aku pingsan,” pikirnya sambil menggerak-gerakkan jemarinya satu demi satu. Ia belum begitu sadar bahwa dirinya sudah terluka. Dua peluru bersarang erat di dalam pahanya. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Penulis: Eiji Yoshikawa
Takezo terbaring di antara mayat-mayat itu. Ribuan jumlahnya. “Dunia sudah gila,” pikirnya samar. “Manusia seperti daun kering, yang hanyut ditiup angin musim gugur.” Ia sendiri seperti satu di antara tubuh-tubuh tak bernyawa yang berserakan di sekitarnya. Ia mencoba mengangkat kepala, tapi hanya dapat mengangkatnya beberapa inci dari tanah. Ia tak ingat, apakah pernah merasa begitu lemah. “Sudah berapa lama aku di sini?” ia bertanya-tanya. Lalat-lalat mendengung di sekitar kepalanya. Ia ingin mengusirnya, tapi mengerahkan tangan untuk mengangkat tangan pun ia tak sanggup. Tangan itu kaku, hampir-hampir rapuh, seperti halnya bagian tubuh yang lain. “Tentunya sudah beberapa lama tadi aku pingsan,” pikirnya sambil menggerak-gerakkan jemarinya satu demi satu. Ia belum begitu sadar bahwa dirinya sudah terluka. Dua peluru bersarang erat di dalam pahanya. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Sam Kok
Sam Kok
Penulis: Luo Guan Zhong
Dunia dibawah langit setelah suatu masa yang terpecah-pecah akan kembali bersatu dan setelah masa persatuan akan kembali terpisah. ini adalah hukum alam yang tidak dapat dihindari. Ketika pemerintahan dinasti Zhou melemah, maka munculah 7 negara yang saling bersaing untuk memperebutkan seluruh wilayah cina. perebutan akhirnya dimenangkan oleh kerajaan Qin, tetapi setalah takdir Qin dipenuhi muncul 2 kerajaan yaitu Han dan Chu yang memperbutkan kekuasaan dan akhirnya Han yang menang. Kebangkitan han dimulai ketika liu bang memimpin pasukan untuk menyatukan seluruh cina dibawah panji-panjinya. warisan kekuasaan ini diturunkan turun-temurun dibawah dinasti han untuk 200 thn lamanya sampai pemberontakan yang dilakukan wang mang menimbulkan kekacauan. liu xue sebagai keturunan ke 2 1 kaisar Han Gao Zu (Liu Bang) akhirnya berhasil mengambil alih kembali kekuasaan dan akhirnya dinasti Han kembali berkuasa selama 200 thn sampai masa kekuasaan kaisar Xian yang pada masa pemerintahannya akhirnya dinasti Han terpecah menjadi suatu masa yang dikenal sejarah sebagai masa 3 kerajaan. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Penulis: Luo Guan Zhong
Dunia dibawah langit setelah suatu masa yang terpecah-pecah akan kembali bersatu dan setelah masa persatuan akan kembali terpisah. ini adalah hukum alam yang tidak dapat dihindari. Ketika pemerintahan dinasti Zhou melemah, maka munculah 7 negara yang saling bersaing untuk memperebutkan seluruh wilayah cina. perebutan akhirnya dimenangkan oleh kerajaan Qin, tetapi setalah takdir Qin dipenuhi muncul 2 kerajaan yaitu Han dan Chu yang memperbutkan kekuasaan dan akhirnya Han yang menang. Kebangkitan han dimulai ketika liu bang memimpin pasukan untuk menyatukan seluruh cina dibawah panji-panjinya. warisan kekuasaan ini diturunkan turun-temurun dibawah dinasti han untuk 200 thn lamanya sampai pemberontakan yang dilakukan wang mang menimbulkan kekacauan. liu xue sebagai keturunan ke 2 1 kaisar Han Gao Zu (Liu Bang) akhirnya berhasil mengambil alih kembali kekuasaan dan akhirnya dinasti Han kembali berkuasa selama 200 thn sampai masa kekuasaan kaisar Xian yang pada masa pemerintahannya akhirnya dinasti Han terpecah menjadi suatu masa yang dikenal sejarah sebagai masa 3 kerajaan. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Minggu, 27 Maret 2011
Ayat-Ayat Cinta
Ayat-Ayat Cinta
Penulis: Habiburrahman El-Shirazy
Ayat-ayat cinta adalah sebuah novel yang ditulis oleh seorang novelis muda Indonesia kelahiran 30 September 1976 yang bernama Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. Ia adalah seorang sarjana lulusan Mesir dan sekarang sudah kembali ke tanah air. Sepintas lalu, novel ini seperti novel-novel Islami kebanyakan yang mencoba menebarkan dakwah melalui sebuah karya seni, namun setelah ditelaah lebih lanjut ternyata novel ini merupakan gabungan dari novel Islami, budaya dan juga novel cinta yang banyak disukai anak muda. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Habiburrahman El-Shirazy
Ayat-ayat cinta adalah sebuah novel yang ditulis oleh seorang novelis muda Indonesia kelahiran 30 September 1976 yang bernama Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. Ia adalah seorang sarjana lulusan Mesir dan sekarang sudah kembali ke tanah air. Sepintas lalu, novel ini seperti novel-novel Islami kebanyakan yang mencoba menebarkan dakwah melalui sebuah karya seni, namun setelah ditelaah lebih lanjut ternyata novel ini merupakan gabungan dari novel Islami, budaya dan juga novel cinta yang banyak disukai anak muda. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
A Thousand Splendid Suns
A Thousand Splendid Suns
Penulis: Khaled Hossaeni
Novel ini hendak menyentak perhatian dunia, bahwa pada era millennium ini, nasib perempuan secara masal masih teraniaya dan diinjak-injak oleh kaum lelaki. Khaled Hosseini seolah hendak menuduh bahwa itu semua bersumber dari kecamuk perang yang tiada akhir. Ajaran Islam yang semestinya menebarkan kedamaian bagi semesta alam, rahmatan lil’alamin, telah berubah menjadi monster yang menakutkan di tangan kelompok Taliban. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Khaled Hossaeni
Novel ini hendak menyentak perhatian dunia, bahwa pada era millennium ini, nasib perempuan secara masal masih teraniaya dan diinjak-injak oleh kaum lelaki. Khaled Hosseini seolah hendak menuduh bahwa itu semua bersumber dari kecamuk perang yang tiada akhir. Ajaran Islam yang semestinya menebarkan kedamaian bagi semesta alam, rahmatan lil’alamin, telah berubah menjadi monster yang menakutkan di tangan kelompok Taliban. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
The Professor and The Madman
The Professor and The Madman
Penulis: Simon Winchester
Tak ada kata lain yang lebih pas untuk diungkapkan bahwa novel ini adalah novel yang dahsyat dalam mengungkap sejarah dibalik pembuatan sebuah kamus inggris yang paling otoratif hingga kini.Sebuah buku yang tampaknya cocok dibaca oleh praktisi bahasa seperti para editor kamus bahasa, penulis, pemerhati bahasa indonesia, dll ini, setidaknya akan menyadarkan kita bahwa bahasa adalah milik masyarakat luas. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis: Simon Winchester
Tak ada kata lain yang lebih pas untuk diungkapkan bahwa novel ini adalah novel yang dahsyat dalam mengungkap sejarah dibalik pembuatan sebuah kamus inggris yang paling otoratif hingga kini.Sebuah buku yang tampaknya cocok dibaca oleh praktisi bahasa seperti para editor kamus bahasa, penulis, pemerhati bahasa indonesia, dll ini, setidaknya akan menyadarkan kita bahwa bahasa adalah milik masyarakat luas. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis : Vladimir Nabokov
Lolita adalah novel indah yang abadi. Sempat dilarang beredar di Amerika Serikat, novel ini hingga kini terus diperbincangkan orang dan menjadi buku laris di berbagai negara. Lolita bahkan dianggap sebagai salah satu novel terbaik sepanjang masa oleh sejumlah kritisi sastra. Kisah ini bernuansa muram, tetapi tak kehilangan sentuhan humor. Ia menjadi indah antara lain karena kepiawaian Vladimir Nabokov dalam melukiskan nuansa psikologis tokoh-tokohnya. Di atas segalanya, novel kontroversial ini adalah kisah luar biasa tentang kekuatan cinta dalam hidup manusia. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Penulis : Vladimir Nabokov
Lolita adalah novel indah yang abadi. Sempat dilarang beredar di Amerika Serikat, novel ini hingga kini terus diperbincangkan orang dan menjadi buku laris di berbagai negara. Lolita bahkan dianggap sebagai salah satu novel terbaik sepanjang masa oleh sejumlah kritisi sastra. Kisah ini bernuansa muram, tetapi tak kehilangan sentuhan humor. Ia menjadi indah antara lain karena kepiawaian Vladimir Nabokov dalam melukiskan nuansa psikologis tokoh-tokohnya. Di atas segalanya, novel kontroversial ini adalah kisah luar biasa tentang kekuatan cinta dalam hidup manusia. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
My Name is Red
My Name is Red
Penulis: Orhan Pamuk
Novel “My Name Is Red” karya Orhan Pamuk mengangkat kegelisahan yang sama di Turki. Turki sebagai sebuah entitas budaya berada dipersimpangan antara budaya barat dan timur. Novel yang dibuka dengan misteri terbunuhnya seseorang di dasar sumur mulai mengajak pembaca menikmati tamasya budaya dan pergulatan yang terjadi antara dua kutub budaya itu. Tradisi seni lukis Turki kuno mengajarkan untuk tidak mencoba masuk wilayah ego seniman dengan mencantumkan nama diri dan membuat gambar manusia secara perspektif proporsional. Sementara tradisi barat mengajarkan sebaliknya. [download]
Format : Ebook.Exe
Tan Malaka–Madilog (Materialisme, Dialektika, Logika)
Tan Malaka–Madilog (Materialisme, Dialektika, Logika)
Penulis: Tan Malaka
Mokojobi, 15-6-2602. tanggal opisil kini, waktu saya menulis “Madilog’’. Dalam perhitungan “tuan’’ yang sekarang sedang jatuh dari tahta pemerintahan Indonesia itu bersamaan dengan Donderdag Juli 15, 1942. Murid bangsa Indonesia yang bersekolah Arab dekat tempat saya menulis ini, menarikkan pada hari kamis, bulan Radjab 30, 1362. Semua itu memberi gambaran, bahwa Indonesia sebenarnya belum bertanggal berumur sendiri. Indonesia tulen belum timbul dari tenggelamnya berabad-abad itu. 11 Juli 1942 petang, saya sampai di Jakarta. Saya meninggalkan Telokbetong pada 7 Juli. Rupanya sama dengan tanggal Ir Sukarno meninggalkan Palembang. Tetapi ada perbedaan. Kapal yang saya tumpangi cuma perahu layar tak lebih dari 4 ton, tua dan bocor walaupun namanya merdu bunyinya “Sri Renyet’’. Perahu layar ini sama sekali menjadi permainan angin saja. Kalau angin dari belakang majulah dia. Kalau dari muka berlabuhlah dia, walaupun dekat karang, kalau dia tak mau dibalikkan kembali atau ditenggelamkan. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Bung Karno-Penyambung Lidah Rakyat Indonesia
Bung Karno-Penyambung Lidah Rakyat Indonesia
Penulis: Cindy Adams
Cara yang paling mudah untuk melukiskan tentang diri Sukarno ialah dengan menamakannya seorang yang maha‐pencinta. Ia mencintai negerinya, ia mencintai rakyatnya, ia mencintai wanita, ia mencintai seni dan melebihi daripada segala‐galanya ia cinta kepada dirinya sendiri. Sukarno adalah seorang manusia perasaan. Seorang pengagum. Ia menarik napas panjang apabila menyaksikan pemandangan yang indah. Jiwanya bergetar memandangi matahari terbenam di Indonesia. Ia menangis dikala menyanyikan lagu spirituil orang negro. Namun tidak setiap orang setuju dengan gambaran Sukarno tentang diri Sukarno. Tidak semua orang menyadari, bahwa jalan untuk mendekatiku adalah semata‐mata melalui hati jang ikhlas. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Penulis: Cindy Adams
Cara yang paling mudah untuk melukiskan tentang diri Sukarno ialah dengan menamakannya seorang yang maha‐pencinta. Ia mencintai negerinya, ia mencintai rakyatnya, ia mencintai wanita, ia mencintai seni dan melebihi daripada segala‐galanya ia cinta kepada dirinya sendiri. Sukarno adalah seorang manusia perasaan. Seorang pengagum. Ia menarik napas panjang apabila menyaksikan pemandangan yang indah. Jiwanya bergetar memandangi matahari terbenam di Indonesia. Ia menangis dikala menyanyikan lagu spirituil orang negro. Namun tidak setiap orang setuju dengan gambaran Sukarno tentang diri Sukarno. Tidak semua orang menyadari, bahwa jalan untuk mendekatiku adalah semata‐mata melalui hati jang ikhlas. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Membongkar Gurita Cikeas–Dibalik Skandal Bank Century
Membongkar Gurita Cikeas–Dibalik Skandal Bank Century
Penulis: George Junus Aditjondro
Badai kecil yang menerjang periode 100 hari kepemimpinan SBY itu tk dimungkiri berdampak pada menurunnya popularitas SBY sendiri di mata publik, satu permasalahan belum usai, kasus pelik kemba;li menghantam SBY berikut kendaraan politiknya. Sekedar menyadarkan, inilah misi dibalik diterbitkannya buku “Membongkar Gurit Cikeas”. Kami tidak bermaksud menyerang lingkaran keluarga Cikeas. Buku ini ditulis justeru sebagai bentuk KEPEDULIAN kami untuk memperbaik kinerja pemerintahan SBY. Kami berharap agar SBY benar-benar fair memberantas KKN tanpa pandang bulu, sudah barang tentu perang terhadap KKN itu dimulai dari keluarga besarnya. Jujur saja, konsistensi sikap SBY memerangi kasus korupsi menuai pandangan skeptis dari banyak kalangan. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Tahun Yang Tak Pernah Berakhir
Tahun Yang Tak Pernah Berakhir
Editor: John Roosa, Ayuh Ratih, dan Hilmar Farid
“Sejarah Lisan” bukan istilah yang akrab di telinga banyak orang Indonesia. Mungkin istilah itu malah dianggap aneh karena pemahaman umum mengenai sejarah adalah studi tentang masa lalu berdasarkan dokumen tertulis. Ketika kami mengatakan bahwa kami sedang menulis sejarah berdasarkan wawancara lisan, reaksi orang pada umumnya penuh keraguan: ”Bagaimana kalian bisa yakin bahwa orang yang diwawancarai itu memang berkata benar?”. reaksi ini bisa dimengerti karena ingatan manusia, tentu saja, tidak pernah lengkap dan bahkan bisa salah; cerita orang tentang pengalaman masa lalu selalu mungkin mengandung bermacam distorsi dn kesalahan. Bagaimana dengan anda?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Dalih Pembunuhan Massal–Gerakan 30 September dan Kudeta Soeharto
Dalih Pembunuhan Massal–Gerakan 30 September dan Kudeta Soeharto
Penulis: John Roosa
Bagi Sejarahwan yang ingin memahami perjalanan sejarah Indonesia Modern, hal yang terkadang menimbulkan rasa frustasi ialah justeru karena kejadian yang paling misterius ternyata merupakan salah satu babak kejadian yang terpenting. Sebagaimana ungkapan “Kebenaran tentang perebutan kekuasaan tidak boleh dibikin jelas; pada mulanya ia terjadi tanpa alas an tapi kemudian menjadi masuk akal. Kita harus memastikan bahwa kebenaran itu dianggap sah dan abadi; adapun asal-muasalnya sendiri harus disembunyikan, jika kita tidak ingin kebenaran itu cepat berakhir”. Lalu apa sesungguhnya yang terjadi pada tanggal 30 September 1965?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Penulis: John Roosa
Bagi Sejarahwan yang ingin memahami perjalanan sejarah Indonesia Modern, hal yang terkadang menimbulkan rasa frustasi ialah justeru karena kejadian yang paling misterius ternyata merupakan salah satu babak kejadian yang terpenting. Sebagaimana ungkapan “Kebenaran tentang perebutan kekuasaan tidak boleh dibikin jelas; pada mulanya ia terjadi tanpa alas an tapi kemudian menjadi masuk akal. Kita harus memastikan bahwa kebenaran itu dianggap sah dan abadi; adapun asal-muasalnya sendiri harus disembunyikan, jika kita tidak ingin kebenaran itu cepat berakhir”. Lalu apa sesungguhnya yang terjadi pada tanggal 30 September 1965?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
The Everything Classical Mythologi Book
The Everything Classical Mythologi Book
By: Lesley Bolton
What do you know about classical mythology? You know it’s important. Everyone knows it’s important. But why? How can stories created more than 2,000 years ago possibly influence your life? Just wait, you’ll see. If you haven’t yet been formally introduced to classical mythology, now is the perfect time! Allusions to Greek and Roman mythology are everywhere today. Look around you billboards, museums, and libraries are just a few of the places that have welcomed the ancient myths. Perhaps you think your only encounter with classical mythology so far was that stressful six-week crash course in high school followed by the traumatic final exam that held the power to make or break your GPA. But this isn’t true. You have had a direct connection with mythology your entire life, regardless of whether or not you studied it in school. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Lesley Bolton
What do you know about classical mythology? You know it’s important. Everyone knows it’s important. But why? How can stories created more than 2,000 years ago possibly influence your life? Just wait, you’ll see. If you haven’t yet been formally introduced to classical mythology, now is the perfect time! Allusions to Greek and Roman mythology are everywhere today. Look around you billboards, museums, and libraries are just a few of the places that have welcomed the ancient myths. Perhaps you think your only encounter with classical mythology so far was that stressful six-week crash course in high school followed by the traumatic final exam that held the power to make or break your GPA. But this isn’t true. You have had a direct connection with mythology your entire life, regardless of whether or not you studied it in school. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Lost Capital of Bizantium
Lost Capital of Bizantium
By: John Frelly
I REMEMBER my first sight of Mistra in the spring of 1973, when we drove through the mountains of the Peloponnesus to find the ruins of the city that was once the capital of the Byzantine Despotate of the Morea, one of the last outposts of Byzantium. We finally reached the site an hour or so before sunset, when we saw the conical hill crowned with the walls and towers of a crusader castle, with the ruins of the Palace of the Despots and a score of Byzantine churches clustering on the western slope below. The ghost city was shaded by spectral cypresses, the surrounding Vale of Sparta embowered in olive groves and fruit orchards, five snow-covered peaks of Mount Tagetus looming above the abandoned medieval capital to which we were making a pilgrimage. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: John Frelly
I REMEMBER my first sight of Mistra in the spring of 1973, when we drove through the mountains of the Peloponnesus to find the ruins of the city that was once the capital of the Byzantine Despotate of the Morea, one of the last outposts of Byzantium. We finally reached the site an hour or so before sunset, when we saw the conical hill crowned with the walls and towers of a crusader castle, with the ruins of the Palace of the Despots and a score of Byzantine churches clustering on the western slope below. The ghost city was shaded by spectral cypresses, the surrounding Vale of Sparta embowered in olive groves and fruit orchards, five snow-covered peaks of Mount Tagetus looming above the abandoned medieval capital to which we were making a pilgrimage. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Empire of Ancient Egypt
Empire of Ancient Egypt
By: Wendy Christensen
EGYPT, THE WORLD’S FIRST SUPERPOWER, WAS BORN ABOUT 5000 B.C.E. in the valley of the Nile River in northeastern Africa. Tucked into a long, narrow gorge threaded by the river and bounded by steep cliffs, Egypt enjoyed a predictable, mostly pleasant climate and natural barriers against invasion. To the west lay the Sahara Desert, to the east a harsh, mountainous wasteland. To the south, a series of six great rapids (called cataracts) obstructed the river. To the north was the “Great Green:” the Mediterranean Sea. An Egyptian called his homeland Kemet. His world was divided into lowland kemet (“black land”), the narrow ribbon of rich, black earth on the valley floor, and highland deshret (“red land”), the pale, reddish sand of the forbidding desert plateaus. Foreigners were “highlanders.” “Going up” meant leaving the valley; “descending” was returning home. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Wendy Christensen
EGYPT, THE WORLD’S FIRST SUPERPOWER, WAS BORN ABOUT 5000 B.C.E. in the valley of the Nile River in northeastern Africa. Tucked into a long, narrow gorge threaded by the river and bounded by steep cliffs, Egypt enjoyed a predictable, mostly pleasant climate and natural barriers against invasion. To the west lay the Sahara Desert, to the east a harsh, mountainous wasteland. To the south, a series of six great rapids (called cataracts) obstructed the river. To the north was the “Great Green:” the Mediterranean Sea. An Egyptian called his homeland Kemet. His world was divided into lowland kemet (“black land”), the narrow ribbon of rich, black earth on the valley floor, and highland deshret (“red land”), the pale, reddish sand of the forbidding desert plateaus. Foreigners were “highlanders.” “Going up” meant leaving the valley; “descending” was returning home. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Men, Sex and Relationship
Men, Sex and Relationship
Edited By: Victor J. Seidler
Men have grown up to identify with the public world of work. We have learned to be independent and self-sufficient. We have learned to go it alone and to do without the help of others. We have learned to identify with our work, even when it is not a matter of finding personal fulfilment but simply earning a wage. Class, racial and ethnic differences are obviously significant in men’s relationships to work, but male identity is in general an identity which is wrought within the public realm. Often there is little that prepares us for relationships, for in learning to be self-sufficient we learn to do without others. Often our very sense of male identity is sustained through our capacity for not needing the help of others. We learn to take pride in our selfsufficiency and we experience it as a sign of weakness to need the help of others. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Edited By: Victor J. Seidler
Men have grown up to identify with the public world of work. We have learned to be independent and self-sufficient. We have learned to go it alone and to do without the help of others. We have learned to identify with our work, even when it is not a matter of finding personal fulfilment but simply earning a wage. Class, racial and ethnic differences are obviously significant in men’s relationships to work, but male identity is in general an identity which is wrought within the public realm. Often there is little that prepares us for relationships, for in learning to be self-sufficient we learn to do without others. Often our very sense of male identity is sustained through our capacity for not needing the help of others. We learn to take pride in our selfsufficiency and we experience it as a sign of weakness to need the help of others. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Society of The Mind
Society of The Mind
By: Eric L. Harry
two pictures, side by side. On the right, a surgeon was seated at a computer terminal. On the left, a robotic arm held an electro stimulator an inch above the shiny surface of the patient’s cerebral cortex. The picture of the exposed brain switched to a close-up, and there were gasps and moans of “o-o-u” from the undergraduates. “There won’t be any gore,” Laura said to quiet the disturbance. “The surgeon is going to locate the correct entry point for the incision by testing the responses of the patient to stimulation of particular areas of the brain.” “All right, Doug,” the surgeon’s voice came over the television speaker. “Johns Hopkins” appeared under the crystalline image of a man who was wearing a white lab coat and staring at his computer monitor. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
The Ab Smart Fitness Plan
The Ab Smart Fitness Plan
By: Adam Weiss, D.C.
How often have you admired the midsection of a model on a magazine cover or on TV? No question, a well defined set of abs is appealing. But just wanting a six-pack isn’t enough. You’ve got to put together the right combination of exercises, determine the number of sets and repetition ranges to perform, and train the muscles frequently enough to elicit results and just about everyone has a different opinion about what works best! Moreover, it’s not as if you can just do the exercises and be done; you have to watch what you put into your mouth and burn enough calories to see your results. Women and men have been trying to lose weight and get their waistlines flatter, smaller, and stronger for years. Their reasons vary: some want to look and feel better to become more appealing and attractive, others take up exercising their midsection because they hope to prevent back pain, and some people do it as conditioning for sporting events. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Adam Weiss, D.C.
How often have you admired the midsection of a model on a magazine cover or on TV? No question, a well defined set of abs is appealing. But just wanting a six-pack isn’t enough. You’ve got to put together the right combination of exercises, determine the number of sets and repetition ranges to perform, and train the muscles frequently enough to elicit results and just about everyone has a different opinion about what works best! Moreover, it’s not as if you can just do the exercises and be done; you have to watch what you put into your mouth and burn enough calories to see your results. Women and men have been trying to lose weight and get their waistlines flatter, smaller, and stronger for years. Their reasons vary: some want to look and feel better to become more appealing and attractive, others take up exercising their midsection because they hope to prevent back pain, and some people do it as conditioning for sporting events. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Cara Memikat Wanita Idaman Anda
Cara Memikat Wanita Idaman Anda
Penulis: Ronald Frank
Sigmund Freud, Bapak psikologi modern yang lebih dari 30 tahun mempelajari tingkah laku manusia berkata “APA SIH YANG WANITA INGINKAN?”. Bahkan bapak psikologi modern saja bingung apa yang di-inginkan wanita. Wanita memang makhluk yang kompleks, banyak pria bingung apa sebenarnya yang di-inginkan Wanita. Kadang wanita berkata “A”, tapi saat si pria memberikan “A” wanita tersebut berubah pikiran dan menginginkan “B”, pada saat si Pria memberikan “B”, wanita bilang bahwa ternyata “A” lebih bagus tanpa alasan yang masuk akal. Pria memandang Wanita bagaikan sebuah kue coklat stroberi yang indah, lembut dan lezat. Sebuah santapan nikmat disaat perut mereka lapar sekaligus pemuas nafsu makan mereka. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Penulis: Ronald Frank
Sigmund Freud, Bapak psikologi modern yang lebih dari 30 tahun mempelajari tingkah laku manusia berkata “APA SIH YANG WANITA INGINKAN?”. Bahkan bapak psikologi modern saja bingung apa yang di-inginkan wanita. Wanita memang makhluk yang kompleks, banyak pria bingung apa sebenarnya yang di-inginkan Wanita. Kadang wanita berkata “A”, tapi saat si pria memberikan “A” wanita tersebut berubah pikiran dan menginginkan “B”, pada saat si Pria memberikan “B”, wanita bilang bahwa ternyata “A” lebih bagus tanpa alasan yang masuk akal. Pria memandang Wanita bagaikan sebuah kue coklat stroberi yang indah, lembut dan lezat. Sebuah santapan nikmat disaat perut mereka lapar sekaligus pemuas nafsu makan mereka. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
The Psychology of Emotion
The Psychology of Emotion
By: K.T. Strongman
Emotion is a daily, if not a moment-by-moment, occurrence. However, a treatise on emotion theory has to jump away temporarily from the everyday and instead begin with a consideration of what makes a good theory of emotion. If one were setting out to build a theory of emotion, what would one necessarily include, what issues would have to be dealt with? Although these are perfectly reasonable questions, they do not delve quite far enough. In order to make judgements about what is a good theory of emotion it is important to have some understanding of what makes a good theory in general, or, if not in general, at least in the science of psychology. This, then, is the starting point. There have been many penetrating analyses of the characteristics of good theory, but to reiterate them would be to go too far. It is enough to mention a few that might be considered particularly significant in the context of the present endeavour. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: K.T. Strongman
Emotion is a daily, if not a moment-by-moment, occurrence. However, a treatise on emotion theory has to jump away temporarily from the everyday and instead begin with a consideration of what makes a good theory of emotion. If one were setting out to build a theory of emotion, what would one necessarily include, what issues would have to be dealt with? Although these are perfectly reasonable questions, they do not delve quite far enough. In order to make judgements about what is a good theory of emotion it is important to have some understanding of what makes a good theory in general, or, if not in general, at least in the science of psychology. This, then, is the starting point. There have been many penetrating analyses of the characteristics of good theory, but to reiterate them would be to go too far. It is enough to mention a few that might be considered particularly significant in the context of the present endeavour. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Blink–The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
Blink–The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
By: Malcolm Gladwell
Imagine that I were to ask you to play a very simple gambling game. In front of you are four decks of cards two of them red and the other two blue. Each card in those four decks either wins you a sum of money or costs you some money, and your job is to turn over cards from any of the decks, one at a time, in such a way that maximizes your winnings. What you don’t know at the beginning, however, is that the red decks are a minefield. The rewards are high, but when you lose on the red cards, you lose a lot. Actually, you can win only by taking cards from the blue decks, which offer a nice steady diet of $50 payouts and modest penalties. The question is how long will it take you to figure this out?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Malcolm Gladwell
Imagine that I were to ask you to play a very simple gambling game. In front of you are four decks of cards two of them red and the other two blue. Each card in those four decks either wins you a sum of money or costs you some money, and your job is to turn over cards from any of the decks, one at a time, in such a way that maximizes your winnings. What you don’t know at the beginning, however, is that the red decks are a minefield. The rewards are high, but when you lose on the red cards, you lose a lot. Actually, you can win only by taking cards from the blue decks, which offer a nice steady diet of $50 payouts and modest penalties. The question is how long will it take you to figure this out?. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Never Be Lied To Again
Never Be Lied To Again
By: David J. Lieberman, Ph.D.
Honesty is at the cornerstone of every relationship, whether it’s business or personal. Being aware of someone else’s true intention is undeniably valiable, often saving you time, money, enrgy, and heartache. When you know a person’s true intent, you have the power to control the situation, or at the very least not be taken advantage of. There is no greater ability than consistenly and constantly making the right decisions in life. Remember, thought, your decisions are only as solid and right as the facts that you base them on. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: David J. Lieberman, Ph.D.
Honesty is at the cornerstone of every relationship, whether it’s business or personal. Being aware of someone else’s true intention is undeniably valiable, often saving you time, money, enrgy, and heartache. When you know a person’s true intent, you have the power to control the situation, or at the very least not be taken advantage of. There is no greater ability than consistenly and constantly making the right decisions in life. Remember, thought, your decisions are only as solid and right as the facts that you base them on. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
La Tahzan–Jangan Bersedih
La Tahzan–Jangan Bersedih
Penulis: Dr. Aidh al-Qarni
Dimana saja di zaman modern ini, permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh manusia sama saja. Manusia dibesarkan dalam latar belakang yang dibentuk oleh generasi pendahulunya, harus berhadapan dengan arus budaya global yang sama sekali baru, tapi harus dihadapi, diseleksi, bahkan diterima. Sehingga tak ada bedanya dimana pun kita hidup: di Indonesia, di Eropa, di Amerika, di Saudi Arabia sampai di pedalaman Afrika. Dengan membaca buku ini, pembaca diajak untuk melihat dan memahami perspektif itu. Disini pembaca dituntut untuk menjadi seorang pemerhati sosial budaya Timur Tengah, baru kemudian memahami permasalahan modernisme di wilayah itu. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Penulis: Dr. Aidh al-Qarni
Dimana saja di zaman modern ini, permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh manusia sama saja. Manusia dibesarkan dalam latar belakang yang dibentuk oleh generasi pendahulunya, harus berhadapan dengan arus budaya global yang sama sekali baru, tapi harus dihadapi, diseleksi, bahkan diterima. Sehingga tak ada bedanya dimana pun kita hidup: di Indonesia, di Eropa, di Amerika, di Saudi Arabia sampai di pedalaman Afrika. Dengan membaca buku ini, pembaca diajak untuk melihat dan memahami perspektif itu. Disini pembaca dituntut untuk menjadi seorang pemerhati sosial budaya Timur Tengah, baru kemudian memahami permasalahan modernisme di wilayah itu. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Jalan Terindah-Sebuah Perjalanan Menuju Allah Melalui Shalat
Jalan Terindah-Sebuah Perjalanan Menuju Allah Melalui Shalat
Editor: Imam Sutrisno
“Tidakkah engkau mengetahui bahwa sesungguhnya bertasbih kepada Allah siapa pun yang ada di langit dan bumi, dan burung dengan mengembangkan sayapnya. Sungguh setiap sesuatu mengetahui cara shalatnya dan cara tasbihnya masing-masing. Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui terhadap apa yang mereka kerjakan.” (QS. An Nuur : 41). Penegakkan shalat harus diawali dengan sebuah pengetahuan tentang hal–hal yang menyertainya. Karena amal sedikit dibarengi ilmu pengetahuan, adalah lebih baik daripada amal banyak penuh kebodohan, sehingga pengetahuan mendalam tentang syarat, rukun termasuk adab lahir maupun batin menjadi hal mutlak, bila ingin menapaki “perjalanan dalam shalat”. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Risalah Ramadhan
Risalah Ramadhan
Editor: Imam Sutrisno
Puasa Ramadhan adalah rukun keempat dalam Islam. Firman Allah Ta’ala : “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang sebelum kamu agar kamu bertaqwa. “(Al-Baqarah : 183). Sabda Nabi : Islam didirikan di atas lima sendi, yaitu: syahadat tiada sembahan yang haq selain Allah dan Muhammad adalah rasul Allah, mendirikan shalat, menunaikan zakat, puasa Ramadhan dan pergi hajike Baitul Haram. ” (Hadits Muttafaq ‘Alaih). Ibadah puasa merupakan salah satu sarana penting untuk mencapai takwa, dan salah satu sebab untuk mendapatkan ampunan dosa-dosa, pelipatgandaan kebaikan, dan pengangkatan derajat. Allah telah menjadikan ibadah puasa khusus untuk diri-Nya dari amal-amal ibadah lainnya. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Editor: Imam Sutrisno
Puasa Ramadhan adalah rukun keempat dalam Islam. Firman Allah Ta’ala : “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang sebelum kamu agar kamu bertaqwa. “(Al-Baqarah : 183). Sabda Nabi : Islam didirikan di atas lima sendi, yaitu: syahadat tiada sembahan yang haq selain Allah dan Muhammad adalah rasul Allah, mendirikan shalat, menunaikan zakat, puasa Ramadhan dan pergi hajike Baitul Haram. ” (Hadits Muttafaq ‘Alaih). Ibadah puasa merupakan salah satu sarana penting untuk mencapai takwa, dan salah satu sebab untuk mendapatkan ampunan dosa-dosa, pelipatgandaan kebaikan, dan pengangkatan derajat. Allah telah menjadikan ibadah puasa khusus untuk diri-Nya dari amal-amal ibadah lainnya. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Dee Supernova–Akar
Dee Supernova–Akar
Penerbit: Truedee Books
Engkaulah gulita yang memupuskan segala batasan dan alas an. Engkaulah penunjuk jalan menuju palung kekosongan dalam samudera terkelam. Engkaulah sayap tanpa tepi yang membentang menuju tempat tak bernama namun terasa ada. Ajarkan aku, melebur dalam gelap tanpa harus lenyap, Merengkuh rasa takut tanpa perlu surut. Bangun dari ilusi namun tak memilih pergi. Tunggu aku, yang hanya selangkah dari bibir jurangmu. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Penerbit: Truedee Books
Engkaulah gulita yang memupuskan segala batasan dan alas an. Engkaulah penunjuk jalan menuju palung kekosongan dalam samudera terkelam. Engkaulah sayap tanpa tepi yang membentang menuju tempat tak bernama namun terasa ada. Ajarkan aku, melebur dalam gelap tanpa harus lenyap, Merengkuh rasa takut tanpa perlu surut. Bangun dari ilusi namun tak memilih pergi. Tunggu aku, yang hanya selangkah dari bibir jurangmu. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Dee Supernova–Petir
Dee Supernova–Petir
Penulis: Nurul Huda Kariem MR.
Engkaulah kilatan cahaya yang menyapu lenyapkan segala jajak dan baying. Engkaulah bentangan sinar yang menjembatani jurang antar duka mencinta dan bahagia terdera. Engkaulah tenang yang kudekap dalam gelap saat bumi bersiap diri untuk selamanya lelap. Andai kau sadar arti pelitamu. Andai kau lihat hitamnya sepi di balik punggungmu. Tak akan kau sayatkan luka demi menggarisi jarakmu dengan aku. karena kita satu. Andai kau tahu. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Penulis: Nurul Huda Kariem MR.
Engkaulah kilatan cahaya yang menyapu lenyapkan segala jajak dan baying. Engkaulah bentangan sinar yang menjembatani jurang antar duka mencinta dan bahagia terdera. Engkaulah tenang yang kudekap dalam gelap saat bumi bersiap diri untuk selamanya lelap. Andai kau sadar arti pelitamu. Andai kau lihat hitamnya sepi di balik punggungmu. Tak akan kau sayatkan luka demi menggarisi jarakmu dengan aku. karena kita satu. Andai kau tahu. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
God Loves Golfers Best
God Loves Golfers Best
By: Ray Foley
Golf Course or… Four married guys go golfi ng. While playing the 4th hole, the following conversation takes place: 1st Guy: “You have no idea what I had to do to be able to come out golfi ng this weekend. I had to promise my wife that I would paint every room in the house next weekend.” 2nd Guy: “That’s nothing. I had to promise my wife I would build a new deck for the pool.” 3rd Guy: “Man, you both have it easy! I had to promise my wife I would remodel the kitchen for her.” They continued to play the hole when they realized that the 4th guy hadn’t said anything. So they asked him, “You haven’t said anything about what you had to do to be able to come golfi ng this weekend. What’s the deal?” 4th Guy: “I just set my alarm for 5:30 a.m. and when it went off, I shut off the alarm, gave the wife a nudge, and said, ‘Golf course or intercourse?’ And she said, ‘Wear your sweater.” [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Dirty Jokes and Beer
Dirty Jokes and Beer
By: Drew Carey
Thanks for taking the time to read my first book. I hope you enjoy it. I just wanted to remind you that I didn’t use a ghost writer for this. I could have. I probably should have, it would’ve been easier. But because of pride, I didn’t. It’s all mine, except for a couple of jokes that I got from my friends, and the jokes at the beginning of the chapters. So, if you’re a “real writer” and you’re thinking to yourself “I could’ve done better than this,” you’re probably right. But then. you don’t have a TV show, so . . . I’m sorry. I know that I only write “pretty good for a celebrity”; I am to writing what Bruce Willis is to the Blues. But I didn’t make the marketplace, I just took advantage of it. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
A Man Walks into A Bar
A Man Walks into A Bar
By: Billy Brownless
A MAN WALKS INTO A BAR with his little Jack Russell terrier. He puts the dog on the barstool next to his. The bartender wanders over and the man says, ‘I’ll have a pot thanks, mate.’ The dog says, ‘I’ll have a margarita.’ The bartender does a double-take and looks over to the dog and asks, ‘Did you just talk?’ ‘Yep,’ says the dog. ‘My God!’ says the bartender. ‘That’s incredible. This is unreal. Who would have thought: a talking dog, here in my bar? Tell me more about yourself. You must have had an amazing life as a talking dog.’ The dog assumes an indifferent pose and speaks in quite a matter-of-fact manner: ‘Yeah, you could say it’s been a big journey. ‘Yeah, you could say it’s been a big journey. I trained for a while with the US Marines. Saw a bit of action in Iraq can’t tell you more. What’s Next. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
101 Sex Jokes and Comix
101 Sex Jokes and Comix
By: Lisa A. Shoemaker
Welcome to my labor of love. This book me several months to create, exclusively for Ebook sites. My husband said I was wasting my time with creating this book. I beg to differ. Now that he has seen the finished product he says I should stay in the Ebook business make us rich. I don’t know about getting rich, but if does pay the bill. I have sold a few rights and plan to sell it to ore Ebook sites in the future. Each page has one joke and a commix picture. Some pages have a very short joke and this makes for a page that has very little text on it. It may not look the best, but I wanted it to be that way. One joke, one picture, one page. Well, let’s start with same great laughter and then at the end it a bonus section called “A Few Sick Ones For You”. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Lisa A. Shoemaker
Welcome to my labor of love. This book me several months to create, exclusively for Ebook sites. My husband said I was wasting my time with creating this book. I beg to differ. Now that he has seen the finished product he says I should stay in the Ebook business make us rich. I don’t know about getting rich, but if does pay the bill. I have sold a few rights and plan to sell it to ore Ebook sites in the future. Each page has one joke and a commix picture. Some pages have a very short joke and this makes for a page that has very little text on it. It may not look the best, but I wanted it to be that way. One joke, one picture, one page. Well, let’s start with same great laughter and then at the end it a bonus section called “A Few Sick Ones For You”. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Mati Ketawa Cara Daripada Soeharto
Mati Ketawa Cara Daripada Soeharto
Penulis: Rakyat Indonesia
Di tengah krisis ekonomi ynag membuat ribuan rakyat kecil bertambah penderitaannya, sejumlah pejabat Indonesia menyatakan bahwa rakyat Indonesia adalah orang yang paling terbiasa dengan penderitaan. Barangkali pernyataan ini benar adanya tapi jugga barangkali pernyataan ini adalah sebuah humor baru yanglebih mirip sebuah parodi. Kumpulan Humor yang diterbitkan dalam buku ini seluruhnya di download dari internet, hal ini paling tidak membuktikan bahwa ternyata tidak semua manusia Indonesia telah “mati pikir” di negerinya sendiri. Ada sejumlah orang yang masih kreatif dan berotak sehat. Buktinya mereka masih bisa membuat HUMOR. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Penulis: Rakyat Indonesia
Di tengah krisis ekonomi ynag membuat ribuan rakyat kecil bertambah penderitaannya, sejumlah pejabat Indonesia menyatakan bahwa rakyat Indonesia adalah orang yang paling terbiasa dengan penderitaan. Barangkali pernyataan ini benar adanya tapi jugga barangkali pernyataan ini adalah sebuah humor baru yanglebih mirip sebuah parodi. Kumpulan Humor yang diterbitkan dalam buku ini seluruhnya di download dari internet, hal ini paling tidak membuktikan bahwa ternyata tidak semua manusia Indonesia telah “mati pikir” di negerinya sendiri. Ada sejumlah orang yang masih kreatif dan berotak sehat. Buktinya mereka masih bisa membuat HUMOR. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Abu Nawas Sang Penggeli Hati
Abu Nawas Sang Penggeli Hati
Penulis: MB. Rahimsyah
Nama Abu Nawas begitu populernya, sehingga cerita-cerita yang mengandung humor banyak dinisbatkan berasal dari Abu Nawas. Tokoh semacam Abu Nawas yang mampu mengatasi berbagai persoalan rumit dengan style humor atau bahkan humor politis ternyata juga tidak hanya ada di negeri Baghdad. Kita mengenal Syekh Juha yang hampir sama piawainya dengan Abu Nawas, juga Nasaruddin Hoja sang sufi yang lucu namun cerdas. Kita juga mengenal Kabayan di Jawa Barat yang konyol namun ternyata juga cerdas. Abu Nawas! Setelah mati pun masih bisa membuat orang tertawa. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Penulis: MB. Rahimsyah
Nama Abu Nawas begitu populernya, sehingga cerita-cerita yang mengandung humor banyak dinisbatkan berasal dari Abu Nawas. Tokoh semacam Abu Nawas yang mampu mengatasi berbagai persoalan rumit dengan style humor atau bahkan humor politis ternyata juga tidak hanya ada di negeri Baghdad. Kita mengenal Syekh Juha yang hampir sama piawainya dengan Abu Nawas, juga Nasaruddin Hoja sang sufi yang lucu namun cerdas. Kita juga mengenal Kabayan di Jawa Barat yang konyol namun ternyata juga cerdas. Abu Nawas! Setelah mati pun masih bisa membuat orang tertawa. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
Say What You Mean Get What You Want
Say What You Mean Get What You Want
By: Judith C. Tingley, Ph.D.
I have a vivid memory of my early attempts at assertive communication. It was twenty-five years ago, give or take a year, and I was a nurse with a master’s degree in psychiatric nursing. I had always had some difficulty with the “subservient” approach that seems de rigueur for nurses (generally all female) with doctors (generally all male). Plus, I was married to a physician who basically had the same thoughts about wives, at least at that time, that he did about nurses. When I discovered assertive communication, my life changed. I saw that there was a way to be direct, open, and honest without being obnoxious. I realized I could express myself clearly and concisely without resorting to manipulation or intimidation. I was an immediate convert. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
By: Judith C. Tingley, Ph.D.
I have a vivid memory of my early attempts at assertive communication. It was twenty-five years ago, give or take a year, and I was a nurse with a master’s degree in psychiatric nursing. I had always had some difficulty with the “subservient” approach that seems de rigueur for nurses (generally all female) with doctors (generally all male). Plus, I was married to a physician who basically had the same thoughts about wives, at least at that time, that he did about nurses. When I discovered assertive communication, my life changed. I saw that there was a way to be direct, open, and honest without being obnoxious. I realized I could express myself clearly and concisely without resorting to manipulation or intimidation. I was an immediate convert. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
The Wisdom of The Ancient Greeks
The Wisdom of The Ancient Greeks
Compiled By: Mel Thompson
FROM A period of about 200 years, beginning in the late 500s BC, Athens was the centre of Greek culture. The height of this period, from 461 BC to 431 BC, is often called the Golden Age. During this period, largely as a result of the emergence of democracy, literature flourished. Drama in the form of tragedy became the most important literary form. Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides are the three greatest tragic playwrights. Aeschylus’s plays are noted for seriousness, majestic language and complexity of thought. Those of Sophocles are noted for characterisation, graceful language, and sense of proportion. Euripides, the ‘philosopher of the stage’ explored human emotions and passions. Comedy was also prominent in the 400s BC. The plays of Aristophanes, a writer of bawdy and satiric comedy, reflected the sense of freedom, vitality, and spirit that pervaded Athens at the time. [download]
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Compiled By: Mel Thompson
FROM A period of about 200 years, beginning in the late 500s BC, Athens was the centre of Greek culture. The height of this period, from 461 BC to 431 BC, is often called the Golden Age. During this period, largely as a result of the emergence of democracy, literature flourished. Drama in the form of tragedy became the most important literary form. Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides are the three greatest tragic playwrights. Aeschylus’s plays are noted for seriousness, majestic language and complexity of thought. Those of Sophocles are noted for characterisation, graceful language, and sense of proportion. Euripides, the ‘philosopher of the stage’ explored human emotions and passions. Comedy was also prominent in the 400s BC. The plays of Aristophanes, a writer of bawdy and satiric comedy, reflected the sense of freedom, vitality, and spirit that pervaded Athens at the time. [download]
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You Can Win
You Can Win
By: Shiv Khera
This book will help you establish new goals, develop a new sense of purpose, and generate new ideas about yourself and your future. It will enable you, as the title suggests, to guarantee yourself a lifetime of success. But the concepts in this book cannot be absorbed by casual browsing or by gulping the whole book down in one reading. It should be read slowly and carefully, one chapter at a time. Don’t move on to the next chapter until you are sure you understand every concept in the previous chapter. Use this as a workbook. Write marginal notes to yourself. Use a highlighter as you read and mark those words or sentences or paragraphs that seem vital, or especially applicable to you. As you read, discuss the concepts in each chapter with your spouse or partner, or with a close friend. A second (and hopefully frank) opinion from someone who knows your strengths and weaknesses can be especially helpful. [download]
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By: Shiv Khera
This book will help you establish new goals, develop a new sense of purpose, and generate new ideas about yourself and your future. It will enable you, as the title suggests, to guarantee yourself a lifetime of success. But the concepts in this book cannot be absorbed by casual browsing or by gulping the whole book down in one reading. It should be read slowly and carefully, one chapter at a time. Don’t move on to the next chapter until you are sure you understand every concept in the previous chapter. Use this as a workbook. Write marginal notes to yourself. Use a highlighter as you read and mark those words or sentences or paragraphs that seem vital, or especially applicable to you. As you read, discuss the concepts in each chapter with your spouse or partner, or with a close friend. A second (and hopefully frank) opinion from someone who knows your strengths and weaknesses can be especially helpful. [download]
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Motivation Und Handeln
Motivation Und Handeln
Autoren: Jutta Heckhausen Und Heinz Heckhausen
Von Motivation ist viel die Rede. Das Wort ist neuerdings in die Umgangssprache eingedrungen. Man benutzt es, um zu sagen, daß jemand etwas gern tut oder von sich aus tut. So gibt es den Schuler, der motiviert ist; offensichtlich ein Sachverhalt, der nicht oder nicht mehr selbstverstandlich ist. In der Psychologie hat Motivation eine lange und verwickelte Begriffsgeschichte. Noch verwickelter ist die dazugehorige Forschungsgeschichte der letzten hundert Jahre. Es gibt kaum ein Teilgebiet psychologischer Forschung, in dem man sich nicht auch auf Effekte von Motivationsvorgangen beriefe; und sei es nur, um unerwartete Befunde nachtraglich zu erklaren. Seit einigen Jahrzehnten hat sich eine eigene Motivationsforschung herausgebildet. Selbst sie ist schwer zu uberblicken. Das liegt weniger an ihrem standig wachsenden Umfang als an der Verschiedenartigkeit der sie tragenden Impulse. [download]
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Human Evolution
Human Evolution
By: Camilo J. Cela Conde and Francisco J. Ayala
All organisms are related by descent from common ancestors. Humans and other mammals descend from shrewlike creatures that lived more than 150 million years ago (Ma); mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes share as ancestors aquatic worms that lived 600 Ma; and all plants and animals derive from bacteria-like microorganisms that originated more than 3 billion years ago. Biological evolution is a process of descent with modification. The process consists of two components. Lineages of organisms change through the generations (anagenesis or phyletic evolution); diversity arises because the lineages that descend from common ancestors diverge through time (cladogenesis or lineage splitting, the process by which new species arise). [download]
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By: Camilo J. Cela Conde and Francisco J. Ayala
All organisms are related by descent from common ancestors. Humans and other mammals descend from shrewlike creatures that lived more than 150 million years ago (Ma); mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes share as ancestors aquatic worms that lived 600 Ma; and all plants and animals derive from bacteria-like microorganisms that originated more than 3 billion years ago. Biological evolution is a process of descent with modification. The process consists of two components. Lineages of organisms change through the generations (anagenesis or phyletic evolution); diversity arises because the lineages that descend from common ancestors diverge through time (cladogenesis or lineage splitting, the process by which new species arise). [download]
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Theories of Race and Racism
Theories of Race and Racism
Edited By: Les Back and John Solomos
EVEN FEW YEARS AGO, A COLLECTION of this kind would have been difficult to put together. This is not because questions about race and racism were not of importance in either social or political terms. Rather, the major difficulty would have been in finding the variety of studies that seek to address questions about how to theorise race and racism and develop conceptual tools for the analysis of the variety of ways in which they have shaped both past and contemporary societies. This is no longer the case, as is evidenced by the everexpanding range of books and journals that address questions about race, racism and related topics from a variety of disciplinary and conceptual perspectives (for an overview of some of these developments see Bulmer and Solomos 1999). It is also clear that there is growing academic and public recognition of the importance of studying these phenomena and developing conceptual tools for analysing the role and impact of racial inequality, racist movements and parties and forms of racial and ethnic violence. [download]
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Edited By: Les Back and John Solomos
EVEN FEW YEARS AGO, A COLLECTION of this kind would have been difficult to put together. This is not because questions about race and racism were not of importance in either social or political terms. Rather, the major difficulty would have been in finding the variety of studies that seek to address questions about how to theorise race and racism and develop conceptual tools for the analysis of the variety of ways in which they have shaped both past and contemporary societies. This is no longer the case, as is evidenced by the everexpanding range of books and journals that address questions about race, racism and related topics from a variety of disciplinary and conceptual perspectives (for an overview of some of these developments see Bulmer and Solomos 1999). It is also clear that there is growing academic and public recognition of the importance of studying these phenomena and developing conceptual tools for analysing the role and impact of racial inequality, racist movements and parties and forms of racial and ethnic violence. [download]
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Making Science Social
Making Science Social
By: Kathleen Wellman
THÉOPHRASTE RENAUDOT’S PREFACE TO THE PUBLISHED VOLUME of the first hundred conferences held at the Bureau d’Adresse explicitly heralds their unusual character. The goal of his conferences, Renaudot claims, is to rescue the sciences from scholarly obscurity and to make things intelligible without “the unpleasant and perpetual task of first surmounting the difficulties of exotic words.” Like many works written in the period of the scientific revolution, the tenor of the proceedings is deliberately iconoclastic. Participants eschew the authority of established figures except on special occasions, because, as Renaudot proclaims in his preface, “if any man speaks reason, it ought to suffice without another’s authority to recommend it.” [download]
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By: Kathleen Wellman
THÉOPHRASTE RENAUDOT’S PREFACE TO THE PUBLISHED VOLUME of the first hundred conferences held at the Bureau d’Adresse explicitly heralds their unusual character. The goal of his conferences, Renaudot claims, is to rescue the sciences from scholarly obscurity and to make things intelligible without “the unpleasant and perpetual task of first surmounting the difficulties of exotic words.” Like many works written in the period of the scientific revolution, the tenor of the proceedings is deliberately iconoclastic. Participants eschew the authority of established figures except on special occasions, because, as Renaudot proclaims in his preface, “if any man speaks reason, it ought to suffice without another’s authority to recommend it.” [download]
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Essentials of Political Research
Essentials of Political Research
By: Alan D. Monroe
This book is intended as a comprehensive text for an introductory course in research methods for the social sciences. While written with students of Political Science in mind, it would be appropriate for similar disciplines. The inteiltioil in this book is to concentrate on the essentza:als, Given the broad scope of this book and its relatively brief length, I have attexnpted to concentrate on wllat seem to be the most ixnporrailt points necessary to understanding the research process, At the same time, I have attempted to cover those points in sufticient depth tl-rat the reader will be able to understand them. Therefore, it has been necessary to dispense with some technical details that a longer and more advanced text inight include. [download]
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Qualitative Research in Practice
Qualitative Research in Practice
By: Yvonne Darlington and Dorothy Scott
The world of research and the world of practice have remained fairly separate. Yet every day those working in the human services field, be it with individuals, families, groups or whole communities, generate multiple questions from their practice. Some of the questions which arise are clinical hypotheses ideas about the possible background features or presenting features in a particular individual or family, or working hypotheses about interventions that may result in a certain outcome in a particular case. Beyond the clinical level are similar questions which might relate to a whole group of service users, or how to collaborate with others to bring about a change in an organisation, a community or an entire service system. [download]
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Fiscal Management
Fiscal Management
Edited By: Anwar Shah
This book is concerned with incentives that ensure the accountability of the public sector. It provides tools to address issues of fiscal prudence, fiscal stress, citizen accountability, and public integrity. Fiscal Prudence Test: Are institutional arrangements appropriate to ensure that the government is constrained to raising taxes, expenditures, deficits, debts, and other liabilities only within affordable and sustainable limits? This question is the focus of several chapters. Jürgen von Hagen in chapter 1 is concerned with the political economy of the budgeting processes and discusses the implications of incomplete contracts of voters with politicians. In view of these incomplete contracts, politicians can use targeted public policies to ensure their confirmation in office. [download]
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Edited By: Anwar Shah
This book is concerned with incentives that ensure the accountability of the public sector. It provides tools to address issues of fiscal prudence, fiscal stress, citizen accountability, and public integrity. Fiscal Prudence Test: Are institutional arrangements appropriate to ensure that the government is constrained to raising taxes, expenditures, deficits, debts, and other liabilities only within affordable and sustainable limits? This question is the focus of several chapters. Jürgen von Hagen in chapter 1 is concerned with the political economy of the budgeting processes and discusses the implications of incomplete contracts of voters with politicians. In view of these incomplete contracts, politicians can use targeted public policies to ensure their confirmation in office. [download]
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Fundamentals of Financial Management
Fundamentals of Financial Management
By: Brigham and. Houston
For many companies, the decision would have been an easy “yes.” However, Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Inc. has always taken pride in doing things differently. Its profits had been declining, but in 1995 the company was offered an opportunity to sell its premium ice cream in the lucrative Japanese market. However, Ben & Jerry’s turned down the business because the Japanese firm that would have distributed their product had failed to develop a reputation for promoting social causes! Robert Holland Jr., Ben & Jerry’s CEO at the time, commented that, “The only reason to take the opportunity was to make money.” Clearly, Holland, who resigned from the company in late 1996, thought there was more to running a business than just making money. [download]
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Financial Management
Financial Management
By: Jae K. Shim and Joel G. Siegel
Typical goals of the firm include (1) stockholder wealth maximization; (2) profit maximization; (3) managerial reward maximization; (4) behavioral goals; and (5) social responsibility. Modern managerial finance theory operates on the assumption that the primary goal of the firm is to maximize the wealth of its stockholders, which translates into maximizing the price of the firm’s common stock. The other goals mentioned above also influence a firm’s policy but are less important than stock price maximization. Note that the traditional goal frequently stressed by economists profiTypical goals of the firm include (1) stockholder wealth maximization; (2) profit maximization; (3) managerial reward maximization; (4) behavioral goals; and (5) social responsibility. [download]
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Identity Management–Concepts, Technologies and Systems
Identity Management–Concepts, Technologies and Systems
By: Elisa Bertino and Kenji Takakashi
Nowadays, a global information infrastructure the Web connects remote parties worldwide through the use of large scale networks, relying on application- level protocols and services, such as recent Web service technology. Enterprises are increasingly taking advantage of computing resources available on the Web through the use of cloud computing and virtualization technologies. Execution of activities in various domains and levels, such as shopping, entertainment, business and scientific collaboration, and social networking, is increasingly based on the use of remote resources and services, and on the interaction between different remotely located parties that may, and sometimes should, know little about each other. [download]
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Cetak Biru Pengembangan Perbankan Syariah Indonesia
Cetak Biru Pengembangan Perbankan Syariah Indonesia
Penulis: Bank Indonesia
Menyadari bahwa pertumbuhan perbankan syariah nasional yang relatif cepat, maka diperlukan suatu cetak biru pengembangan yang memberikan arahan yang ingin dicapai serta tahapan-tahapan untuk mewujudkan sasran pengembangan jangka panjang. Dalam cetak biru ini ditetapkan Visi dan Misi pengembangan perbankan syariah nasional yang disusun dengan mengelaborasi nilai-nilai dasar ekonomi syariah yang perlu dijiwai dalam pengembangan perbankan syariah baik dari perspektif mikro maupun makro. Berdasarkan visi dan misi yang ditetapkan serta memperhatikan kondisi aktual perbankan syariah nasional yang meliputi identifikasi faktor-faktor berpengaruh, tren perkembangan dan permasalahan utama yang dihadapi, ditetapkan sasaran dan pengembangan perbankan syariah nasional yang objektif dan realistis untuk periode sepuluh tahun kedepan. [download]
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Penulis: Bank Indonesia
Menyadari bahwa pertumbuhan perbankan syariah nasional yang relatif cepat, maka diperlukan suatu cetak biru pengembangan yang memberikan arahan yang ingin dicapai serta tahapan-tahapan untuk mewujudkan sasran pengembangan jangka panjang. Dalam cetak biru ini ditetapkan Visi dan Misi pengembangan perbankan syariah nasional yang disusun dengan mengelaborasi nilai-nilai dasar ekonomi syariah yang perlu dijiwai dalam pengembangan perbankan syariah baik dari perspektif mikro maupun makro. Berdasarkan visi dan misi yang ditetapkan serta memperhatikan kondisi aktual perbankan syariah nasional yang meliputi identifikasi faktor-faktor berpengaruh, tren perkembangan dan permasalahan utama yang dihadapi, ditetapkan sasaran dan pengembangan perbankan syariah nasional yang objektif dan realistis untuk periode sepuluh tahun kedepan. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
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